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In addition to any claim under the federal or provincial codes, various protections exist for children under provincial statutes and the Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46, concerning educational and medical issues.
== A. LSLAP’s Role in Provincial and Federal Proceedings ==

== A. School ==
In provincial proceedings, clinicians may assist clients in completing the Complaint or Response Forms at the initial stages. We may also be able to provide full representation to clients at the BC Human Rights Tribunal but are usually limited to less complex cases where the scheduled hearing is set for two days or fewer. Where LSLAP cannot help directly, we can refer claimants to the BC Human Rights Clinic, which may be able to assist. The BC Human Rights Clinic assists hundreds of people every year. This lawyer-run program ranges from providing summary advice to full representation for hearings at the BC Human Rights Tribunal.  

=== 1. Compulsory Attendance and Registration ===
The BC Human Rights Clinic accepts applications for assistance made within thirty days after a complaint has been accepted for filing. However, they may be able to offer assistance for those who are applying beyond the thirty-day limit.

The ''School Act'', RSBC 1996, c 412, states that all children must be enrolled by the first school day of a school year if, on or before December 31 of that school year, the child will have reached the age of 5 years (s 3(1)(a)). Parents may, however, defer enrolment until the first school day of the next school year (i.e. until age 6) (s 3(2)). Once enrolled, children must remain in an educational program until they are 16 (s 3(1)(b)). Whether children attend public or private schools, they must be registered on or before September 30 in each year either with a school or with the Minister of Education (s 13). Students must also comply with the rules, code of conduct, and policies set by the Board of Education or by their particular school (s 6).
In the federal system, the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) has been set up to assist individuals with drafting complaints and to facilitate mediation. Students should, therefore, refer clients to the CHRC for assistance, though they can remain involved in the process by providing representation at mediation.  
Under section 12 of the ''School Act'', parents are authorized to educate their children at home or elsewhere provided they register their children pursuant to section 13.
=== 2. Discipline ===
The ''Criminal Code'' (s 43) allows a school teacher to use discipline that is reasonable in the circumstances. This section refers to the use of The Criminal Code (s 43) allows a schoolteacher to use discipline that is reasonable in the circumstances. This section refers to the use of reasonable force. The definition of reasonable force is “the substantial social consensus on what is reasonable correction supported by comprehensive and consistent expert evidence on what is reasonable”. Please see ''Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law v Canada'', 2004 SCC 4. However, the School Act specifically states that discipline of a student must be similar to that of a kind, firm, and judicious parent, but must not include corporal (physical) punishment (s 76(3)).
=== 3. Rights of Parents and Students ===
Students and parents have the right to consult with a teacher or administrative officer (''School Act'', ss 4 and 7(2)). As well as having the  right to information regarding the attendance, behaviour and progress of their children in school (s 7(1)(a)), parents may request an annual report on the general effectiveness of the program their children are enrolled in, without their children’s consent. They are also entitled to  belong to a parent’s advisory council (s 7(1)(c)). The councils can be formed by application to the Board or Minister of Education, and can advise the Board and staff of the school (s 8).
=== 4.School Records ===
Individual students and their parents are entitled to examine, on request, all records pertaining to that student while accompanied by the principal or a person designated by the principal (''School Act'', s 9). Student records identifying the student will not be released to other parties except when required by law, or if the student or parent consents to the disclosure in writing.
=== 5. Language of Instruction ===
Every student in B.C. is entitled to instruction in English (''School Act'', s 5). However, under the ''Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms'', students whose parents are citizens of Canada have the right to receive primary and secondary school instruction in either English or French if:
*their parents’ first language is that of the English or French linguistic minority population of the province in which they reside, and they still understand that language; or
*their parents received their primary school instruction in Canada in English or French and the parent resides in a province where the language  in which they received that instruction is the language of the English or French linguistic minority population of the province.
=== 6. Other Concerns ===
The ''School Act'' states that public schools must be conducted on strictly secular and non-sectarian principles (s 76(1)), meaning they cannot be religiously affiliated..
''Moore v British  Columbia (Education)'', 2012 SCC 61 at para 36 determined that the BC government had discriminated against a dyslexic boy when it cut the special needs program during a financial crisis. The Supreme Court of Canada found that he was denied a service customarily available to the public. The service denied was meaningful access to education generally, not specific access to a special needs program. Discrimination was found because the cuts disproportionately affected special needs programs and there was no evidence that the BC government considered other options.
