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{{REVIEWEDPLS | reviewer = [https://www.vancrimlaw.com/Lawyers/Brock-Martland-QC.shtml Brock Martland], Martland & Saulnier|date= July 2018}} {{Dial-A-Law TOC|expanded = rights}}
{{REVIEWEDPLS | reviewer = [https://www.vancrimlaw.com/Lawyers/Brock-Martland-QC.shtml Brock Martland], Martland & Saulnier|date= July 2018}} {{Dial-A-Law TOC|expanded = rights}}
The ''Charter of Rights and Freedoms'' is one of Canada’s most important laws. Learn the key rights and freedoms protected by the Charter and how to enforce your Charter rights.
A number of legal rights are enshrined in the ''Charter of Right''s and Freedoms. Learn about these rights, and what a court can do if your legal rights are violated.
==What you should know==
===The Charter guarantees a number of legal rights===
The [https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/stat/schedule-b-to-the-canada-act-1982-uk-1982-c-11/latest/schedule-b-to-the-canada-act-1982-uk-1982-c-11.html ''Charter of Rights and Freedoms''] is part of Canada’s Constitution and protects a broad range of rights and freedoms. Among the rights guaranteed by the Charter are a number of '''legal rights'''. Several are aimed at ensuring anyone accused of a crime is treated in a just and fair manner. Some apply to witnesses who testify in court proceedings.
Some of these rights existed long before the Charter. Some added to or improved the rights Canadians enjoyed before the Charter became law in 1982.
The legal rights in the Charter most often apply in criminal cases. They can also come into play when people deal with government agencies.
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For more on your rights under the Charter, see our [[Charter Rights: Overview|overview of the Charter]] and our information on [[Charter Rights: Equality Rights|equality rights]].
==What you should know==
===Right to life, liberty and security of the person (section 7)===
Everyone has the '''right to life, liberty and security of the person''', and the right not to be deprived of these things except in accordance with the “principles of fundamental justice."

===The Charter protects a broad range of rights and freedoms===
Section 7 of the Charter protects more than just the right to physical liberty — the right not to be held against your will without proper process. It also protects the right to be free from physical assault and interference, and the threat of these things. The Charter protects conduct that people are free to pursue. If the government interferes with your liberty or security, it must follow fair laws and procedures.
The [https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/stat/schedule-b-to-the-canada-act-1982-uk-1982-c-11/latest/schedule-b-to-the-canada-act-1982-uk-1982-c-11.html ''Charter of Rights and Freedoms''] is part of Canada’s Constitution and protects a broad range of rights and freedoms.

The Charter guarantees certain '''fundamental freedoms''':
For example, if a law said you can be sent to jail for six months if your spouse commits robbery, a court could potentially rely on section 7 to strike down this law. The court could say the law takes away your liberty (as you could go to jail) and does not follow the principles of fundamental justice — one of those principles being that you must be personally responsible for a crime to be convicted; it is not enough just to know someone who did the crime.

* freedom of conscience and religion
====The right to remain silent====
* freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication
An important right under section 7 is the '''right to remain silent''' if you are suspected of a crime. The police cannot force you to answer their questions, but they may continue to ask questions even if you say you do not want to answer.
* freedom of peaceful assembly
* freedom of association

The Charter guarantees '''democratic rights'''. It gives every Canadian citizen the right to vote in federal and provincial elections. It sets the maximum time between elections.
Although the Charter gives a broad right to remain silent, under some laws, you may be required to identify yourself or give some information — for example, if you are crossing a border into Canada or driving a vehicle stopped by the police.

The Charter guarantees '''mobility rights'''. It gives every citizen the right to enter, remain in, and leave Canada. It gives everyone the right to move to and pursue a living in any province.
In some cases, the police may not be clear about a person’s obligation to answer questions. If there’s uncertainty, you should ask the officer if you must answer the questions. Refusing to identify yourself to the police can sometimes create problems. For example, if you won’t identify yourself and do not have identity documents, the police might detain you to learn your true identity. One option is to give your name and date of birth but nothing more, unless the officer says you have a legal duty to give more information.

