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If you're behind on debt payments, there are laws to protect you from '''harassment''' by collectors. For example, collectors can’t use threatening language or contact you during certain times of day.

If you are in debt and have fallen behind in your payments, you may have received phone calls or letters demanding payment. If you’re far enough behind, you may even be threatened with court action, or the seizure of your car or furnishings. Sometimes you might even receive calls about a debt that isn’t yours. If so, you’ll want to know what your rights are.
==Understand your legal rights==

==There are laws to protect debtors==
===The difference between a collector and a collection agent (and why this matters)===
Without debt collection laws, there is the potential for abuse, including midnight phone calls demanding payment, complaints to a debtor's employer about the debt, and threats of terrible consequences. There are laws that protect debtors from unreasonable collection practices.
Under the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/sbc-2004-c-2/latest/sbc-2004-c-2.html#sec113_smooth law in BC], a '''collector''' is a person who is collecting or attempting to collect a debt. BC debt collection laws apply to any person or business that fits this description. It could be a retail business you bought furniture from, a cellphone company you signed a contract with, or a collection agency that has taken over your overdue credit card debt.  

==How does the ''Business Practices & Consumer Protection Act'' protect debtors?==
A '''collection agent''', meanwhile, is someone who in the course of business collects debt for other parties. A party who is owed money (a creditor) might decide to “sell” the debt to a collection agent. In exchange, the collection agent typically promises to give the creditor a portion of the debt the agent is able to recover.
In British Columbia, the ''Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act'' (administered by Consumer Protection BC) ensures the collection of debts is done in a reasonable manner. The Act has two important aims:
*to license debt collection businesses and collection agents
*to regulate the conduct of creditors and debt collection businesses

The Act recognizes that creditors have a right to collect monies owing to them and outlines how and when a collector may contact a debtor, but at the same time, it recognizes that debtors should be protected from unreasonable debt collection activities.
====Why this matters====
Collection agents have no special legal powers to collect from a debtor. They are like any other creditor. That said, collection agents are known for their aggressive tactics. (Agents make money only if they recover some of the debt, which can lead to more aggressive tactics.) Some collection agents contact debtors often and use intimidation to scare debtors into paying. Many of the laws we explain here are designed to protect debtors from these types of tactics.  

==How do debt collectors operate?==
====Collection agents must be licensed====
A debt collector is someone who carries on the business of collecting debts for others for a fee. If you bought a suit from a local store and haven't made the payments, the store owner may eventually give up on you and hire a debt collection business to recover the money from you. Normally the debt collection business charges the creditor (in this example, the store owner) a fee in proportion to the amount they actually recover from you. If the debt collector recovers nothing, they get no fee, so they are more aggressive in their collection tactics than creditors who are doing their own collecting.
As well, collection agents must be licensed by [https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/ Consumer Protection BC]. If a collection agent is treating you badly, Consumer Protection BC has more scope to penalize them.  

==Harassment is forbidden==
===A collector can’t harass you===
The general rule is that anyone collecting a debt – either a creditor or a debt collection business – cannot communicate or attempt to communicate with a debtor or their family, acquaintances or employer in such a way that the communication constitutes harassment. Harassment is defined in the ''Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act'' to include:
Under the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/sbc-2004-c-2/latest/sbc-2004-c-2.html#sec114_smooth law in BC], a collector (including a collection agent) can’t communicate with a debtor in a way that amounts to '''harassment'''. Examples of harassment include:
*using threatening, profane or intimidating language
*exerting excessive or unreasonable pressure
*publishing or threatening to publish a debtor’s failure to pay
For example, a collector can’t phone your home every hour demanding payment. This would be exerting excessive or unreasonable pressure.
This rule also covers a member of the debtor’s family or household, a relative, neighbour, friend or acquaintance, or the debtor’s employer.
As well, under [http://canlii.ca/t/7vf2 Canada’s criminal laws], a collector mustn’t:
*threaten to harm a debtor or their property
*abuse its authority to get money from a debtor
*convey false information with the intent to alarm a debtor
A collector can’t be deceptive. For example, they can’t send you letters that look like they come from the government when they don’t. That’s considered false information designed to scare you.
===How a collector can contact you===

*using threatening or intimidating language
====The collector must first send you written notice====
*exerting excessive or unreasonable pressure
Under the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/sbc-2004-c-2/latest/sbc-2004-c-2.html#sec115_smooth law in BC], a collector can’t try to collect payment of a debt until they’ve sent the debtor written notice. This notice must include:
*publishing or threatening to publish the debtor’s failure to pay what they owe the creditor
*The name of the creditor (both the original creditor and the current one if it’s different).
*The amount of the debt (both on the date it was first due and the amount currently owing).
*The collector’s identity, and its authority for collecting the debt.
However, a collector can call a debtor before sending the notice if the collector is only trying to find out the debtor’s home address or email.
====What time of day a collector can contact you====
Under [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/sbc-2004-c-2/latest/sbc-2004-c-2.html#sec118_smooth BC law], a collector must '''not communicate''' by telephone or in person with a debtor:
*from Monday to Saturday before 7 am or after 9 pm
*on a Sunday before 1 pm or after 5pm
*on a statutory holiday at any time
This rule also applies to:
*a member of a debtor’s family or household
*a relative, neighbour, friend or acquaintance of the debtor
*the debtor’s employer
*any guarantor of the debt