Parents are jointly and severally liable for intentional or negligent damage to school property caused by their children (s 10). There is no action against a school board or its employees unless the actionable conduct included dishonesty, gross negligence, malicious or wilful misconduct, or the cause of action is libel or slander (s 94(2)). Note section 94 limits liability, but does not absolve a board from vicarious liability.
Any person who believes a child, whether registered or not, is not enrolled in an educational program can make a report to the superintendent of schools (s 14(1)). An action lies against that person only if the report is made maliciously (s 14(3)).
School boards have a duty to provide an educational environment that is free from discriminatory harassment. This rule was affirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada on October 20, 2005, when it dismissed an application for leave to appeal from a BC Human Rights Tribunal finding of discrimination against a BC school board relating to the homophobic harassment of one of its students (see ''North Vancouver School District No 44 v Jubran'', [2005] SCCA No 260 at paras 91–102 and North Vancouver School District No 44 v Jubran, 2005 BCCA 201 at paras 91–102). Note that while the student was found to have been discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation, it was irrelevant whether he identified himself as homosexual, or whether his harassers knew or believed him to be homosexual.
== B. Medical Attention ==
=== 1. Obligation to Provide Treatment ===
The ''Criminal Code'' (s 215) imposes criminal sanctions on parents who fail to provide their children with the necessaries of life until they reach the age of 16. This has been held to include adequate medical treatment, and a court may also extend the duty to an older child who cannot become independent of their parent(s) due to factors including age and illness. Section 218 of the ''Criminal Code'' imposes criminal sanctions on any person who abandons or exposes a child less than 10 years of age to the risk of permanent injury, damage to their health, or risk to their life.
Under the ''Child Family and Community Service Act'', children under the age of 19 may be removed if they are deprived of necessary medical attention, but only by a court order (s 29). Where a child is removed, emergency medical care can be given at the Director’s authorization (s 32). In cases where the only issue is the parents’ refusal of necessary medical attention, the Director can apply for a court order authorizing the medical care without removing the child from the parents’ custody (s 29).
=== 2. Consent to Treatment ===
In Canadian case law, the courts have found that a minor can consent to treatment as a “mature minor” if that particular person has the mental capacity to understand the nature and risks of that particular treatment (see also ''Infants Act'', s 17). A minor, who is living away from home, working, or married, may be found to be autonomous, and free from parental control, and thus capable of consenting to or refusing treatment on their own behalf.
Under the ''Infants Act'', (s 17), a minor can consent to surgical, medical, mental, or dental treatment without the agreement of their parents, so long as the health care provider has:
#Explained to the minor and has been satisfied that the minor understands the nature and consequences and the reasonably foreseeable benefits and risks of the health care; and
#Has made reasonable efforts to determine and has concluded that the health care is in the minor's best interests. This includes requests for birth control advice and products, and for abortions.
A court of competent jurisdiction may order medical treatment for any child if the court is satisfied that such treatment is required, and that parental consent is being unreasonably withheld. This is part of the inherent ''parens patriae'' (guardian of persons under a legal disability) jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and is now codified under section 29 of the CFCSA.

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Revision as of 23:14, 20 September 2020

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on July 22, 2020.

A. LSLAP’s Role in Provincial and Federal Proceedings

In provincial proceedings, clinicians may assist clients in completing the Complaint or Response Forms at the initial stages. We may also be able to provide full representation to clients at the BC Human Rights Tribunal but are usually limited to less complex cases where the scheduled hearing is set for two days or fewer. Where LSLAP cannot help directly, we can refer claimants to the BC Human Rights Clinic, which may be able to assist. The BC Human Rights Clinic assists hundreds of people every year. This lawyer-run program ranges from providing summary advice to full representation for hearings at the BC Human Rights Tribunal.

The BC Human Rights Clinic accepts applications for assistance made within thirty days after a complaint has been accepted for filing. However, they may be able to offer assistance for those who are applying beyond the thirty-day limit.

In the federal system, the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) has been set up to assist individuals with drafting complaints and to facilitate mediation. Students should, therefore, refer clients to the CHRC for assistance, though they can remain involved in the process by providing representation at mediation.

© Copyright 2023, The Greater Vancouver Law Students' Legal Advice Society.