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{{REVIEWEDPLS | reviewer = [http://bhmlawyers.ca/team-2/samantha-de-wit/ Samantha de Wit], Brown Henderson Melbye, and [http://jimalelawcorp.com/about-zahra/ Zahra H. Jimale], Jimale Law Corporation|date= October 2018}} {{Dial-A-Law TOC|expanded = divorce}}
This script will be helpful if your spouse is about to begin divorce proceedings, or if you’ve already been served with divorce papers. In most cases, you’ll want to hire a lawyer to represent you, but this script should give you a general understanding of your situation. Note that you only have a limited time to respond to the divorce papers.
If a divorce proceeding has been started against you, you have two choices: do nothing or respond to the proceeding. Learn what’s involved in '''responding to divorce proceedings''' in BC.

This script will be helpful if your spouse is about to begin divorce proceedings, or if you’ve already been served with divorce papers. In most cases, you’ll want to hire a lawyer to represent you, but this script should give you a general understanding of your situation. Note that you only have a limited time to respond to the divorce papers.
==Understand your legal rights==

This script only applies to married spouses. Unmarried spouses and other unmarried couples do not need to get a divorce.
===A divorce proceeding begins with a notice of claim===
When your spouse begins divorce proceedings, they file '''notice of claim''' in court. Your spouse is the '''claimant'''. You are called the '''respondent'''.

==What are the court forms used to start a divorce court case?==
====The notice of claim must be served on you====
The document you’ll receive (or have already received) is called a Notice of Family Claim. Your spouse, the person who started the court case, is called the claimant. You are the respondent.
The claimant must arrange for the notice of claim to be '''personally served''' on the respondent. This means the notice of claim must be given to you in person by someone other than your spouse.  

The claimant must arrange for personal service of the Notice of Family Claim. This means that the Notice of Family Claim must be delivered to you in person. If you’re not available to receive the papers or the claimant has difficulty personally serving you, he or she can ask the court to serve you “substitutionally” by, for example, leaving the papers at your last known address, with your close relatives, or in your mailbox.
If you’re not available to receive the papers or the claimant has trouble serving you personally, they can seek the court’s permission to serve you '''substitutionally'''. This might involve, for example, leaving the papers at your last known address, with your close relatives, or in your mailbox.

Make sure you read the Notice of Family Claim carefully. This document states the orders that the claimant wants the court to make. Whether and how you respond to the Notice of Family Claims depends on the orders the claimant is asking for.
====Read the notice of claim====
Read the notice of claim carefully. It states the orders the claimant wants the court to make. Whether and how you respond to the notice of claim depends on the orders the claimant is asking for and whether you agree with the claims or not.

==Consider consulting a lawyer==
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Because the claims made in the Notice of Family Claim could significantly affect your rights, you should consider asking a lawyer to review them with you and explain exactly what orders your spouse is asking the court to make.
Because the claims in a divorce proceeding could significantly affect your rights, you should consider asking a lawyer to review the notice of claim with you and explain what it means.

==There are strict time limits to respond==
===There are time limits to respond===
You must respond to the Notice of Family Claim within 30 days of the date you were served by filing a Response to Family Claim in court and serving the filed Response to Family Claim on the claimant by “ordinary service.” It is very important that you do this if you disagree with any of the orders the claimant is asking for. If you don’t respond, the court can make orders without any further notice to you.
You must respond to the notice of claim '''within 30 days of the date you were served'''. You respond by filing a '''response''' in court and serving the filed response on the claimant.  

Ordinary service means mailing or faxing (or sometimes emailing) a document to the claimant’s Address for Service, which can include a fax number for service and an email address for service. The claimant’s Address for Service will be set out in his or her Notice of Family Claim.
It is very important to respond if you disagree with any of the orders the claimant is asking for. If you don’t respond, the court can make the orders your spouse is asking for without any further notice to you.

==What’s in the Notice of Family Claim?==
You can serve the response on the claimant by '''ordinary service'''. This involves mailing or faxing (or sometimes emailing) the document to the claimant’s “address for service”. The claimant’s address for service will be set out in their notice of claim.
The Notice of Family Claim gives the court basic information about you and your spouse, and the details of your marriage and separation. The schedules to the Notice of Family Claim describe the orders your spouse is asking the court to make. At a minimum, this will be an order for your divorce, but your spouse can also ask for orders about the parenting of your children, spousal support and child support, the division of family property and family debt and other subjects.

