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Settlement conferences are held in all court registries except for Vancouver (Robson Square).  Settlement conferences are mandatory for all cases except motor vehicle accident cases where only liability for property damage is disputed, if rule 9.1 or 9.2 applies to the claim (unless an order is made under Rule 9.2(13)(c) that the claim be set for a settlement conference), on or before April 30, 2016, Rule 7.5 applied to the claim, or all of the following apply in relation to the claim: The proceeding was started by a notice of civil resolution tribunal claim; the civil resolution tribunal gave a final decision in relation to the claim unless one of the parties did not make a response, and a certificate referred to in Rule 1.1(8)(b)(i) was filed with the notice of civil resolution tribunal claim (Rule 7(2)).
== A. Trial Conference ==

== A. Who Must Attend ==
A trial conference only applies to claims at the Vancouver (Robson Square) registry. Parties should see Section XI: Settlement Conference for information regarding the purpose of, preparation for, and conduct of a trial conference. A trial conference is similar to a  settlement conference with a few notable exceptions, such as:
*The focus will be on trial preparation rather than on settlement.
*a party does not have to attend if a lawyer, articling student, or other representative attends on that party’s behalf (Rule 7.5(12));
*a Trial Statement (Form 33) must be filed at least 14 days before the trial conference and served on all other parties at least 7 days before the trial conference (Rules 7.5(9) and (10));
*a certificate of readiness is not required as it will have been provided prior to Rule 7.4 mediation;
*the judge may require the parties to jointly retain an expert (Rule 7.5(14)(e)(ii)); and
*the judge may give a non-binding opinion regarding the probable outcome of the trial (Rule 7.5(14)(j)).  

The registry will serve the parties by mail with a Notice of Settlement Conference (Form 6) at least 14 days in advance (Rule 7(3)).  
There may be consequences for failing to file and serve the Trial Statement on time (See Rule 20(6); ''Yewchak v Cleland'', 2002 BCPC 200 (CanLII); ''Irving v Irving'', 1982 CanLII 475 (BCCA); and ''Busse v Robinson Morelli Chertkow'', [1999] BCJ No. 1101 (BCCA)).

All parties, with or without legal representation, must attend the settlement conference, although there is are exceptions for: claims resulting from a motor vehicle accident, the defendant is disputing the amount of the claim but not liability, and a person appointed by ICBC attends instead of the defendant (Rule 7(4)). If a party is not an individual (e.g., a company), someone who has authority to settle the claim for the  company must attend. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1f39m Kamloops Dental Centre v Mcmillan]'', 1996 CanLII 377 (BCSC)). If a party sends a lawyer or articled student and  does not attend personally or send a company representative, that party will be deemed to have not attended the settlement conference. A party  may appear by telephone if an application is made to and approved by the Registrar prior to the date set for the conference (Rule 16(2)(c.1)). If a party does not attend or does not have full authority to settle, the judge can dismiss a claim, grant a payment order, or make any other  appropriate order (Rules 7(17)). If a party attends but is unprepared, a judge may order the unprepared party to pay the other party’s reasonable costs (Rules 7(6) and 20(6)).  
The Registrar must serve a Notice of Trial Conference (Form 32) at least 30 days prior to the date set for the conference. A judge may make any order for the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of the claim including those enumerated in Rule 7.5(14).

Witnesses cannot attend except in unusual and exceptional cases. A witness who does attend the settlement conference will usually be asked to wait outside. 
== B. Pre-Trial Conference ==

== B. What to Bring ==
At most registries, a pre-trial conference will be scheduled for claims with trials that are scheduled to be longer than one half-day. In many  ways this is similar to a settlement conference. There are basically no rules for pre-trial conferences. The general purpose is to ensure that  the parties are prepared for trial, that all orders have been complied with, that all disclosure has been made, and that all witnesses will attend the trial. The judge will try to narrow the number of witnesses to reduce court time. In addition, the judge will review the admissibility  of documentary evidence, particularly that of written evidence. The judge will also ensure that the matter falls within the jurisdictional  limits of the Small Claims Court and that the claim is not beyond its limitation period. Finally, even at this late date, the judge will encourage the claimants and defendants to settle the matter. The parties may receive an order allowing another 30 days after the pre-trial conference to serve a formal settlement offer to the opposing party. The offer to settle must be made according to Rule 10.1 and penalties may  apply to parties who refuse the formal offer to settle. For example, if the court after trial grants the claimant a sum that is equal to or less than the defendant’s formal settlement offer, the claimant can be ordered to pay the defendant a penalty of up to 20 per cent of the settlement offer.