The Charter guarantees a number of '''legal rights''', including the right to:
===Right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure (section 8)===
Everyone has the '''right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure'''. Section 8 of the Charter controls the laws that allow police to search your home or place of business, your phone or computer, your car, or even you, in certain cases. It also controls the actions of individual police officers.

* life, liberty and security of the person
Before police can search or seize, they must have a good reason to do so. For example, if the police suspect you have stolen cellphones, they cannot just enter your apartment and search you and your rooms. The police can go to court to get a search warrant, explaining their reasons. If the court agrees those reasons are sufficient, they can issue a warrant authorizing the search.
* be secure against unreasonable search or seizure
* not be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned
* be informed promptly of the reasons for any arrest or detention
* have a lawyer, if you are arrested
* be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair and public hearing by an impartial tribunal, if you are charged with a crime
* not be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment
* not have evidence you give be used against you

The Charter guarantees '''equality rights'''. It says everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection of the law, without discrimination. It highlights the right to be free of discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, or mental or physical disability.
Section 8 does not protect your privacy in all cases. It depends on the context. Courts focus on the person’s expectation of privacy in the place, thing, or information at issue. For example, if you leave property at a friend’s house or put garbage out on the sidewalk for pickup, you don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy in those places. On the other hand, if you password-protect your personal computer at your home, you have a strong expectation of privacy.

The Charter also makes English and French the '''official languages of Canada'''.
===Right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned (section 9)===
Everyone has the '''right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned'''. Something is arbitrary if there is no good reason for it. Being detained is when you are kept somewhere you don’t want to be.

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The ''Criminal Code'' and other laws set out when someone can be detained or arrested. Those laws must be consistent with section 9 of the Charter. For example, police can only detain you if there are '''reasonable grounds''' (good reasons) to suspect you are connected to a crime. If police arrest you, you must be brought before a justice of the peace (a court officer who deals with process matters) as soon as possible — normally within 24 hours — to see if you can be released from custody. The police cannot hold you in custody without justifying this is needed.
For more detail on legal and equality rights under the Charter, see our information on [[Charter Rights: Legal Rights|legal rights]] and [[Charter Rights: Equality Rights|equality rights]].
===Charter rights and freedoms are not absolute===
The Charter itself recognizes that some laws might violate the Charter yet be justifiable in the broader public interest. Where a law violates a Charter right, a government can try to justify the violation as a '''reasonable limit''' under section 1 of the Charter. Under that section, a reasonable limit needs to be “prescribed by law” and “demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society."

If a government tries to rely on section 1 to justify a Charter violation, a court can decide if the violation is a reasonable limit. The court will look at whether the law has an important objective, and whether the government chose a proportionate way to meet that objective — a way that interferes as little as possible with Charter rights. For example, could the government achieve its objective in another way, without violating Charter rights? Does the law do more harm than good?
Another example: let’s say the police stop you as you walk along the sidewalk. If the police reasonably believe you are connected to a crime, they have a legal power to stop (that is, detain) you to ask questions. If the police have reasonable grounds to arrest you for committing a crime, they can arrest you. But if the police are just making conversation, you can ask the police whether you are free to go. If the answer is no, you are being detained, and you could ask the police what legal authority they are relying on to detain you.

Section 1 applies only to written laws. It does not apply to '''government actions'''. Examples of government actions would be the actions of a police officer in making an arrest, or a decision by a government department to deny benefits. In these situations, where a government action violates the Charter, section 1 does not let the government try to justify the violation. The action is unconstitutional. Lawyers call this a Charter breach.
===Right to know the reasons you’re arrested or detained (section 10)===
Everyone, if police arrest or detain them, has the '''right to be informed promptly of the reasons for the arrest or detention'''.

===The Charter includes a “notwithstanding” clause===
You also have the right to speak to a lawyer immediately — before the police question you — and to be told you have that right. The police must give you privacy and a way to exercise your right to call a lawyer.
If a law cannot be justified as a reasonable limit on a right or freedom, a federal or provincial government can try to declare that the law operates '''notwithstanding''' the Charter. The Canadian Parliament has never used this notwithstanding clause, but Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Yukon have done so.

