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<noinclude>{{Template:Clicklaw Wikibooks Contributor}}</noinclude>{{Contributor
| bio = '''Samantha Simpson''' is a subject editor for ''[[JP Boyd on Family Law]]'', and is jointly responsible for the pages on [[Family Violence Overview|Family Violence]]. Samantha's family law practice includes all areas of family law with a particular interest in disputes involving children, including child protection matters. While Samantha regularly appears in court, she is a certified collaborative family law lawyer who regularly uses means outside of the court system, such as negotiation and mediation.
Samantha received her Bachelor of Social Work from McGill University and her Master of Science in Social Work from Columbia University. She studied law at the University of Victoria and was called to the British Columbia Bar in 2011. She received her certification as a collaborative family law lawyer in 2015.

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Samantha has taught family law at the University of British Columbia, and was a contributing author to the family violence section of the publication ''Family Law Act Transition Guide'', produced by Continuing Legal Education British Columbia. She has presented at the National Family Law Conference on the topic of queer parents and on the law around parental alienation.
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If a party is responding to a claim over $5,000, proceed to Section VI.B.: Possible Strategies.

== A. Civil Resolution Tribunal (Claims $5,000 and Under) ==
Samantha's education and practical experience in the field of social work inspired her to pursue a career in family law. She is an associate with the firm of Jenkins Marzban Logan in Vancouver, and was called to the Bar in 2011. She is a 2010 graduate of the University of Victoria's law faculty.
| name = Samantha Simpson
| image = [[image:ssimpson.png|150px|left|link=|Samantha Simpson]]
| organization = Jenkins Marzban Logan
| website = [http://www.jml.ca www.jml.ca]

