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== Gather Evidence ==

Employees who face employment issues should document everything so that they will be able to provide better evidence if the case goes to a hearing or trial. Employees who are dealing with work-related or dismissal-related stress should consider seeing a medical professional as soon as possible, as medical evidence can be extremely helpful at the Human Rights Tribunal and in Court. Medical evidence is often necessary if an  employee wishes to make a claim for aggravated damages due to the manner of their dismissal, as only actual losses are compensable under this category of damages.
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== Make a claim for EI ==
== A. Family Law Act ==

An employee who is dismissed may receive severance pay eventually; however, sometimes this can involve a long process. If the employee is receiving EI, they may have sufficient financial resources to wait a longer time to receive severance pay, and so they will be less likely to be forced to take a low settlement offer to pay their monthly bills.  File for Employment Insurance immediately after being dismissed as Service Canada imposes time limits for filing.  Make sure the employee understands that if they receive a severance settlement or judgement later on, they may have to pay back some of the EI benefits received during the severance period.
Under the FLA, a court may issue a family law protection order against a family member in a dispute when there is a likelihood of family violence. Family violence is inclusive of physical, emotional, or psychological abuse. When children are involved, both direct and indirect exposure to violence meet the definition of family violence in s 1 of the Act.  

== Make Reasonable Efforts to Mitigate Damages and Track Mitigation Efforts ==
Applications for a protection order can be made alongside applications for other family court orders or on their own. The involvement of the criminal justice system is not required. Applications can be made in both Provincial Court and Supreme Court.

Employees must make reasonable efforts to mitigate their damages. This is most relevant if the employee has been dismissed; the employee will  be making a claim for damages in lieu of reasonable notice in Small Claims Court or the Civil Resolution Tribunal, or a claim for lost wages at the Human Rights Tribunal, and they must make reasonable efforts to mitigate these losses by searching for similar work. The employee should document their search for work. Note, however, that if the employee is successful in finding work, they will have successfully mitigated their damages, and will therefore be entitled to less compensation for lost wages or reasonable notice.  
There is no cost to apply for a protection order in BC Provincial Court. If you are seeking a divorce, you may apply for a protection order at the BC Supreme Court for a fee ($80 for divorce proceedings that have begun, and $200 if not). It is possible to obtain an order to waive fees at the Supreme Court. The Legal Services Society publication “For Your Protection” outlines the process and the forms required to seek a protection order. https://familylaw.lss.bc.ca/publications/your-protection

Employees should also be encouraged to keep accurate records of their job search efforts, for potential use as evidence at court.
Before issuing a protection order, courts will consider the history of family violence, the nature of that violence, the present relationship between the at-risk family member and the violent family member, and circumstances which increase the risk of violence or the vulnerability of the at-risk family member (s 184(1)).  

== File a claim as soon as possible ==
Protection orders may prohibit direct or indirect communication, attending locations frequently entered by the at-risk family member, and possessing a weapon (see s 18(3) for additional prohibitions). Unless the court establishes otherwise, an order will expire one year after the date it is issued.

Once an employee finds a new job, they begin to mitigate their damages and this will reduce their severance award. File a claim as soon as possible; if you can reach a settlement agreement or have the case tried before the employee finds a new job, you may avoid this problem.  
== A. Divorce Act ==

== Complex vs. Simple Claims ==
Effective March 1, 2021, the amended Divorce Act includes provisions for identifying family violence and assessing its relevance to family disputes.

If a claim is filed that is relatively simple, the employee is more likely to get through the process more quickly; this is helpful if you wish to try to finish the process before the employee gets a new job and begins mitigating their damages. However, there can also be benefits to adding claims for aggravated or punitive damages or various torts, and benefits to splitting a claim into more than one forum; namely, there is the potential for a greater award and the potential for tax advantages on the damages received. Consider the strength of the claims, how important it will be for the employee to receive money quickly, and the likelihood of the employee finding a new job and mitigating their  damages, before deciding whether to make a simple claim for severance pay, or to add additional claims.  
Family violence is conduct by one family member which causes another family member to fear for the safety of themselves or another person. The amended DA characterizes this as threatening or violent behaviour, or a pattern of coercive or controlling behaviour (see s 2(1) of the amended DA for the definition of family violence and a list of conduct which meets this definition). These behaviours need not be criminal offences, nor are they required to meet the threshold for proof in criminal law to qualify as family violence under the updated DA. If a child is exposed to direct or indirect violence, this is considered family violence and possibly child abuse.