===The Charter applies to government, not the private sector===
===Rights if you’re charged with a crime (section 11)===
You can’t rely on the Charter to challenge every violation of your rights. The Charter controls '''laws''' and '''government actions'''. It doesn’t control private citizens, businesses, or organizations. Before you can claim the Charter’s protection, you must show that the government, or some agency very closely connected to government, such as a school board or labour relations board, violated your rights.
Section 11 puts several fundamental principles of Canadian criminal law into the Charter. It controls how a person charged with an offence is treated in a criminal case. Some of these rights, such as the '''right to be presumed innocent''' until proven guilty, and the '''right not to be a witness against yourself''', existed long before the Charter. One important right with a powerful effect under the Charter is the '''right to a trial within a reasonable time'''. Another is the '''right to be informed of the specific offence you are charged with''', without unreasonable delay.

If a private individual, organization, or company violates your rights, you may be able to assert a claim under human rights law. Depending on the situation, you might be able to rely on the BC ''Human Rights Code'' or the Canadian ''Human Rights Act''. For more, see our information on [[Human Rights and Discrimination Protection|human rights and discrimination protection]], and [https://dialalaw.peopleslawschool.ca/job-discrimination/ protection against job discrimination].
Section 11 also gives a person charged with an offence the '''right to reasonable bail''' unless there is just cause (a good reason) to deny it. Section 11 provides a '''right to trial by jury''' if an offence can be punished with jail for five years or more (the ''Criminal Code'' also gives a right to trial by jury for some other serious offences).

==To enforce your Charter rights==
===Right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment (section 12)===
Canadian courts interpret and enforce the Charter. Courts have the power to strike down and invalidate laws or government actions. They will do so if necessary to defend a protected right or freedom. If you think a provincial or federal law or action violates your Charter rights, you can ask a court to strike down the law or grant another '''remedy'''. A remedy is a court order to give someone their legal rights or to compensate them for their rights not being respected.
Everyone has the '''right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual treatment or punishment'''. When courts decide whether treatment or punishment is cruel and unusual, they often ask if it is so harsh that it shocks the conscience of the Canadian public. Torture is an example of cruel and unusual treatment.

What a court can do depends on what you ask for. You may ask a court to declare that your personal rights have been violated, or to give you a personal remedy. In criminal cases, for example, an accused person can ask the court to end the trial or to exclude evidence obtained in violation of the Charter.
===Protection against the use of your own testimony against you (section 13)===
At a criminal trial, the accused person can decide whether to '''testify''' (give evidence under oath) in their own defence. Other people generally cannot refuse to testify: they must do so if they receive a '''subpoena''' (a document ordering them to come to court and give evidence). If they refuse to testify, they can be charged with contempt of court. And anyone who lies in their testimony (the evidence they give) can be charged with '''perjury''' (lying under oath).

Or you may ask a court for a general remedy not specific to your case, such as striking down a law entirely.
If a witness at the criminal trial of another person is asked about their own involvement in criminal activity, they must answer honestly. But a prosecutor cannot use their answers against them. Section 13 of the Charter says testimony from a witness showing they committed criminal activity '''cannot be used against them''' to prove they are guilty of that criminal activity.

In considering a Charter challenge, the court will generally assess two questions.
That said, a prosecutor can use a witness’s answer to show they are lying under oath (committing perjury) in that case, or in a later case if they are charged and deny the criminal activity.

====First, were your rights under the Charter violated?====
===Right to an interpreter (section 14)===
You have to show the court that one of your Charter rights was violated. This usually means persuading the judge that a law or government action violated a specific Charter right. For example, you might complain that a law restricting what signs you can put in your window violates freedom of expression. If you prove a violation, the court will move on to a second question.
Everyone has the right to an interpreter in any legal proceedings if they don't understand or speak the language being used, or if they’re deaf.