A respondent who receives a Dispute Notice must within 14 days of receiving it (or if notice was provided outside British Columbia within 30 days) complete a Dispute Response Form, provide the Dispute Response Form to the tribunal and pay the required fee (See [[Appendix I: Civil Resolution Tribunal Fees|Civil_Resolution_Tribunal_Fees_(20:App_I)]]).  CRT forms can be accessed on their website at:
[[Category:Contributor Bio|Simpson]]
A party named as a respondent to a dispute who fails to respond to a properly delivered Dispute Notice by the date shown on the notice is in default. If every respondent is in default, an applicant may request a default decision and order from the tribunal. However, if there are multiple respondents and only one respondent is in default, the entire dispute is assigned to a tribunal member, unless it is otherwise settled in the facilitation process. See [[Small_Claims_Default_Order_(20:VII)|Section VII: Default Order]] for more information
[[Category:JP Boyd on Family Law Contributors|Simpson]]
However, if a respondent requires more time to respond, they can request an extension from the tribunal before the deadline to respond.
For more information on Counterclaims or adding Third Parties through the CRT see Section VI.B.: Possible Strategies, below.
== B. Possible Strategies ==
=== 1. Notify Insurance Company ===
Many insurance policies cover more liabilities than their description would suggest. For example, many homeowner and tenant policies cover claims for damages or injuries arising from acts or omissions by the insured anywhere in the world. An example would be accidentally tripping  a person who falls and breaks their hip. These policies also tend to include most people in the household including young children and foster children.
There are many exclusions and limitations but it is always best to let the insurer know about a claim against you. If the insurer will defend  you, the insurer will bear the costs of your defence and possibly pay any damages that are awarded.
'''Note: It is important to contact the insurer as soon as possible and to not make any admissions that might jeopardise a defence. Failing to promptly notify the insurer, admitting liability, or taking steps in the claim may permit the insurer to deny coverage.'''
=== 2. Apologising ===
Many lawsuits arise or continue because a wrongdoer has not apologised to the party who was wronged. The ''Apology Act'', SBC 2006, c 19, 2(1) and (2), allows a person to apologise for a wrongful act or failure to act without the apology becoming an admission of liability. A sincere apology can often avert litigation or form an important foundation for a settlement.
=== 3. Option to Pay all or Part ===
If a defendant pays the entire amount of the claim directly to the claimant (''Small Claims Rules'', BC Reg 261/93, Rule 3(1)(a)), the defendant need not file a Reply. The defendant should retain a receipt as proof of payment and request that the claimant withdraw the claim. Only the claimant may withdraw a claim and, if a withdrawal is filed, all parties who were served with the Notice of Claim must be served with a copy of the withdrawal.
When considering this option, a defendant should be aware of other possible problems aside from the lawsuit. For example, if the claimant has  placed derogatory information on the defendant’s credit file, the defendant should ask the claimant to remove this negative information as part of the settlement. If the claimant is unwilling to remove the information, the defendant may still settle the claim but may find it difficult or impossible to remove the information from the credit file. The process for removing incorrect information from a person’s credit file is outside the scope of this guide.
If the entire claim is admitted but the defendant requires time to pay or only part of a claim is admitted (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 3(1)(b) or (c)), the defendant must file a reply form but may also propose a payment schedule for what is admitted. The payment schedule must detail how the amount will be paid back. The Registrar can order the proposed payment schedule if the claimant consents to it (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 11(10)(b)). If the claimant does not  consent to the proposal or no payment schedule is proposed, the claimant may summon the defendant to a payment hearing (See [[Enforcement_of_a_Small_Claims_Judgment_(20:XVI) | Section XVI: Enforcing a Judgment]]).
=== 4. Option to Oppose all or Part ===
A defendant who opposes all or part of the claim (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 3(1)(d)) must file a Reply form detailing what is admitted, what is opposed, or what is outside the defendant’s knowledge. The reply should list reasons for any parts that are opposed. A defendant should avoid a general denial of the entire  claim; a detailed examination of each element of the claim and why the defendant thinks it is wrong is much more persuasive.
Before deciding to oppose a claim, a defendant should ensure that there is a legal defence to the claim. A penalty can apply if a defendant  proceeds through trial with a Reply that is bound to fail (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 20(5)).
=== 5. Counterclaim ===
Whether or not a defendant agrees or disagrees with all or a part of the claim, the defendant can counterclaim (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 4(1)). A defendant who wishes to counterclaim should review [[Do_You_Have_a_Small_Claim%3F_(20:III)|Section III: Do You Have a Claim?]] and [[Choosing_the_Proper_Forum_for_Small_Claims_(20:IV)|Section IV: Choosing the Proper Forum]]. A counterclaim is essentially a notice of claim but on a different form. A counterclaim must have a legal basis; there are penalties for proceeding to trial if there is no reasonable basis for success (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 20(5)).
Although a defendant can start a separate claim either in Small Claims Court or another forum instead of counterclaiming, if the parties and  witnesses are the same and the claim falls within the Small Claims Court jurisdiction, it is preferable that the defendant file a counterclaim so that both matters are heard together. If the defendant has commenced an action in a different forum, this should be mentioned in the Reply.
A counterclaim is made on the Reply form by following the instructions and paying the required fee. The fee for a counterclaim is the same as the fee for a notice of claim and is eligible for a fee waiver.
The relationship between a counterclaim and a set-off should be noted. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1f485 Johnny Walker Bulldozing Co Ltd v Foundation Co of Canada Ltd''], 1997 CanLII 3726 (BCSC); ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1f485 Gwil Industries Inc v Sovereign Yachts (Canada) Inc]'', 2002 BCSC 713 (CanLII); ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1p6pw Lui v West Granville Manor Ltd]'', 1985 CanLII 155 (BC CA)). A counterclaim is a standalone claim and it is possible for a defendant to succeed on a counterclaim when the claimant has been unsuccessful. A set-off is a defence. If the claimant is successful, a set-off will reduce the amount payable to the claimant. If the claimant is unsuccessful, the set-off defence does not apply; the defendant is not awarded the amount of the set-off.