==The reasons why your spouse is asking for a divorce will be given==
===The notice of claim can include several claims===
For information on the legal grounds for divorce, refer to script [[Requirements for Divorce and Annulment (Script 120)|120]] called “Requirements for Divorce and Annulment”. If you don’t dispute the basis upon which your spouse is applying for a divorce, such as a one-year separation, you might not object. On the other hand, if he or she is claiming adultery or cruelty and those claims aren’t true, you might want to contest the court case.
The notice of claim gives the court basic information about you and your spouse, and information about your marriage and separation. It describes the orders your spouse is asking the court to make. At a minimum, this will be an order for divorce.
====The grounds for divorce====
To get a divorce, your spouse must show your marriage has broken down. They can do this in three ways: by showing you have lived separate and apart for at least one year, by showing you committed adultery, or by showing you treated them with cruelty that makes living together intolerable.

==Consider carefully the claims made==
The notice of claim will state the way your spouse plans to show '''marriage breakdown''', such as a one-year separation. If you don’t dispute the reason, you might not object. On the other hand, if your spouse is claiming adultery or cruelty and those claims aren’t true, you will probably want to object. For information on the legal basis for divorce, see our information on [[Requirements for Divorce and Annulment (No. 120)|the requirements for divorce (no. 120)]].
The claimant’s “claims” are the orders your spouse wants the court to make. If your spouse is seeking sole custody of the children under the ''Divorce Act'', do you feel that joint custody is better, or should you have sole custody? If property is to be divided, do you want half or more than half of the family property? Is there a reason to apply to share of your spouse’s excluded property? If you dispute any of the claimant’s claims, you must do so in a Response to Family Claim, which is explained a little later. If you wish to make claims of your own, you must do so in a Counterclaim, also explained later on in this script.

==What if you don’t agree with what’s being asked for in the Notice of Family Claim?==
====Other claims====
You should file a Response to Family Claim, which tells the court what claims you agree with and which you oppose. Be aware, however, that filing a Response to Family Claim changes the proceeding from an “uncontested divorce proceeding” which doesn’t require an appearance before a judge to a “contested divorce” that a trial may be necessary to resolve if they can’t be settled beforehand.
In the notice of claim your spouse can also ask for orders about the parenting and support of your children, spousal support, the division of family property, and other matters.

==What if you want to make your own claims?==
Carefully consider what your spouse is asking for. If you have children and your spouse is seeking sole custody of the children under the ''Divorce Act'', do you feel that joint custody would be better, or that you should have sole custody? If your spouse is seeking a 50/50 division of family property, do you feel entitled to more than half?
If you have claims of your own that you want to make, for example about the parenting of your children, child support, spousal support, the division of property and debt, or another order, you must file a document called a Counterclaim. The Counterclaim states the orders that you want the court to make.

==What’s a “judicial case conference”?==
===If you don’t agree with what the notice of claim seeks===
You or the claimant can schedule a judicial case conference after you have filed a Response to Family Claim or Counterclaim. A JCC is an informal hearing before a judge or master to talk about the claims each of you have made, see what can be agreed to and talk about how the claims will be resolved. JCCs are held in private and on a “without prejudice” basis. Without prejudice means that each of you can make settlement proposals at the JCC without being held to your proposal later on.
If you dispute any of the claims in the notice of claim, you must respond. You respond by filing a '''response''' in court and serving the filed response on the claimant.  

==The JCC is an excellent opportunity to tell the judge and the claimant what you really want==
You must respond to the notice of claim '''within 30 days of the date you were served''' with the notice.
Everything you say at a JCC is confidential and cannot be repeated outside the hearing room or used later, so speak your mind and explain what orders you’re looking for and why. The judge won’t make any decisions, however, unless you and your spouse both agree.

==When will the divorce be granted?==
Filing a response makes the proceeding a '''contested divorce'''. A trial may be necessary if you can’t settle the dispute.
If the claim for divorce is based on separation, the divorce order can be made any time after the one-year period is over. If the claim is based on cruelty or adultery, the order can be made at any time. (Remember that no matter why the divorce is claimed, the court must be satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made for the financial support of any children before it can make the divorce order.)

Although the divorce order can be made before all of the issues are resolved, the court will usually be reluctant to make a divorce order in advance without a very good reason for doing so.
===If you want to make your own claims===
If you have claims of your own you want to make — for example, about the parenting of your children, support, or how to divide property — you must file a '''counterclaim'''. The counterclaim says what orders you want the court to make. As with the response, you must file and serve the counterclaim on the claimant within 30 days of the date you were served with the notice of claim.