====Second, can the government justify the law as a reasonable limit?====
===Charter rights are not absolute===
If a court finds the government violated your rights, the next step depends on what caused the violation: was it a written law, or was it an action by government? If government action caused the violation, the government does not get a chance to justify the violation.
These legal rights are not absolute. The Charter itself recognizes that some laws might violate the Charter yet be justifiable in the broader public interest. Where a law violates a Charter right, a government can try to justify the violation as a reasonable limit under section 1 of the Charter. Under that section, a '''reasonable limit''' needs to be “prescribed by law” and “demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society."

If a written law violated your rights, the court will then consider whether the government can justify the violation as a reasonable limit under section 1 of the Charter. Charter rights are balanced against the rights of others and the interests of society. The court will consider: Is the violation reasonable and justified in a free and democratic society? To decide that, the court looks at several things, including whether the benefits of the law are significant enough to justify violating a Charter right, and whether the government could have achieved its objectives in some other way that did not violate anyone’s rights or freedoms.
If a government tries to rely on section 1 to justify a Charter violation, a court can decide if the violation is a reasonable limit. The court will look at whether the law has an important objective, and whether the government chose a proportionate way to meet that objective — a way that interferes as little as possible with Charter rights. For example, could the government achieve its objective in another way, without violating Charter rights? Does the law do more harm than good?

Typically, the government tries to show the law’s objective is important to Canadian society, and the violation of Charter rights is minimal. The more severe the violation, the harder it is for government to justify it. Charter cases can be hard to resolve because courts have to consider and balance many competing interests. The court must go beyond the narrow facts of one case and consider the competing interests in relation to a law and how it operates for society.
Section 1 applies only to written laws. It does not apply to '''government actions'''. An example of a government action would be the conduct of a police officer in making an arrest. Where a government action violates the Charter, section 1 does not let the government try to justify the violation. The action is unconstitutional. Lawyers call this a '''Charter breach'''.

==Remedies if a Charter right is violated==
==Remedies if a Charter right is violated==
If you prove a violation of a Charter right, and the government cannot justify the violation as a reasonable limit under section 1, the next question is what kind of remedy or consequence is appropriate. Different kinds of remedies apply to different types of cases.
The Charter gives courts lots of discretion about the '''remedy''' they can order if a Charter right is violated. A remedy is a court order to give someone their legal rights or to compensate them for their rights not being respected.
Section 24 of the Charter allows a person whose rights have been violated to apply to a court for a remedy the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances. In some cases, a broad remedy may be necessary, such as '''declaring that a law is unconstitutional'''. This is often referred to as ”striking down a law." For example, if the government passed a law giving sweeping power for police to search vehicles, the court could decide to strike down the law as violating the Charter right to be secure against unreasonable search. In this way the remedy helps everyone affected by the law.

In some cases, a broad remedy may be necessary, such as declaring that a law is unconstitutional. This is often referred to as ”striking down a law." For example, if the government passed a law that discriminated based on gender, the court could strike down the law, giving a remedy that helps everyone affected by the law.
In other cases, an '''individual (personal) remedy''' is ordered. For example, if the right to a trial within a reasonable time has been denied, and it is no longer possible for a person to properly defend themselves, the court may “stay” (terminate) the charges against that person. That means the trial won’t proceed and the person won’t be convicted.

In other cases, an individual (personal) remedy is ordered. Section 24 of the Charter allows a person whose rights have been violated to apply to a court for a remedy the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances. If a government official took the action — for example, a police officer conducted an unreasonable search — the court will often give an individual remedy that helps only the person whose rights were violated. The court may say that (for example) drugs found during an illegal search can’t be used as evidence in the accused person’s criminal trial. This helps the accused person, but it doesn’t change the law for anyone else.
A court may exclude (not allow) evidence if it was obtained in a way that interfered with a Charter right. But a court will exclude evidence only if the accused person can show that using the evidence would bring the administration of justice into disrepute.

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Latest revision as of 06:24, 10 November 2020

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by Brock Martland, Martland & Saulnier in July 2018.