==== a) Filing and Service ====
As the counterclaim is on the reply form, it must be filed at the same time as the Reply (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 4(1) and (2)), within the time allowed for filing a Reply (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 3(4)), and at the registry where the notice of claim was filed (Rule 3(3)).
The registry will serve the claimant with the reply and counterclaim within 21 days of it being filed (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rules 3(5) and 4(2)).
==== b) Replying to a Counterclaim ====
Once served, the claimant (now a defendant by counterclaim) must follow the same rules as replying to a Notice of Claim (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(7)). The claimant should review this section of the guide in its entirety.
=== 6. Counterclaims through the Civil Resolution Tribunal ===
Once served, the claimant (now a defendant by counterclaim) must follow the same rules as replying to a Notice of Claim .  The claimant should review this section of the guide in its entirety.
'''Note:''' a counterclaim is not necessary if the respondent is only claiming fees and dispute-related expenses; a respondent may claim fees and dispute related expenses in the tribunal decision process.
Unless a facilitator directs otherwise, within 30 days of providing the Dispute Response Form to the tribunal, a respondent can request a “counterclaim” by:
*indicating in a completed Dispute Response Form that the respondent will add at least one claim in the dispute;
*completing an Additional Claim Form;
*providing the Additional Claim Form to the tribunal; and
*paying the required fee to add a claim (See [[Civil_Resolution_Tribunal_Fees_(20:App_I)|Appendix I: Civil Resolution Tribunal Fees]]).
=== 7. Third Party ===
If the defendant who has filed a Reply believes that a person or legal entity other than the claimant should pay all or part of the claim, he  or she may make a claim against that other party by completing a [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/courthouse-services/documents-forms-records/court-forms/small-claims-forms Third Party Notice (Form 3)]. If a settlement conference, mediation session, or a trial conference has not been held, leave of the court is not required (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(1)(a)). If any of these have been held, the defendant must  apply to the court for an order permitting the counterclaim to be filed against the third party (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(1)(b)).
A third party claim is different from a claim against the incorrect defendant. A third party claim is made when a defendant believes that a third party should reimburse them if they are found to be liable to the claimant. For example, if a defendant is sued for a credit card debt, the defendant may third party the cardholder who actually spent the money giving rise to the debt.
A defendant who wishes to issue a third party notice should review Section III. Do You Have A Claim? and Section IV. Choosing The Proper Forum. “ A third party claim is essentially a notice of claim but on a different form. A third party claim must have a legal basis and there are penalties for proceeding to trial if there is no reasonable basis for success.
==== a) Filing and Service ====
To start a third party claim, the defendant must complete Form 3 and file it in the same registry where the Notice of Claim was filed (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(2)). The defendant must serve the third party with a copy of the filed Form 3, a blank Reply form, a copy of the Notice of Claim, a copy of  the Reply to the Notice of Claim, and all of the documents and notices the other party would have received (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(3)); all of these documents are to be served in the same manner as serving a Notice of Claim (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(4)). A defendant has only '''30 days''' after filing to serve the third party and file a certificate of service (Form 4; ''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(5)) at the registry. If the third party is not served and the certificate of service is not filed within 30 days, the third party notice expires but can be renewed (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(5.1)).
The registry will serve the claimant with the third party notice within 21 days of its being filed (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(6)).
==== b) Replying to a Third Party Notice ====
Once served, a third party must follow the same rules as replying to a Notice of Claim (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(7)). The third party should review this section of the guide in its entirety.
==== c) Adding a Third Party through the Civil Resolution Tribunal ====
Unless a facilitator directs otherwise, a respondent who believes another person is responsible for a claim can request resolution of the claim against that other person, often referred to as a “third party claim” by:
*indicating in a completed Dispute Response Form that the respondent will apply for dispute resolution against the other person,
*completing an Additional Claim Form identifying the other person and describing any claims against that person,
*providing the Additional Claim Form to the tribunal, and
*paying the required fee to add a claim (see Appendix I: Civil Resolution Tribunal Fees).
A respondent who adds an additional party to a claim must complete the steps for applying for CRT Dispute Resolution, except the time frame for providing notice to the other person is 30 days instead of 90 days and the original Dispute Notice and any responses must be provided along with the Dispute Notice for the additional claims.
== C. Time Limits ==
Unless a defendant pays the amount of the claim directly to the claimant and asks the claimant to withdraw the claim (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 3(1)(a)), the defendant must file a Reply within the required time limit. '''Failure to file a Reply may result in the claimant obtaining a Default Order.'''
The time limits for filing a Reply are generally the same whether the defendant is:
*a defendant served with a Notice of Claim (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 3(4));
*the claimant served with a counterclaim (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 4(3.1)(b)); or
*a third party served with a third party notice (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 5(7)).