==Creditors and debt collectors cannot intimidate you==
===When a collector can contact you at work===
A debt collector is not allowed to contact you, your family, or your employer in such a way that it may cause alarm, distress, or humiliation. For example, they cannot phone your home every ten minutes all day long demanding payment, because it is likely that the tactic will cause distress to your family members. Similarly, they aren’t allowed to stand on your front lawn with a megaphone, demanding payment, for all your neighbours to hear. Those are extreme examples, but many more subtle techniques are forbidden as well.
Under [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/sbc-2004-c-2/latest/sbc-2004-c-2.html#sec116_smooth BC law], a collector can only contact a debtor at work in one of the following situations:
*The collector doesn’t have the debtor’s home address, phone number or email, and is only trying to get that information.
*The debtor permits the collector to contact them at work.
*The collector has attempted to contact the debtor at home, by phone or by email, but has failed to connect. In this case, the collector must not make more than one verbal attempt to contact the debtor at work.

==Can your employer be contacted?==
===You can request a collector contact you only in writing===
Creditors and debt collectors must be careful when contacting your place of work. They can only contact your employer to confirm your employment. So they can’t harass your boss, or prejudice your reputation by suggesting that you ought to be fired because of your debts. But a creditor or debt collector can make one attempt to collect a debt from you while you’re at your place of work, if they can’t reach you at home or if you won’t respond.
Under [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/sbc-2004-c-2/latest/sbc-2004-c-2.html#sec116_smooth BC law], a debtor can request that a collector communicate with them only in writing. (The debtor must provide their mailing address.)

==Creditors and debt collectors aren’t allowed to mislead you==
Alternatively, you can request that a collector communicate directly with your lawyer. 
They can’t use forms or documents where the appearance or language would cause you to think that they come from a court or government office. For example, they can’t mail you a letter demanding payment, produced in the form of a “Court Summons,” because you might be misled into thinking that it is an official court document.
[https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/ Consumer Protection BC] provides forms you can fill out and give to a collector to [https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Communication-in-writing-only.pdf request communication in writing] or [https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Notify-a-collection-agency-you-wish-for-communication-to-be-done-through-your-lawyer-only.pdf through a lawyer].

==Only the appropriate amount can be collected, and only from the right person==
===You can dispute the debt===
Debt collectors cannot collect or try to collect money from someone who doesn’t owe the money, or attempt to collect more money than is owed to the creditor. Keep in mind that interest can continue to accumulate on an outstanding debt, and this may be claimed as long as it is reasonable.
Under the [https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Notify-a-collection-agency-you-wish-for-communication-to-be-done-through-your-lawyer-only.pdf law in BC], you can '''dispute a debt''', inviting the creditor to take the matter to court. You might dispute a debt where:
*the debt was already paid
*it’s someone else’s debt
*the collector is asking for more than what’s owed

==What if you believe that you’re a victim of harassment or unreasonable collection practices?==
Once you notify the collector and the creditor that you dispute the debt, a collector must stop communicating with you.
If you think you’re a victim, you have three options to consider:
*accept only written communications
*ask to be sued

==Your first choice is to complain==
To dispute a debt, you must contact the collector and the creditor in writing. Consumer Protection BC offers a [https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Debt-in-dispute.pdf form you can use to dispute a debt].
Start by asking to speak with the supervisor at the debt collection agency. If that gets you nowhere, you can complain to Consumer Protection BC. They can provide you with information on how to address the complaint directly with the debt collector. If the unreasonable collection behaviour continues, Consumer Protection BC may investigate and can take steps against the debt collector or creditor. To make a complaint, call Consumer Protection BC at 1.888.564.9963 (toll-free).

==Your second choice is to only accept written communication==
==Common questions==
If the nature or frequency of the collection telephone calls is upsetting you and the calls won’t stop, you can request that all future communication be in writing only. It’s an offence if a debt collector doesn’t follow your request. You should put your request in writing and keep a copy for your records.

