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== A. Regular Benefits ==
== A. Introduction ==

EI benefits are calculated using your highest weeks of earnings over the qualifying period (generally 52 weeks): http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/vbw/index.shtml (this applies to both regular and special benefits).  
When a claim is established, the claimant’s “benefit period” will begin. Under s 10(1) of the ''EI Act'', the benefit period begins on the  Sunday at the beginning of the week in which the interruption of earnings occurs, or on the Sunday of the week in which the initial claim for benefit is made, whichever is later, though this is subject to antedating. Benefits will only be paid during the benefit period.  

Regular EI benefits are payable during the benefit period to a claimant who:
== B. Antedating ==
*has had the requisite number of hours of insurable earnings during the qualifying period;
*has had an interruption of earnings from employment;
*is capable of and available for work
*has made “reasonable and customary efforts” ; and
*is unable to find suitable employment.  

The maximum number of weeks of regular benefits available to a claimant varies according to the claimant’s hours of insurable employment in the qualifying period, and the regional rate of unemployment. See Schedule I, s 12(2) of the ''EI Act''.
If an application for EI benefits was not filed within the first four weeks after the week in which the claimant experienced their interruption of earnings inter, they can ask that the claim be antedated back to the first date when it could have been filed under s 10(4).  The claimant must establish that good cause existed for the delay in filing. “Good cause” must be demonstrated for each day until the date of application was actually made. If the claim is filed within the first four weeks, it is automatically antedated to the first date of eligibility.

== B. Special Benefits ==
:'''What is “Good Cause”?'''  Good cause has typically been interpreted narrowly.  In one case, the applicant was in the hospital and the Commission denied his application for antedating on the grounds that his wife should have made the claim on his behalf.  Simple ignorance of the requirements of the EI Act has not been considered good cause either, though reasonable reliance on bad advice from the employer, union, a legal advisor or the Commission itself usually meets the requirements.

This category includes sickness, compassionate care, pregnancy, parental benefits, and benefits for parents caring for a critically ill child (s 12(3)).  More than one type of special benefit can be claimed within one benefit period. Similarly, special and regular benefits claims can be combined. However, s 12(6) sets out the maximum for such a combinationIf a claimant has not collected any regular benefits and is just combining different special benefits to which they are entitled, the maximum number of weeks the claimant can collect is the combined maximum for each of the special benefits they are collecting.  To ensure they have time to collect all these combined weeks, their benefit period will also be extended to the combined maximum number of weeks of special benefits they can collect.  
:In ''Attorney General v Burke'', 2012 FCA 139, a claimant asked for his application to be back dated because he had expected to be rehired and hence did not apply for EI until after the regular deadlineThe Federal Court of Appeal upheld the previous decisions granting an antedate on the basis that the claimant had done what a reasonable person would do.

If the claimant has collected regular benefits but is also entitled to collect special benefits during their benefit period, then the claimant can combine weeks of benefits, but the maximum number of combined weeks cannot be higher than 50.
== C. Income That is Treated as Earnings ==

== C. Sickness Benefits ==
Section 35(2) of the EI Regulations defines what will be considered earnings for EI purposes.

=== 1. Entitlement ===
Income that counts as “earnings” includes, but is not limited to:

To qualify for sickness benefits, the claimant must be able to prove that they are unable to work due to illness, injury, or quarantine. This normally requires that the claimant obtain a medical certificate completed by a doctor or medical practitioner stating the expected duration of incapacity (''EI Regulations'', s 40(1)).  The claimant must also show that they would have been available to work if they had not fallen ill, gotten injured or placed in quarantine.  The illness, injury, or quarantine must be that of the claimant personally.
*a) severance pay;
*b) retirement payments and retirement leave credits or payments in lieu;
*c) most bonuses and gratuities;
*d) wages in lieu of notice; and
*e) vacation pay.

==== a) Major Attachment Claimant ====
See section 35(2) of the EI Regulations for more detail.

Up to 15 weeks of sickness benefits are payable to a claimant who is incapable of work due to a prescribed illness, injury, or quarantine (s  12(3)). Major attachment claimants can receive sickness benefits even if the illness is the reason for ceasing work.
It is important to note some income, while generally considered earnings, will not prevent an interruption of earnings.  For example, the fact that a worker receives severance, pay in lieu of notice, or vacation pay after getting laid off will not delay the interruption of earnings. The claimant should still apply for EI as soon as possible after they stop working to make sure their application is not late, even if the money they get from the employer due to the layoff may delay the start of their actual EI benefits..  