==What is an “interim application”?==
==Common questions==
It can take a year or more from the time the Notice of Family Claim is filed to have a trial if a divorce proceeding can’t be settled. Before the trial, you or your spouse may need the court to make temporary orders about important issues, such as the payment of child support or spousal support, where the children will live, or who will live in the family home. These are called “interim orders,” and are made following a party’s application to the court, called an “interim application.” Interim orders last until another interim order is made or until the final order ending the case is made.

Interim applications are made by filing a Notice of Application (a court form which explains the orders you want the court to make and sets the date for the hearing of the application) and a supporting affidavit (a sworn statement describing the background to the application), to which the other spouse will have the opportunity to reply. Typically, these pre-trial applications take anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours to complete, depending on the complexity of the issues.
===When will the divorce be granted?===
If the claim for divorce is based on a one-year separation, the divorce order can be made any time after the one-year period is over. If the divorce claim is based on cruelty or adultery, the order can be made at any time. No matter what the claim is based on, the court must be satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made for the financial support of any children before it can make the divorce order.

Interim applications should be taken very seriously as interim orders are often influential in the final outcome of the case. For more information, see script [[Applying for an Interim Order in a Family Law Case in the Supreme Court (Script 112)|112]] on “Applying for an Interim Order in a Family Law Case in the Supreme Court”.
Although the divorce order can be made before all the issues are resolved, the court will usually be hesitant to make a divorce order before everything is resolved, without a very good reason for doing so.

==Remember that each time you go to court, it will cost time and money==
===What if there are matters needing to be dealt with right away?===  
The more you can agree on things with your spouse, the easier it will be for each of you. Try to save interim applications for really important problems, and always (if you can) see whether you can reach an agreement about the interim application before going to court. If you need help talking with your spouse, you can contact a mediator. For more information on mediation, refer to script [[Mediation and Collaborative Settlement Processes (Script 111)|111]] on “Mediation and Collaborative Settlement Processes”.
From when a notice of claim is filed, it can take a year or more to have a trial, if a case cannot be settled. Before the trial, you or your spouse may need the court to make temporary orders about important issues, such as the payment of child support or spousal support, where the children will live, or who will live in the family home. These are called '''interim orders'''. They are made if one or both of you apply to the court. Doing so is an '''interim application'''. Interim orders last until another interim order is made or until the final order ending the case is made at trial or by agreement.

==Can you object to a divorce?==
Interim applications are made by filing a '''notice of application''' (a court form describing the orders you want the court to make) and a supporting '''affidavit''' (a sworn statement describing the basis for the application). The other spouse will have the opportunity to respond. Typically, interim application hearings take anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours or more, depending on the circumstances.
You can object to a divorce, but you’re not likely to succeed. Most of the time, the judge will make a divorce order as long as the ground for the divorce is proven, whether you want the divorce or not. There are rare situations where a divorce might be refused, for example, if the divorce means the termination of pension benefits a spouse is receiving or if adequate arrangements have not been made for the support of any children.

==When does the divorce order take effect?==
Interim applications should be taken very seriously as interim orders are often influential in the final outcome of the case. See our information on [[Applying for an Interim Order in a Family Law Case in Supreme Court (No. 112)|applying for an interim order (no. 112)]].
Divorce orders take effect 31 days after the date the order is made, unless the judge making the divorce order says that it will take effect sooner. The reason for the delay is to allow a spouse to appeal the divorce. Appeals like these are very rare.

==What are your rights after the divorce order is made?==
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If your divorce order doesn’t make orders about the division of property or debt and you didn’t claim a division of assets in your Notice of Family Claim or Counterclaim, you have two years after the date of your divorce to make the claim under the ''Family Law Act''. After the two years, you will be out of time to make the claim.
Each time you go to court, it costs time and money. Try to save interim applications for really important problems. The more you can agree on things with your spouse, the easier it will be for each of you.

Divorced spouses are always entitled to make a claim for spousal support under the ''Divorce Act'', no matter how long they have been divorced. Divorced spouses are always entitled to make a claim about children, such as claims for custody or child support, as long as the children qualify as “children of the marriage” under the ''Divorce Act'' or as “children” under the ''Family Law Act''.
===Can I object to a divorce?===
You can object to a divorce, but you’re not likely to succeed. Most of the time, the judge will make a divorce order as long as the basis for the divorce is proven, whether you want it or not. In some rare situations a judge may refuse a divorce — for example, if adequate arrangements have not been made for the support of any children, or if the divorce means the end of pension benefits a spouse is receiving.