==Your third choice is to ask the creditor to sue you==
===Can a collector contact my family and friends?===
If you disagree with the debt, you can notify the creditor and debt collector that you dispute the debt and want the creditor to take the matter to court. Upon written notification, all other types of collection must stop. You should keep a copy of your communication to the creditor and debt collector for your records. Note that a debt may still show on your credit report while it is being disputed.
Only in very limited circumstances. Under the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/sbc-2004-c-2/latest/sbc-2004-c-2.html#sec117_smooth law in BC], a collector can contact a debtor’s friends or family members only to request the debtor’s home address, phone number or email. Two exceptions to this rule are when:
#The person being contacted has guaranteed the debt, and is being contacted about the guarantee.
#The debtor has given permission to the collector to contact the person about the debt.

==What if you’re contacted about a debt that isn’t yours?==
It’s illegal for a collector to harass a debtor’s friends or family members. See above for a description of what amounts to harassment.
If you’re contacted about a debt that isn’t yours, contact the collection agency to let them know that you are not the debtor. If the calls continue, contact Consumer Protection BC, who can assist you.

==Remember, if you’re in debt, you have a legal obligation to repay the money==
===Can a collector contact my boss?===
But the ''Business Practices & Consumer Protection Act'' regulates the practices that debt collectors may use in recovering their money.
Only in two circumstances:
#For the purpose of confirming your employment, work title and work address. In this case, the collector must first give you notice they intend to bring legal action to recover the debt.
#If you authorize (in writing) the collector to contact your employer.

==Where can you get help or find more information?==
Otherwise, a collector must not communicate with your employer.
*See the consumer information section published by Consumer Protection BC on their website at [http://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca www.consumerprotectionbc.ca], or call 1.888.564.9963 (toll-free).
*If you are in financial difficulty or have trouble paying your bills, refer to script [[When You Can't Pay Your Debts (Script 253)|253]] on “When You Can’t Pay Your Debts”.
*See the manual Consumer Law and Credit/Debt Law published by the Legal Services Society, BC and available for free on their website at [http://www.legalaid.bc.ca www.legalaid.bc.ca]. To find it, click “Our Publications” then under “I want to find a publication by subject,” click “Debt”. This manual is for paralegals, legal information counsellors, and lawyers with clients who have consumer/debt problems.  

As well, it’s illegal for a collector to harass a debtor’s employer. For example, a collector can’t repeatedly call your boss to try to get you fired over an unpaid debt. 

[updated December 2014]
===My child owes money, and the collector is coming to me for payment. Can they do that?===
No. A collector cannot try to collect a debt from someone who doesn’t owe the money. Consumer Protection BC offers a [https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Not-the-debtor.pdf form to advise a collector you are not the debtor]

If you ''are'' responsible for the debt, things are different. For example, if you [[Co-Signing or Guaranteeing a Loan (No. 248)|guaranteed or co-signed a loan]], a collector can come to you for payment. In such a case, the collector would still need to follow the rules explained here. 

==Get help==

===With an unreasonable collector===
'''Consumer Protection BC''' licenses collection agents in the province and oversees debt collection practices. They can help if you have a complaint about debt collection.
:Toll-free: 1-888-564-9963
:Web: [http://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/ consumerprotectionbc.ca]
{| class="wikitable"
People’s Law School’s information on [https://www.peopleslawschool.ca/everyday-legal-problems/money-debt/dealing-debt/dealing-debt-collectors dealing with debt collectors] includes step-by-step guidance on making a complaint about a collector.
===With managing your finances===
The '''Credit Counselling Society of BC''' is a non-profit society that helps people better manage their money and debt.
:Toll-free: 1-888-527-8999
:Web: [http://www.nomoredebts.org/ nomoredebts.org]

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Revision as of 22:04, 29 March 2019

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by Bruce Hallsor QC, Crease Harman in July 2018.

If you're behind on debt payments, there are laws to protect you from harassment by collectors. For example, collectors can’t use threatening language or contact you during certain times of day.

Understand your legal rights

The difference between a collector and a collection agent (and why this matters)

Under the law in BC, a collector is a person who is collecting or attempting to collect a debt. BC debt collection laws apply to any person or business that fits this description. It could be a retail business you bought furniture from, a cellphone company you signed a contract with, or a collection agency that has taken over your overdue credit card debt.

A collection agent, meanwhile, is someone who in the course of business collects debt for other parties. A party who is owed money (a creditor) might decide to “sell” the debt to a collection agent. In exchange, the collection agent typically promises to give the creditor a portion of the debt the agent is able to recover.

Why this matters

Collection agents have no special legal powers to collect from a debtor. They are like any other creditor. That said, collection agents are known for their aggressive tactics. (Agents make money only if they recover some of the debt, which can lead to more aggressive tactics.) Some collection agents contact debtors often and use intimidation to scare debtors into paying. Many of the laws we explain here are designed to protect debtors from these types of tactics.

Collection agents must be licensed

As well, collection agents must be licensed by Consumer Protection BC. If a collection agent is treating you badly, Consumer Protection BC has more scope to penalize them.