==== b) Minor Attachment Claimant ====
Income regarded as earnings is “allocated” pursuant to s 36 of the EI Regulations.  This is usually done at the claimant’s regular weekly rate of pay.  Such allocation may delay the start of benefits by the number of weeks the earnings can be allocated to.  For example, if a person normally earns $500 per week, and receives $1000 severance pay, their claim will be delayed for an additional 2 weeks after they stop work.  This is because it will notionally take two weeks to “use up” the $1000, as the claimant usually makes this amount in two weeks.

A minor attachment claimant may qualify for up to 15 weeks of sickness benefits if the injury, illness, or quarantine was not the reason for the claimant’s interruption of earnings, but is the reason that they cannot return to work. For example, if a claimant is laid-off due to shortage of work and begins collecting regular EI benefits, the claimant may be entitled to sickness benefits if they later fall ill, even if they qualified for regular benefits with less than 600 hours.  
Though the claimant will need to wait until the money is used up before being eligible to receive benefits, they '''must still apply for EI immediately'''. The benefit period will be extended to make up for the weeks it takes to use up these earnings.

In some cases, a claimant who loses previous employment – due to injury for example – may not immediately qualify for regular benefits if he or she is capable of performing other jobs and is actively seeking such employment.
== D. Income That Is Not Treated As Earnings ==

=== 2. Sickness Benefit Rate ===
Section 35(7) exempts certain sources of income from being regarded as earnings. These include:

The sickness benefit rate is the same as the regular benefit rate and is subject to reduction due to “earnings”, which are allocated to weeks of sickness. In contrast to regular claimants, all “earnings” are deducted (s 21(3)). See [[Quantifying Employment Insurance Benefits (8:V)#D. Effect of Earnings | Section V.D: Effect of Earnings]], above.
*a) Disability pension or a lump sum or pension paid in full and final settlement of a claim made for workers’ compensation payments;

=== 3. Prescribed Illness, Injury or Quarantine ===
*b) Payments under a sickness or disability wage-loss indemnity plan;

Sickness benefits are only available for a “prescribed illness, injury or quarantine that renders a claimant incapable of performing the functions of his or her regular or usual employment or other suitable employment” ('''EI Regulations''', s 40(4)).  The onus is on the claimant to prove entitlement.  A medical certificate is usually required, and the Commission may also require a claimant to undergo a medical examination at their direction pursuant to s 40(2) of the EI Regulations.  In those situations, the Commission must pay travel and other expenses for the examination ('''EI Regulation''', s 40(3)).
*c) Relief grants;

:NOTE: For more information on claiming sickness benefits, please refer to the ESDC website: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/ei/ei-list/reports/sickness.html.
*d) Retroactive increases in wages or salary.

== D. Compassionate Care Benefits ==
For more details, see section 35(7) of the EI Regulations.

Compassionate Care Benefits may be paid up to a maximum of 26 weeks to a major attachment claimant who has to be absent from work to provide care or support to a gravely ill family member and is at risk of dying within 26 weeksThe benefits for compassionate care must be claimed within a 52-week period that generally starts on the day the doctor certifies the family member is likely to die.  Unemployed persons on EI can also apply for this type of benefit.
Recent cases suggest that in certain circumstances some earnings may not delay the start of an EI claim. In ''Attorney General of Canada v Doreen Myers'', 2006 FCA 57, the court found that the claimant’s vacation pay did not delay the start of a claim because it was not a payment made by reason of a separation, thus allowing benefits to be received earlier, and possibly at a higher rate.  See also the case of ''Attorney General of Canada v Bielich'', 2005 FCA 363In this case the court allowed a $24,000 payment to be exempted from the claimant’s allocation of earnings because the purpose of the payment was to compensate the claimant for giving up his right to seek reinstatement, not to compensate for lost pay.

To be eligible for Compassionate Care Benefits a claimant must apply and show that:
:'''NOTE:''' A retirement pension will not delay the start of a claim.  Retirement pensions are generally considered income and are deducted from EI benefits.  However, if the claimant accumulates all the hours needed to qualify for EI after the date their pension starts, then their pension money will not be deducted from their EI benefits (see EI Regulation, s 35(7)(e).

*his or her regular weekly earnings from work have decreased by more than 40 percent; and
== E. The Waiting Period ==
*he or she has accumulated 600 insured hours in her qualifying period.  