==More information==
===What’s a judicial case conference?===
After you file a response, you or the claimant can schedule a '''judicial case conference'''. This is an informal meeting with a judge or master to talk about the claims each of you has made, see what can be agreed to, and talk about how the claims will be resolved. The conference is held in private and '''without prejudice'''. This means each of you can make settlement proposals at the meeting without being held to your proposal later on, if you don’t reach a settlement.

*For more information about divorce and divorce proceedings see the [[Divorce]] page of the wikibook ''JP Boyd on Family Law'', published by Courthouse Libraries BC.
A judicial case conference is a great chance to tell the judge and the claimant what you really want. Everything you say at the meeting is confidential. It can’t be repeated outside the meeting room or used later. Speak your mind and explain what orders you’re looking for and why. The judge will not make any decisions, unless you and your spouse both agree. (Note the judge can make orders about procedure, such as when financial documents should be exchanged and the dates for the trial.)
*For more information about responding to a divorce proceeding, see the page [[Replying to a Court Proceeding in a Family Matter]].

===When does the divorce order take effect?===
Divorce orders take effect 31 days after the date the order is made, unless the judge says it will take effect sooner. The delay is to allow a spouse to appeal the divorce. Appeals like these are very rare.

[updated October 2014]
===Can I make a claim after the divorce order is made?===
If your divorce order doesn’t cover the division of property or debt and you didn’t claim a division of property in the divorce proceeding, you have two years after the date of your divorce to make a claim under the ''Family Law Act''. The same deadline applies to seeking spousal support for the first time under the ''Family Law Act''.

Divorced spouses can always claim spousal support under the ''Divorce Act'', no matter how long they have been divorced.

Divorced spouses can always make a claim about children — such as claims for custody, guardianship, or child support — as long as the children qualify as “children of the marriage” under the ''Divorce Act'' or as “children” under the ''Family Law Act''.

==Get help==

===With more information===
The wikibook '''''JP Boyd on Family Law''''' includes information on replying to a court proceeding in a family matter.
:Web: [http://wiki.clicklaw.bc.ca/index.php/Replying_to_a_Court_Proceeding_in_a_Family_Matter wiki.clicklaw.bc.ca]
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Revision as of 18:04, 25 March 2019

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by Samantha de Wit, Brown Henderson Melbye, and Zahra H. Jimale, Jimale Law Corporation in October 2018.

If a divorce proceeding has been started against you, you have two choices: do nothing or respond to the proceeding. Learn what’s involved in responding to divorce proceedings in BC.

Understand your legal rights

A divorce proceeding begins with a notice of claim

When your spouse begins divorce proceedings, they file notice of claim in court. Your spouse is the claimant. You are called the respondent.

The notice of claim must be served on you

The claimant must arrange for the notice of claim to be personally served on the respondent. This means the notice of claim must be given to you in person by someone other than your spouse.

If you’re not available to receive the papers or the claimant has trouble serving you personally, they can seek the court’s permission to serve you substitutionally. This might involve, for example, leaving the papers at your last known address, with your close relatives, or in your mailbox.

Read the notice of claim

Read the notice of claim carefully. It states the orders the claimant wants the court to make. Whether and how you respond to the notice of claim depends on the orders the claimant is asking for and whether you agree with the claims or not.


Because the claims in a divorce proceeding could significantly affect your rights, you should consider asking a lawyer to review the notice of claim with you and explain what it means.

There are time limits to respond

You must respond to the notice of claim within 30 days of the date you were served. You respond by filing a response in court and serving the filed response on the claimant.

It is very important to respond if you disagree with any of the orders the claimant is asking for. If you don’t respond, the court can make the orders your spouse is asking for without any further notice to you.

You can serve the response on the claimant by ordinary service. This involves mailing or faxing (or sometimes emailing) the document to the claimant’s “address for service”. The claimant’s address for service will be set out in their notice of claim.

The notice of claim can include several claims

The notice of claim gives the court basic information about you and your spouse, and information about your marriage and separation. It describes the orders your spouse is asking the court to make. At a minimum, this will be an order for divorce.

The grounds for divorce

To get a divorce, your spouse must show your marriage has broken down. They can do this in three ways: by showing you have lived separate and apart for at least one year, by showing you committed adultery, or by showing you treated them with cruelty that makes living together intolerable.

The notice of claim will state the way your spouse plans to show marriage breakdown, such as a one-year separation. If you don’t dispute the reason, you might not object. On the other hand, if your spouse is claiming adultery or cruelty and those claims aren’t true, you will probably want to object. For information on the legal basis for divorce, see our information on the requirements for divorce (no. 120).