Each party must bring to a settlement conference '''all relevant documents and reports''' whether the party intends to use them at trial or  not (Rule 7(5)). Documents include any contracts, invoices, bills of sale, business records, photographs, and summaries of what each witness  will say in court (“will-say” statements).
It is not uncommon for Judges at a pre-trial conference to decide the case based on the law without hearing any evidence. Some consider this to  be an improper use of pre-trial conferences. However, as stated above, there are no rules governing pre-trial conferences so you should be aware of this going into a pre-trial conference.
Each party should prepare a brief chronological summary of its case and support it with evidence. Claimants should bring more than one written  estimate or quote, if there is a large sum of money involved.
If the claim is for personal injury, the claimant must file and serve a Form 7 certificate of readiness and required records (Rules 7(9)-(13)) before a settlement conference will be scheduled. There can be consequences for failing to file the certificate of readiness on time. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/5lrn Yewchak v Cleland]'', 2002 BCPC 200 (CanLII); ''[http://canlii.ca/t/23p35 Irving v Irving]'', 1982 CanLII 475 (BC CA); ''[http://canlii.ca/t/54f9 Busse v Robinson Morelli Chertkow]'', 1999 BCCA 313).
== C. What May Happen ==
A settlement conference is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes before a judge in a conference room at the courthouse. The judge at the  settlement/trial conference will not be the judge at trial, if a trial is necessary. The parties will sit at a table with the judge. The judge will say a few words and ask each party to give a brief summary of their case. The judge may then lead both the claimant and defendant into a discussion on what, if anything, the parties can agree on. If the parties agree on the final result, the judge will make the order. However,  the parties may agree on some issues and leave issues in dispute to be resolved at trial. The judge will assess how much time is required for trial.
A judge at a settlement conference may make any order for the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of the claim (Rule 7(14)). This includes  mediating and making orders regarding admissibility of evidence, inspections of evidence, or production of evidence to the other party. The judge may also dismiss a claim that discloses no triable issue, is without reasonable grounds, is frivolous, or is an abuse of the court’s process. (See Rule 7(14)((i); ''Belanger v AT&T Canada Inc.'', [1994] BCJ No. 2792; ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1dhfk Cohen v Kirkpatrick]'', 1993 CanLII 2059 (BCSC); and ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1dhzm Artisan FloorCo. v Lam]'', 1993 CanLII 2138 (BCSC)). Examples include claims that are outside the court’s jurisdiction, where the claimant  presents no evidence, or where the limitation period at the date of filing the Notice of Claim had expired. A judge cannot dismiss a case at the settlement conference on the basis of issues relating to the credibility of witnesses or evidence.
A judge may also order that multiple claims be heard at the same time, or consolidated into one claim. (See ''Schab v Active Bailiff Service Ltd.'', [1993] BCJ No. 2936). The distinction is important. Claims heard at the same time may each individually be awarded up to $35,000, while claims which are consolidated into one claim may only be awarded $35,000 combined.
Any agreement valid under contract law can result in a binding settlement. Agreements entered into by lawyers with their client's knowledge  and consent are binding but can be set aside in some circumstances. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/5t05 Harvey v British Columbia Corps of Commissionaires]'', 2002 BCPC 69 (CanLII)). If all claims are not settled, the parties should acquire a record of the settlement conference, which may outline all of the issues in the case, all admissions, the number of witnesses, the anticipated length of trial, and anything that must be disclosed.
'''NOTE:''' If the settlement pertains to an action against a lawyer for which a complaint has been filed with the Law Society, a party cannot  use complaint withdrawal as a bargaining technique; it is improper during settlement negotiations to offer to withdraw a complaint against a lawyer as a part of the settlement. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1q0x9 Gord Hill Log Homes Ltd. v Cancedar Log Homes]'', 2006 BCPC 480 (CanLII)).
== D. Disclosure ==
Trial by ambush is not permitted. Each party is entitled to know the evidence for and against its position. If the parties cannot reach a settlement, the focus will turn to trial preparation. The judge at a settlement conference has the power to order production of documents and  evidence. Each party should attend the settlement conference with a list of documents and evidence that is believed to be in the possession of the other party.
A judge will order the parties to exchange copies of all documents or allow for their inspection before trial. Disclosure must be timely. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/4w2k Golden Capital Securities Ltd. v Holmes]'', 2002 BCSC 516 (CanLII)). These documents should be compiled in a tabbed binder for easy reference at trial.
Each party must be prepared to disclose the  name of each witness that party intends to call, indicate what evidence each witness will give, and provide a time estimate. If expert evidence will be used, it is helpful if a written report (or at least a draft copy) is available for  the settlement conference. If an expert report is not available, parties will be ordered to exchange those reports prior to trial. There is a minimum  deadline of 30 days before trial (Rules 10(3) and (4)) however the judge at the settlement conference can be asked to change the time limits.
If a party does not comply with a disclosure order, a judge may adjourn the trial, the settlement conference, or both, order that party to pay expenses, order the trial to proceed without allowing that evidence to be used, or dismiss the action.
'''NOTE:''' For case law relating to the disclosure of medical documents and ethical obligations of physicians to their patients see ''[http://canlii.ca/t/216h1 Halliday v McCulloch]'', [1986] BCJ No 223 (BC CA), ''[http://canlii.ca/t/g92dd Hope v Brown]'', [1990] BCJ No. 2586, ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1d1t8 Davies v Milne]'', 1999 CanLII 6654 (BC SC), and ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1g5q6 Cunningham v Slubowski]'',2003 BCSC 1854.
'''NOTE:''' For case law on obtaining disclosure from the Crown (e.g., from a related criminal case) in a civil case see ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1n0h2 Huang (litigation  guardian of) v Sadler]'', [2006] BCJ No. 758 (BCSC) and ''[http://canlii.ca/t/21zxc Wong v Antunes]'', 2008 BCSC 1739. For case law pertaining to the  admissibility  of evidence obtained through electronic surveillance (e.g., recording telephone conversations and videotaping) and whether it will be considered a violation of the ''Privacy Act'', RSBC 1996, c 373 see ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1rfst Watts v Klaemt]'', 2007 BCSC 662 and ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1nh0s Cam v Hood]'', 2006 BCSC 842. For case law on obtaining evidence from third parties see ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1q91l Lewis v Frye]'', 2007 BCSC 89.
A judge may also order the exchange of all case law prior to the trial date.
Parties should consider writing to the other side after the settlement conference to confirm the deadline, the documents required, and remedies that will be pursued if there is no disclosure. When sending documents, it is important to include a list or outline of what material is enclosed.
== E. Enforcing a Settlement Agreement (Rule 7(20)) ==
If an agreement reached at a settlement conference includes payment, and if a party does not comply, the agreement can be cancelled. After  filing an affidavit describing the on-compliance, the person entitled to payment may file a payment order for either the amount agreed to by he  parties as the default amount and noted on the record as the default amount endorsed by the judge at the settlement conference or the full  amount of the original claim if there was no default amount endorsed by the judge.