The EI Act’s expanded definition of “family member” includes a claimant’s:
Before receiving any EI benefits, a claimant must serve a one week “waiting period” during which they are unemployed and otherwise eligible for benefits (EI Act, section 13).
*own child or the child of the spouse or common-law partner;
*wife/husband or common-law partner;
*father/mother or father’s wife/mother’s husband, if parent is remarried;
*common-law partner of father/mother, if there has been no remarriage;
*other relatives; and
*anyone that the gravely ill person considers to be like a family member .
To establish a claim for compassionate care benefits in order to care for a gravely ill person who considered you to be like a family member, medical proof is required.  This includes an Authorization to Release Medical Certificate form signed by the gravely ill person or their legal representative and a Medical Certificate for Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits form signed by the medical doctor.
=== 1. Sharing Compassionate Care Benefits ===
Compassionate care benefit can be shared with other family members as long as each one of the family members is also eligible. Family members can claim the benefits at the same time or at different times as long as the number of weeks claimed for compassionate care benefits does not exceed 26 weeks altogether.
There is still a one-week waiting period before benefits can be claimed. However, if the benefit is to be shared with other family members, only the first family member to claim compassionate care benefit has to serve the one-week waiting period.
:NOTE: For more information on claiming compassionate care benefits, and for a comprehensive list of persons included under the term “family member,” please refer to the ESDC website: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/types/compassionate_care.shtml#Definition.
== E. Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children (PCIC) ==
Eligible family members who take leave from work to provide care or support to a child with a life-threatening illness or injury can receive up to 35 weeks of benefits. The benefits must be collected in the 52-week window beginning on the day a medical certificate is issued showing that the child is critically ill or, if the claim is made before the certificate is issued, from the date a specialist medical doctor certifies that the child is critically ill or injured. The child must be under the age of 18 at the time that the beginning of the benefit window; if the child turns 18 at any time during the benefit window besides the beginning, the claimant will remain eligible to claim PCIC benefits.  
As with other special benefits, the claimant must have an interruption of earnings (for special benefits, a 40% reduction in earnings) and have 600 hours in their qualifying period.
This waiting period also applies to pregnancy, parental, caregiver and sickness claims. For caregiver benefits, it can be deferred for the second family member if benefits are split, but the first person must serve it.  If a claimant works during the waiting period, 100 percent of his or her earnings will be deducted from the first three (and no more than three) weekly benefit cheques.
These benefits are not available to family members of a child with a chronic illness or condition that is their normal state of health.  There must be a significant change from the child’s normal or baseline state of health at the time they are assessed by a specialist medical doctor.

PCIC benefits can be shared between both eligible family member. Eligible family members can claim for PCIC benefits at the same time or at different times as long as the sum of the weeks claimed does not exceed the 35 weeks.
== F. Length of Benefit Period ==

:'''NOTE:''' For more information on claiming PCIC benefits, please refer to the ESDC website: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/family-caregiver-children.html.
The benefit period for regular EI benefits is 52 weeks. However, this period can sometimes be extended to more than 52 weeks,  The criteria for this are set out in s 10(10) of the EI Act. The benefit period can be extended when a claimant proves that for any week during that benefit period the claimant was not entitled to benefit by reason of:
== F. Benefits for Family Members of Critically Ill Adult (PCIA): the Family Caregiver Benefit for Adults ==
Eligible family members who take leave from work to provide care or support to a family member with a life-threatening illness or injury can receive up to 15 weeks of benefits. The benefits must be collected in the 52-week window beginning on the day a medical certificate is issued showing that the adult is critically ill or, if the claim is made before the certificate is issued, from the date a specialist medical doctor certifies that the adult is critically ill or injured. The adult must be over the age of 18 at the time that the beginning of the benefit window.
As with other special benefits, the claimant must have an interruption of earnings (for special benefits, a 40% reduction in earnings) and have 600 hours in their qualifying period.
*a) receiving earnings paid by reason of the complete severance of the relationship between the claimant and the claimant’s former employer (i.e. “using up” severance pay, vacation pay, etc.);  
These benefits are not available to family members of an adult with a chronic illness or condition that is their normal state of health.  There must be a significant change from the adult’s normal or baseline state of health at the time they are assessed by a specialist medical doctor.
PCIA benefits can be shared between more than one eligible family member. Family members can claim for PCIA benefits at the same time or at different times as long as the sum of the weeks claimed does not exceed the 15 weeks.
:'''NOTE:''' For more information on claiming PCIA benefits, please refer to the ESDC website: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/family-caregiver-adults.html.
== G. Pregnancy Benefits ==
Pregnancy benefits are paid to an expectant or newly delivered mother. A mother can be entitled to both pregnancy benefits and parental benefits. Like sickness benefits, pregnancy and parental benefits can be distinguished from regular EI benefits, because they are paid even though the applicant is not available for work.
=== 1. Entitlement ===
A claimant for pregnancy benefits must:
a) be a major attachment claimant;