Other claims

In the notice of claim your spouse can also ask for orders about the parenting and support of your children, spousal support, the division of family property, and other matters.

Carefully consider what your spouse is asking for. If you have children and your spouse is seeking sole custody of the children under the Divorce Act, do you feel that joint custody would be better, or that you should have sole custody? If your spouse is seeking a 50/50 division of family property, do you feel entitled to more than half?

If you don’t agree with what the notice of claim seeks

If you dispute any of the claims in the notice of claim, you must respond. You respond by filing a response in court and serving the filed response on the claimant.

You must respond to the notice of claim within 30 days of the date you were served with the notice.

Filing a response makes the proceeding a contested divorce. A trial may be necessary if you can’t settle the dispute.

If you want to make your own claims

If you have claims of your own you want to make — for example, about the parenting of your children, support, or how to divide property — you must file a counterclaim. The counterclaim says what orders you want the court to make. As with the response, you must file and serve the counterclaim on the claimant within 30 days of the date you were served with the notice of claim.

Common questions

When will the divorce be granted?

If the claim for divorce is based on a one-year separation, the divorce order can be made any time after the one-year period is over. If the divorce claim is based on cruelty or adultery, the order can be made at any time. No matter what the claim is based on, the court must be satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made for the financial support of any children before it can make the divorce order.

Although the divorce order can be made before all the issues are resolved, the court will usually be hesitant to make a divorce order before everything is resolved, without a very good reason for doing so.

What if there are matters needing to be dealt with right away?

From when a notice of claim is filed, it can take a year or more to have a trial, if a case cannot be settled. Before the trial, you or your spouse may need the court to make temporary orders about important issues, such as the payment of child support or spousal support, where the children will live, or who will live in the family home. These are called interim orders. They are made if one or both of you apply to the court. Doing so is an interim application. Interim orders last until another interim order is made or until the final order ending the case is made at trial or by agreement.

Interim applications are made by filing a notice of application (a court form describing the orders you want the court to make) and a supporting affidavit (a sworn statement describing the basis for the application). The other spouse will have the opportunity to respond. Typically, interim application hearings take anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours or more, depending on the circumstances.

Interim applications should be taken very seriously as interim orders are often influential in the final outcome of the case. See our information on applying for an interim order (no. 112).


Each time you go to court, it costs time and money. Try to save interim applications for really important problems. The more you can agree on things with your spouse, the easier it will be for each of you.

Can I object to a divorce?

You can object to a divorce, but you’re not likely to succeed. Most of the time, the judge will make a divorce order as long as the basis for the divorce is proven, whether you want it or not. In some rare situations a judge may refuse a divorce — for example, if adequate arrangements have not been made for the support of any children, or if the divorce means the end of pension benefits a spouse is receiving.

What’s a judicial case conference?

After you file a response, you or the claimant can schedule a judicial case conference. This is an informal meeting with a judge or master to talk about the claims each of you has made, see what can be agreed to, and talk about how the claims will be resolved. The conference is held in private and without prejudice. This means each of you can make settlement proposals at the meeting without being held to your proposal later on, if you don’t reach a settlement.

A judicial case conference is a great chance to tell the judge and the claimant what you really want. Everything you say at the meeting is confidential. It can’t be repeated outside the meeting room or used later. Speak your mind and explain what orders you’re looking for and why. The judge will not make any decisions, unless you and your spouse both agree. (Note the judge can make orders about procedure, such as when financial documents should be exchanged and the dates for the trial.)

When does the divorce order take effect?

Divorce orders take effect 31 days after the date the order is made, unless the judge says it will take effect sooner. The delay is to allow a spouse to appeal the divorce. Appeals like these are very rare.

Can I make a claim after the divorce order is made?

If your divorce order doesn’t cover the division of property or debt and you didn’t claim a division of property in the divorce proceeding, you have two years after the date of your divorce to make a claim under the Family Law Act. The same deadline applies to seeking spousal support for the first time under the Family Law Act.

Divorced spouses can always claim spousal support under the Divorce Act, no matter how long they have been divorced.

Divorced spouses can always make a claim about children — such as claims for custody, guardianship, or child support — as long as the children qualify as “children of the marriage” under the Divorce Act or as “children” under the Family Law Act.

Get help

With more information

The wikibook JP Boyd on Family Law includes information on replying to a court proceeding in a family matter.

Web: wiki.clicklaw.bc.ca
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