A number of legal rights are enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Learn about these rights, and what a court can do if your legal rights are violated.

What you should know

The Charter guarantees a number of legal rights

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is part of Canada’s Constitution and protects a broad range of rights and freedoms. Among the rights guaranteed by the Charter are a number of legal rights. Several are aimed at ensuring anyone accused of a crime is treated in a just and fair manner. Some apply to witnesses who testify in court proceedings.

Some of these rights existed long before the Charter. Some added to or improved the rights Canadians enjoyed before the Charter became law in 1982.

The legal rights in the Charter most often apply in criminal cases. They can also come into play when people deal with government agencies.


For more on your rights under the Charter, see our overview of the Charter and our information on equality rights.

Right to life, liberty and security of the person (section 7)

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person, and the right not to be deprived of these things except in accordance with the “principles of fundamental justice."

Section 7 of the Charter protects more than just the right to physical liberty — the right not to be held against your will without proper process. It also protects the right to be free from physical assault and interference, and the threat of these things. The Charter protects conduct that people are free to pursue. If the government interferes with your liberty or security, it must follow fair laws and procedures.

For example, if a law said you can be sent to jail for six months if your spouse commits robbery, a court could potentially rely on section 7 to strike down this law. The court could say the law takes away your liberty (as you could go to jail) and does not follow the principles of fundamental justice — one of those principles being that you must be personally responsible for a crime to be convicted; it is not enough just to know someone who did the crime.

The right to remain silent

An important right under section 7 is the right to remain silent if you are suspected of a crime. The police cannot force you to answer their questions, but they may continue to ask questions even if you say you do not want to answer.

Although the Charter gives a broad right to remain silent, under some laws, you may be required to identify yourself or give some information — for example, if you are crossing a border into Canada or driving a vehicle stopped by the police.

In some cases, the police may not be clear about a person’s obligation to answer questions. If there’s uncertainty, you should ask the officer if you must answer the questions. Refusing to identify yourself to the police can sometimes create problems. For example, if you won’t identify yourself and do not have identity documents, the police might detain you to learn your true identity. One option is to give your name and date of birth but nothing more, unless the officer says you have a legal duty to give more information.

Right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure (section 8)

Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure. Section 8 of the Charter controls the laws that allow police to search your home or place of business, your phone or computer, your car, or even you, in certain cases. It also controls the actions of individual police officers.

Before police can search or seize, they must have a good reason to do so. For example, if the police suspect you have stolen cellphones, they cannot just enter your apartment and search you and your rooms. The police can go to court to get a search warrant, explaining their reasons. If the court agrees those reasons are sufficient, they can issue a warrant authorizing the search.

Section 8 does not protect your privacy in all cases. It depends on the context. Courts focus on the person’s expectation of privacy in the place, thing, or information at issue. For example, if you leave property at a friend’s house or put garbage out on the sidewalk for pickup, you don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy in those places. On the other hand, if you password-protect your personal computer at your home, you have a strong expectation of privacy.

Right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned (section 9)

Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned. Something is arbitrary if there is no good reason for it. Being detained is when you are kept somewhere you don’t want to be.

The Criminal Code and other laws set out when someone can be detained or arrested. Those laws must be consistent with section 9 of the Charter. For example, police can only detain you if there are reasonable grounds (good reasons) to suspect you are connected to a crime. If police arrest you, you must be brought before a justice of the peace (a court officer who deals with process matters) as soon as possible — normally within 24 hours — to see if you can be released from custody. The police cannot hold you in custody without justifying this is needed.

Another example: let’s say the police stop you as you walk along the sidewalk. If the police reasonably believe you are connected to a crime, they have a legal power to stop (that is, detain) you to ask questions. If the police have reasonable grounds to arrest you for committing a crime, they can arrest you. But if the police are just making conversation, you can ask the police whether you are free to go. If the answer is no, you are being detained, and you could ask the police what legal authority they are relying on to detain you.

Right to know the reasons you’re arrested or detained (section 10)

Everyone, if police arrest or detain them, has the right to be informed promptly of the reasons for the arrest or detention.