b) prove her pregnancy.  This entails furnishing a certificate completed by a physician that sets out the expected date of birth, or providing such other evidence as the Commission may require, and
*b) receiving Workers’ Compensation payments for a total disability; or

c) have an interruption of earnings.
*c) receiving payments under a provincial law on the basis of having ceased to work because continuing to work would have entailed danger to the claimant, the claimant’s unborn child, or a child the claimant is breast-feeding. However, under BC law, BC residents are not entitled to these payments, and this does not apply to them.

The benefit period can be further extended under s  10(11) where a claimant can prove that for any week during the extension period, he or she was not entitled to benefit, again for any reason stated in s 10(10).

:'''NOTE:''' Pursuant to s 40 (5) of the ''EI Regulations'', a claimant who terminates her pregnancy within the first 19 weeks is entitled to collect sickness benefits.  
The length of any benefit period extended for these reasons cannot exceed 104 weeks (''EI Act'', s 10(14)).

=== 2. Benefit Period and Duration ===
== G. Payment of Regular Benefits ==

Benefits can only be paid for a maximum of 15 consecutive weeks. The period can start no more than 12 weeks before the week when the claimant’s due date is expected or the week when the birth actually occurs, whichever is earliest (EI Act, s 22(2)).  
Where a benefit period for regular benefits has been established for a claimant, benefits may be paid to the claimant for each week of unemployment that falls in the benefit period, subject to the maximum benefit periods established in ''EI Act'', s 12.

The maximum period in which benefits may be collected ends 17 weeks after birth or due date, whichever is later. If the child born from the pregnancy is hospitalized, the benefit period may be extended by one week for each week or part of a week that the child is hospitalized (''EI Act'', s 22(6)). However, benefits may last no longer than 15 weeks total, even if extensions have been granted. As with claims for regular benefits, there is a one-week waiting period after the claim is made before benefits become payable.
The maximum number of weeks for which benefits may be paid in a benefit period (other than special benefits) are determined in accordance with the table in Schedule I of the ''EI Act'' by reference to the regional rate of unemployment that applies to the claimant and the number of hours of insurable employment of the claimant in their qualifying period.

=== 3. Pregnancy Benefit Rate ===
Refer to Canada’s EI Economic Region map to determine whether the claimant was living in one of the economic regions: http://srv129.services.gc.ca/eiregions/eng/canada.aspx.

The pregnancy benefit rate is the same as the regular benefit rate. All earnings received from other sources reduce benefits. However, no proof of availability is necessary. Money received under an employer’s sickness or maternity plan, other than a SUB plan, is regarded as earnings, and will be deducted. For a comprehensive list of what is and is not, regarded as earnings, see s 35 of the ''EI Regulations''. See also [[Quantifying Employment Insurance Benefits (8:V)#C. Effect of Earnings | Section V.C: Effect of Earnings]], above.
== H. Termination of Benefit Period ==

:''NOTE:'' For more information on claiming pregnancy benefits, please refer to the ESDC website: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-maternity-parental.html.
Once a benefit period is established, it continues to run notwithstanding that the claimant may have returned to work (though full benefits will not actually be paid in this case), unless the benefit period is terminated.

== H. Parental Benefits ==
Section 10(8) states that a benefit period terminates when:

There are two options available to parents; they may choose to get 55% of their wage for 40 weeks or they may choose to receive 33% of their wage for up to 69 weeks. These benefits are available to any parent, including adoptive parents, who experience an interruption of earnings to care for their new child. However, birth mothers can collect parental benefits in addition to their pregnancy benefits. 
1. no further benefits are payable to the claimant in his or her benefit period;

Should parents elect to receive benefits for up to 40 weeks, parents can share the 40 weeks of benefits between them.  However, each parent cannot individually claim more than 35 weeks. 
2. the benefit period would otherwise end under this section; and

Should parents elect to receive benefits for up to 69 weeks, parents can share the total benefit between the them as they choose. However, no parent may receive more than 61 weeks of benefits individually.
3. the claimant:

In either case, only parents who are major attachment claimants (i.e. have at least 600 insurable hours in their qualifying period) can qualify.  In other words, each parent must qualify individually, and one parent cannot qualify on behalf of the other. For example, if one parent claims 35 weeks of benefits, then the other parent may claim a maximum of 5 weeks.
a) asks that the benefit period end;

The period during which parental benefits can be claimed begins on the day the child is born, or placed with the parent for the purposes of adoptions, and ends 52 weeks later.  The 40 weeks of parental benefit do not need to be collected in consecutive weeks and can be collected at any time during this period.  Like other EI benefits, the claimant will receive 55% of their average weekly earnings.
b) makes a new initial claim for benefit; and

== I. Provisions for Low Income Families ==
c) qualifies to receive benefit under this part of the ''EI Act''.
For claimants with children and low family incomes, there is a family supplement that could raise their benefit rate to a maximum of 80 percent. Low-income families are defined as those who qualify for the Canada Child Benefit, with a combined annual income of less than $25,921.

== J. Employment (Training) Benefits ==
NOTE: The way benefit rates are calculated under the ''EI Act'' can make the timing of the decision to end one claim and start a new one crucial.  Therefore, it may be better for a claimant to terminate an existing benefit period prior to its expiration and establish a new one, in order to use working periods during the benefit period that may improve his or her benefit rate or attachment.
The EI budget includes discretionary funding for retraining.  Eligibility for these benefits is determined by the criteria in s 58(1) of the EI Act, and includes anyone whose benefit period ended within the last 60 months. Section 9 of the EI Act lists out certain types of benefits that could be conferred to claimants that meet the criteria in s 58(1). The Commission has discretion to approve funding for benefits during training, and decisions on this matter cannot be appealed (EI Act, s 25(2)).

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Revision as of 23:42, 20 September 2020

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on July, 2019.

A. Introduction

When a claim is established, the claimant’s “benefit period” will begin. Under s 10(1) of the EI Act, the benefit period begins on the Sunday at the beginning of the week in which the interruption of earnings occurs, or on the Sunday of the week in which the initial claim for benefit is made, whichever is later, though this is subject to antedating. Benefits will only be paid during the benefit period.

B. Antedating

If an application for EI benefits was not filed within the first four weeks after the week in which the claimant experienced their interruption of earnings inter, they can ask that the claim be antedated back to the first date when it could have been filed under s 10(4). The claimant must establish that good cause existed for the delay in filing. “Good cause” must be demonstrated for each day until the date of application was actually made. If the claim is filed within the first four weeks, it is automatically antedated to the first date of eligibility.

What is “Good Cause”? Good cause has typically been interpreted narrowly. In one case, the applicant was in the hospital and the Commission denied his application for antedating on the grounds that his wife should have made the claim on his behalf. Simple ignorance of the requirements of the EI Act has not been considered good cause either, though reasonable reliance on bad advice from the employer, union, a legal advisor or the Commission itself usually meets the requirements.
In Attorney General v Burke, 2012 FCA 139, a claimant asked for his application to be back dated because he had expected to be rehired and hence did not apply for EI until after the regular deadline. The Federal Court of Appeal upheld the previous decisions granting an antedate on the basis that the claimant had done what a reasonable person would do.

C. Income That is Treated as Earnings

Section 35(2) of the EI Regulations defines what will be considered earnings for EI purposes.

Income that counts as “earnings” includes, but is not limited to:

  • a) severance pay;
  • b) retirement payments and retirement leave credits or payments in lieu;
  • c) most bonuses and gratuities;
  • d) wages in lieu of notice; and
  • e) vacation pay.

See section 35(2) of the EI Regulations for more detail.

It is important to note some income, while generally considered earnings, will not prevent an interruption of earnings. For example, the fact that a worker receives severance, pay in lieu of notice, or vacation pay after getting laid off will not delay the interruption of earnings. The claimant should still apply for EI as soon as possible after they stop working to make sure their application is not late, even if the money they get from the employer due to the layoff may delay the start of their actual EI benefits..

Income regarded as earnings is “allocated” pursuant to s 36 of the EI Regulations. This is usually done at the claimant’s regular weekly rate of pay. Such allocation may delay the start of benefits by the number of weeks the earnings can be allocated to. For example, if a person normally earns $500 per week, and receives $1000 severance pay, their claim will be delayed for an additional 2 weeks after they stop work. This is because it will notionally take two weeks to “use up” the $1000, as the claimant usually makes this amount in two weeks.