If the defendant was served inside British Columbia, a Reply must be filed within '''14 days after service''' (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 3(4)). If the defendant was  served outside British Columbia, a Reply must be filed within '''30 days after service''' (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 3(4)). The one exception is where the claimant  is served with a counterclaim. The claimant is required to file a Reply within 14 days after service  even if the claimant is served outside British Columbia.
== D. Defences ==
For every cause of action, there is usually at least one possible defence. Some of the more common defences are listed here however a defendant should research the claimant’s cause of action or obtain legal advice to determine which defences might be applicable.
=== 1. Common Defences ===
==== a) Contributory Negligence ====
Where a claimant was careless '''and''' this carelessness contributed to the damages suffered, a defendant might plead the defence of contributory negligence. An example is where a claimant tripped over a bag that was carelessly left in a walkway. The defendant may be liable  but the claimant may have been contributorily negligent for failing to keep watch for obstacles.
A defendant who believes that the claimant was partially at fault should state in the reply: “The defendant pleads and relies upon the ''Negligence Act''”. (See ''Negligence Act'', RSBC 1996, c 333). Each party is liable to the degree that they are at fault; where degrees of  fault cannot be determined, liability is apportioned equally. (See ''Negligence Act, supra'', s 1(2))
==== b) Consent ====
Where, by express or implied agreement, a claimant knew of and understood the risk he was incurring and voluntarily assumed that risk, the  defendant will not be liable. Because voluntary assumption of risk is a complete defence, it is very difficult to prove.
==== c) Criminality or Immorality ====
Where a claimant stands to profit from criminal behaviour or compensation would amount to an avoidance of a criminal sanction, the claimant cannot recover damages. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1fs4g Hall v Hebert]'', [1993] 2 SCR 159; ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1vmgv British Columbia v Zastowny]'', [2008] 1 SCR 27). This is narrowly construed and a claimant should read Hall before relying upon it.
==== d) Inevitable Accident ====
If the defendant can show that the accident could not have been prevented even if the defendant had exercised reasonable care, the defendant cannot be liable. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1tvmf Rintoul v X-Ray and Radium Industries Ltd]'', [1956] SCR 674). For this defence to apply, the defendant must have had  no control over whatever occurred and its effect could not have been avoided even with the best effort and skill.
==== e) Illegality ====
If the claimant is suing on a contract that is illegal (e.g., it calls for a criminal interest rate), the defendant may ask the court to  decline to enforce the illegal provision or possibly the entire contract. Depending on the circumstances, the court may consider modifying the contract to remove the illegality.
==== f) Self Defence ====
If the defendant honestly and reasonably believed that an assault or battery was imminent and used reasonable force to repel or prevent the assault or battery, the defendant may not be liable for any injuries or damage suffered by the claimant as a result. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1fsx3 R. v Lavallee]'', [1990] 1 SCR 852; ''[http://canlii.ca/t/gwf9z Wackett v Calder]'', [1965] BCJ No 129; ''[http://canlii.ca/t/gwh0b Brown v Wilson]'', [1975] BCJ No. 1177; and ''R v Beckford'', [1987] All ER 425).
==== g) Defence of Third Parties ====
The same general rules apply as for self-defence provided that the use of force is reasonable. (See ''[http://canlii.ca/t/g1905 Gambriell v Caparelli]'', [1974] OJ No. 2243).
=== 2. Statutory Defences ===
Certain statutes such as the ''Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act'', SBC 2004, c 2 provide a party with a cause of action that would not otherwise exist. A defendant should carefully read the statutes that the claimant is relying upon to see if the statute creates or  prescribes certain defences. 
Where the claim is for remuneration in relation to real estate or property management services, the claimant must have either been licensed  when the services were rendered or have been exempt from the requirement to be licensed. (See ''Real Estate Services Act'', SBC 2004, c 42, s.4). If the claimant was required to be licensed but was not licensed, the claimant cannot legally charge a fee.
The first step in replying to a claim by an entity such as a real estate management company is to establish whether the claimant was licensed with the Real Estate Board.
== D. Filing a Reply ==
The Reply must be filed in the same registry where the Notice of Claim was filed (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 3(3)). There is a filing fee except where the defendant  admits and agrees to pay the entire claim or obtains a fee waiver.
Generally, a Reply cannot be filed late however, in practice, the registry may allow a Reply to be filed late as long as the registrar has not made a default order or set a date for a hearing (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rule 3(4)(b)).
== E. Serving a Reply ==
The registry will serve the Reply and Counterclaim, if any, on each of the other parties (''Small Claims Rules, supra'', Rules 3(5) and 5(6)).
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Revision as of 22:40, 23 August 2021

Samantha Simpson
Samantha Simpson, Jenkins Marzban Logan
Samantha Simpson is a subject editor for JP Boyd on Family Law, and is jointly responsible for the pages on Family Violence. Samantha's family law practice includes all areas of family law with a particular interest in disputes involving children, including child protection matters. While Samantha regularly appears in court, she is a certified collaborative family law lawyer who regularly uses means outside of the court system, such as negotiation and mediation.

Samantha received her Bachelor of Social Work from McGill University and her Master of Science in Social Work from Columbia University. She studied law at the University of Victoria and was called to the British Columbia Bar in 2011. She received her certification as a collaborative family law lawyer in 2015.

Samantha has taught family law at the University of British Columbia, and was a contributing author to the family violence section of the publication Family Law Act Transition Guide, produced by Continuing Legal Education British Columbia. She has presented at the National Family Law Conference on the topic of queer parents and on the law around parental alienation.

Samantha's education and practical experience in the field of social work inspired her to pursue a career in family law. She is an associate with the firm of Jenkins Marzban Logan in Vancouver, and was called to the Bar in 2011. She is a 2010 graduate of the University of Victoria's law faculty.