You also have the right to speak to a lawyer immediately — before the police question you — and to be told you have that right. The police must give you privacy and a way to exercise your right to call a lawyer.

Rights if you’re charged with a crime (section 11)

Section 11 puts several fundamental principles of Canadian criminal law into the Charter. It controls how a person charged with an offence is treated in a criminal case. Some of these rights, such as the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and the right not to be a witness against yourself, existed long before the Charter. One important right with a powerful effect under the Charter is the right to a trial within a reasonable time. Another is the right to be informed of the specific offence you are charged with, without unreasonable delay.

Section 11 also gives a person charged with an offence the right to reasonable bail unless there is just cause (a good reason) to deny it. Section 11 provides a right to trial by jury if an offence can be punished with jail for five years or more (the Criminal Code also gives a right to trial by jury for some other serious offences).

Right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment (section 12)

Everyone has the right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual treatment or punishment. When courts decide whether treatment or punishment is cruel and unusual, they often ask if it is so harsh that it shocks the conscience of the Canadian public. Torture is an example of cruel and unusual treatment.

Protection against the use of your own testimony against you (section 13)

At a criminal trial, the accused person can decide whether to testify (give evidence under oath) in their own defence. Other people generally cannot refuse to testify: they must do so if they receive a subpoena (a document ordering them to come to court and give evidence). If they refuse to testify, they can be charged with contempt of court. And anyone who lies in their testimony (the evidence they give) can be charged with perjury (lying under oath).

If a witness at the criminal trial of another person is asked about their own involvement in criminal activity, they must answer honestly. But a prosecutor cannot use their answers against them. Section 13 of the Charter says testimony from a witness showing they committed criminal activity cannot be used against them to prove they are guilty of that criminal activity.

That said, a prosecutor can use a witness’s answer to show they are lying under oath (committing perjury) in that case, or in a later case if they are charged and deny the criminal activity.

Right to an interpreter (section 14)

Everyone has the right to an interpreter in any legal proceedings if they don't understand or speak the language being used, or if they’re deaf.

Charter rights are not absolute

These legal rights are not absolute. The Charter itself recognizes that some laws might violate the Charter yet be justifiable in the broader public interest. Where a law violates a Charter right, a government can try to justify the violation as a reasonable limit under section 1 of the Charter. Under that section, a reasonable limit needs to be “prescribed by law” and “demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society."

If a government tries to rely on section 1 to justify a Charter violation, a court can decide if the violation is a reasonable limit. The court will look at whether the law has an important objective, and whether the government chose a proportionate way to meet that objective — a way that interferes as little as possible with Charter rights. For example, could the government achieve its objective in another way, without violating Charter rights? Does the law do more harm than good?

Section 1 applies only to written laws. It does not apply to government actions. An example of a government action would be the conduct of a police officer in making an arrest. Where a government action violates the Charter, section 1 does not let the government try to justify the violation. The action is unconstitutional. Lawyers call this a Charter breach.

Remedies if a Charter right is violated

The Charter gives courts lots of discretion about the remedy they can order if a Charter right is violated. A remedy is a court order to give someone their legal rights or to compensate them for their rights not being respected.

Section 24 of the Charter allows a person whose rights have been violated to apply to a court for a remedy the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances. In some cases, a broad remedy may be necessary, such as declaring that a law is unconstitutional. This is often referred to as ”striking down a law." For example, if the government passed a law giving sweeping power for police to search vehicles, the court could decide to strike down the law as violating the Charter right to be secure against unreasonable search. In this way the remedy helps everyone affected by the law.

In other cases, an individual (personal) remedy is ordered. For example, if the right to a trial within a reasonable time has been denied, and it is no longer possible for a person to properly defend themselves, the court may “stay” (terminate) the charges against that person. That means the trial won’t proceed and the person won’t be convicted.

A court may exclude (not allow) evidence if it was obtained in a way that interfered with a Charter right. But a court will exclude evidence only if the accused person can show that using the evidence would bring the administration of justice into disrepute.

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