Though the claimant will need to wait until the money is used up before being eligible to receive benefits, they must still apply for EI immediately. The benefit period will be extended to make up for the weeks it takes to use up these earnings.

D. Income That Is Not Treated As Earnings

Section 35(7) exempts certain sources of income from being regarded as earnings. These include:

  • a) Disability pension or a lump sum or pension paid in full and final settlement of a claim made for workers’ compensation payments;
  • b) Payments under a sickness or disability wage-loss indemnity plan;
  • c) Relief grants;
  • d) Retroactive increases in wages or salary.

For more details, see section 35(7) of the EI Regulations.

Recent cases suggest that in certain circumstances some earnings may not delay the start of an EI claim. In Attorney General of Canada v Doreen Myers, 2006 FCA 57, the court found that the claimant’s vacation pay did not delay the start of a claim because it was not a payment made by reason of a separation, thus allowing benefits to be received earlier, and possibly at a higher rate. See also the case of Attorney General of Canada v Bielich, 2005 FCA 363. In this case the court allowed a $24,000 payment to be exempted from the claimant’s allocation of earnings because the purpose of the payment was to compensate the claimant for giving up his right to seek reinstatement, not to compensate for lost pay.

NOTE: A retirement pension will not delay the start of a claim. Retirement pensions are generally considered income and are deducted from EI benefits. However, if the claimant accumulates all the hours needed to qualify for EI after the date their pension starts, then their pension money will not be deducted from their EI benefits (see EI Regulation, s 35(7)(e).

E. The Waiting Period

Before receiving any EI benefits, a claimant must serve a one week “waiting period” during which they are unemployed and otherwise eligible for benefits (EI Act, section 13).

This waiting period also applies to pregnancy, parental, caregiver and sickness claims. For caregiver benefits, it can be deferred for the second family member if benefits are split, but the first person must serve it. If a claimant works during the waiting period, 100 percent of his or her earnings will be deducted from the first three (and no more than three) weekly benefit cheques.

F. Length of Benefit Period

The benefit period for regular EI benefits is 52 weeks. However, this period can sometimes be extended to more than 52 weeks, The criteria for this are set out in s 10(10) of the EI Act. The benefit period can be extended when a claimant proves that for any week during that benefit period the claimant was not entitled to benefit by reason of:

  • a) receiving earnings paid by reason of the complete severance of the relationship between the claimant and the claimant’s former employer (i.e. “using up” severance pay, vacation pay, etc.);
  • b) receiving Workers’ Compensation payments for a total disability; or
  • c) receiving payments under a provincial law on the basis of having ceased to work because continuing to work would have entailed danger to the claimant, the claimant’s unborn child, or a child the claimant is breast-feeding. However, under BC law, BC residents are not entitled to these payments, and this does not apply to them.

The benefit period can be further extended under s 10(11) where a claimant can prove that for any week during the extension period, he or she was not entitled to benefit, again for any reason stated in s 10(10).

The length of any benefit period extended for these reasons cannot exceed 104 weeks (EI Act, s 10(14)).

G. Payment of Regular Benefits

Where a benefit period for regular benefits has been established for a claimant, benefits may be paid to the claimant for each week of unemployment that falls in the benefit period, subject to the maximum benefit periods established in EI Act, s 12.

The maximum number of weeks for which benefits may be paid in a benefit period (other than special benefits) are determined in accordance with the table in Schedule I of the EI Act by reference to the regional rate of unemployment that applies to the claimant and the number of hours of insurable employment of the claimant in their qualifying period.

Refer to Canada’s EI Economic Region map to determine whether the claimant was living in one of the economic regions: http://srv129.services.gc.ca/eiregions/eng/canada.aspx.

H. Termination of Benefit Period

Once a benefit period is established, it continues to run notwithstanding that the claimant may have returned to work (though full benefits will not actually be paid in this case), unless the benefit period is terminated.

Section 10(8) states that a benefit period terminates when:

1. no further benefits are payable to the claimant in his or her benefit period;

2. the benefit period would otherwise end under this section; and

3. the claimant:

a) asks that the benefit period end;

b) makes a new initial claim for benefit; and

c) qualifies to receive benefit under this part of the EI Act.

NOTE: The way benefit rates are calculated under the EI Act can make the timing of the decision to end one claim and start a new one crucial. Therefore, it may be better for a claimant to terminate an existing benefit period prior to its expiration and establish a new one, in order to use working periods during the benefit period that may improve his or her benefit rate or attachment.

© Copyright 2023, The Greater Vancouver Law Students' Legal Advice Society.