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Revision as of 22:09, 4 October 2020

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on August 16, 2020.

A. Trial Conference

A trial conference only applies to claims at the Vancouver (Robson Square) registry. Parties should see Section XI: Settlement Conference for information regarding the purpose of, preparation for, and conduct of a trial conference. A trial conference is similar to a settlement conference with a few notable exceptions, such as:

  • The focus will be on trial preparation rather than on settlement.
  • a party does not have to attend if a lawyer, articling student, or other representative attends on that party’s behalf (Rule 7.5(12));
  • a Trial Statement (Form 33) must be filed at least 14 days before the trial conference and served on all other parties at least 7 days before the trial conference (Rules 7.5(9) and (10));
  • a certificate of readiness is not required as it will have been provided prior to Rule 7.4 mediation;
  • the judge may require the parties to jointly retain an expert (Rule 7.5(14)(e)(ii)); and
  • the judge may give a non-binding opinion regarding the probable outcome of the trial (Rule 7.5(14)(j)).

There may be consequences for failing to file and serve the Trial Statement on time (See Rule 20(6); Yewchak v Cleland, 2002 BCPC 200 (CanLII); Irving v Irving, 1982 CanLII 475 (BCCA); and Busse v Robinson Morelli Chertkow, [1999] BCJ No. 1101 (BCCA)).

The Registrar must serve a Notice of Trial Conference (Form 32) at least 30 days prior to the date set for the conference. A judge may make any order for the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of the claim including those enumerated in Rule 7.5(14).

B. Pre-Trial Conference

At most registries, a pre-trial conference will be scheduled for claims with trials that are scheduled to be longer than one half-day. In many ways this is similar to a settlement conference. There are basically no rules for pre-trial conferences. The general purpose is to ensure that the parties are prepared for trial, that all orders have been complied with, that all disclosure has been made, and that all witnesses will attend the trial. The judge will try to narrow the number of witnesses to reduce court time. In addition, the judge will review the admissibility of documentary evidence, particularly that of written evidence. The judge will also ensure that the matter falls within the jurisdictional limits of the Small Claims Court and that the claim is not beyond its limitation period. Finally, even at this late date, the judge will encourage the claimants and defendants to settle the matter. The parties may receive an order allowing another 30 days after the pre-trial conference to serve a formal settlement offer to the opposing party. The offer to settle must be made according to Rule 10.1 and penalties may apply to parties who refuse the formal offer to settle. For example, if the court after trial grants the claimant a sum that is equal to or less than the defendant’s formal settlement offer, the claimant can be ordered to pay the defendant a penalty of up to 20 per cent of the settlement offer.

It is not uncommon for Judges at a pre-trial conference to decide the case based on the law without hearing any evidence. Some consider this to be an improper use of pre-trial conferences. However, as stated above, there are no rules governing pre-trial conferences so you should be aware of this going into a pre-trial conference.

© Copyright 2023, The Greater Vancouver Law Students' Legal Advice Society.