A collector can’t harass you

Under the law in BC, a collector (including a collection agent) can’t communicate with a debtor in a way that amounts to harassment. Examples of harassment include:

  • using threatening, profane or intimidating language
  • exerting excessive or unreasonable pressure
  • publishing or threatening to publish a debtor’s failure to pay

For example, a collector can’t phone your home every hour demanding payment. This would be exerting excessive or unreasonable pressure.

This rule also covers a member of the debtor’s family or household, a relative, neighbour, friend or acquaintance, or the debtor’s employer.

As well, under Canada’s criminal laws, a collector mustn’t:

  • threaten to harm a debtor or their property
  • abuse its authority to get money from a debtor
  • convey false information with the intent to alarm a debtor

A collector can’t be deceptive. For example, they can’t send you letters that look like they come from the government when they don’t. That’s considered false information designed to scare you.

How a collector can contact you

The collector must first send you written notice

Under the law in BC, a collector can’t try to collect payment of a debt until they’ve sent the debtor written notice. This notice must include:

  • The name of the creditor (both the original creditor and the current one if it’s different).
  • The amount of the debt (both on the date it was first due and the amount currently owing).
  • The collector’s identity, and its authority for collecting the debt.

However, a collector can call a debtor before sending the notice if the collector is only trying to find out the debtor’s home address or email.

What time of day a collector can contact you

Under BC law, a collector must not communicate by telephone or in person with a debtor:

  • from Monday to Saturday before 7 am or after 9 pm
  • on a Sunday before 1 pm or after 5pm
  • on a statutory holiday at any time

This rule also applies to:

  • a member of a debtor’s family or household
  • a relative, neighbour, friend or acquaintance of the debtor
  • the debtor’s employer
  • any guarantor of the debt

When a collector can contact you at work

Under BC law, a collector can only contact a debtor at work in one of the following situations:

  • The collector doesn’t have the debtor’s home address, phone number or email, and is only trying to get that information.
  • The debtor permits the collector to contact them at work.
  • The collector has attempted to contact the debtor at home, by phone or by email, but has failed to connect. In this case, the collector must not make more than one verbal attempt to contact the debtor at work.

You can request a collector contact you only in writing

Under BC law, a debtor can request that a collector communicate with them only in writing. (The debtor must provide their mailing address.)

Alternatively, you can request that a collector communicate directly with your lawyer.

Consumer Protection BC provides forms you can fill out and give to a collector to request communication in writing or through a lawyer.

You can dispute the debt

Under the law in BC, you can dispute a debt, inviting the creditor to take the matter to court. You might dispute a debt where:

  • the debt was already paid
  • it’s someone else’s debt
  • the collector is asking for more than what’s owed

Once you notify the collector and the creditor that you dispute the debt, a collector must stop communicating with you.

To dispute a debt, you must contact the collector and the creditor in writing. Consumer Protection BC offers a form you can use to dispute a debt.

Common questions

Can a collector contact my family and friends?

Only in very limited circumstances. Under the law in BC, a collector can contact a debtor’s friends or family members only to request the debtor’s home address, phone number or email. Two exceptions to this rule are when:

  1. The person being contacted has guaranteed the debt, and is being contacted about the guarantee.
  2. The debtor has given permission to the collector to contact the person about the debt.

It’s illegal for a collector to harass a debtor’s friends or family members. See above for a description of what amounts to harassment.

Can a collector contact my boss?

Only in two circumstances:

  1. For the purpose of confirming your employment, work title and work address. In this case, the collector must first give you notice they intend to bring legal action to recover the debt.
  2. If you authorize (in writing) the collector to contact your employer.

Otherwise, a collector must not communicate with your employer.

As well, it’s illegal for a collector to harass a debtor’s employer. For example, a collector can’t repeatedly call your boss to try to get you fired over an unpaid debt.

My child owes money, and the collector is coming to me for payment. Can they do that?

No. A collector cannot try to collect a debt from someone who doesn’t owe the money. Consumer Protection BC offers a form to advise a collector you are not the debtor.

If you are responsible for the debt, things are different. For example, if you guaranteed or co-signed a loan, a collector can come to you for payment. In such a case, the collector would still need to follow the rules explained here.

Get help

With an unreasonable collector

Consumer Protection BC licenses collection agents in the province and oversees debt collection practices. They can help if you have a complaint about debt collection.

Toll-free: 1-888-564-9963
Web: consumerprotectionbc.ca

People’s Law School’s information on dealing with debt collectors includes step-by-step guidance on making a complaint about a collector.

With managing your finances

The Credit Counselling Society of BC is a non-profit society that helps people better manage their money and debt.

Toll-free: 1-888-527-8999
Web: nomoredebts.org
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence Dial-A-Law © People's Law School is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.