== Consider the Tax Consequences when Negotiating a Settlement ==
Under the amended Divorce Act, family violence is a factor under consideration in establishing parenting and contact arrangements for children (s 16(3)(j) of the amended DA). Courts may consider family violence grounds to modify or waive notice requirements for changes in residence (s 16.96(3)). Family violence will also be a factor in determining whether family dispute resolution would be inappropriate (s 7.7(2) of the amended DA).
An employee must pay tax on the portion of an award that is given in place of the wages they would have received during their reasonable notice period.  However, if part of the damages is instead awarded as aggravated or punitive damages (in Small Claims Court or BC Supreme Court), or as damages for injury to dignity, feelings, and self-respect (at the BC Human Rights Tribunal), this portion of the award may not be taxable. Consider structuring a written settlement agreement to allocate a reasonable portion of the award to these potentially non-taxable categories of damages.  Note that this chapter, and LSLAP, cannot provide tax advice, and an employee may wish to consult an accountant or tax lawyer or the Canada Revenue Agency to determine exactly which amounts of a final settlement are taxable.
== Consider splitting the claim into different forums ==
In some cases, it may be advantageous to split up the various employment issues an employee faces, and proceed in different forums based on which forum will award the greatest amount of money for each legal issue.
For example, one may wish to claim overtime pay and vacation pay at the Employment Standards Branch, and claim severance pay in Small Claims  Court. This could be beneficial because overtime pay (at the 1.5 or 2 times hourly rate) is only legally required under the ''ESA'' (unless the employee’s contract calls for overtime pay to be paid), so claims for it can only be brought at the Employment Standards Branch; however,  severance pay tends to be significantly greater in Small Claims Court.
Often it will be best to keep the entire claim in one forum. Note that section 82 of the ''ESA'' states that once a determination has been  made by the Employment Standards Branch, the employee may commence another action only if the Director gives written permission or the Director  or tribunal cancels the determination. This prevents the possibility of “double recovery”; if an employee received damages for an action in one forum, they may not receive the same damages in another. However, even if an employee has already gone through the Employment Standards Branch  to obtain the minimum statutory entitlement for length of service under the ''ESA'', they are still able to make a claim in court for contractual breaches such as wrongful dismissal, and therefore they may potentially obtain additional severance pay (''Colak v UV Systems  Technology Inc'', 2007 BCCA 220). Nonetheless, proceeding at the Employment Standards Branch to claim the statutory minimum entitlements for  length of service can be problematic for several reasons. Firstly, if the employee is also going to be proceeding in Small Claims Court for wrongful dismissal, a claim at the Employment Standards Branch may simply cause an extra expenditure of effort with no additional benefit. Secondly, if the Employment Standards Branch makes a determination as to whether or not there was just cause for dismissal, this determination is likely to be adopted by Small Claims Court if a claim is later filed there. It should be considered that of these two forums, only the Small Claims Court decisions are made by judges, so if it is anticipated that there may be complex legal arguments on the issue of just cause, it may be beneficial to proceed in Small Claims Court.
== Consider Defeating Signed Release Agreements ==
An employee may have already signed a release agreement that waives any liability against the employer. This is not the end of the claim.
In considering a signed release agreement, you should first ensure that it applies to the situation at hand. For example, a release of all liability pursuant to the Employment Standards Act may not prevent an employee from recovering in common law
If the release agreement is grossly unfair for the employee, it may also be set aside on grounds of unconscionability. The British Columbia Supreme Court has recently adopted Alberta’s test for unconscionability in the context of a severance release as follows: (''Manak v. Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia'', 2018 BCSC 182 at para 90)  
A contract is unenforceable for unconscionability if:
• It is a grossly unfair and improvident transaction;
• The victim did not receive independent legal advice or other suitable advice;
• There exists an overwhelming imbalance in bargaining power caused by the victim’s ignorance of business, illiteracy, ignorance of the language of the bargain, blindness, deafness, illness, senility, or similar disability; and
• The other party knowingly took advantage of this vulnerability.
A contract is also unenforceable if it was entered into under duress.
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Revision as of 21:38, 25 August 2021

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on August 12, 2021.

© Copyright 2023, The Greater Vancouver Law Students' Legal Advice Society.

A. Family Law Act

Under the FLA, a court may issue a family law protection order against a family member in a dispute when there is a likelihood of family violence. Family violence is inclusive of physical, emotional, or psychological abuse. When children are involved, both direct and indirect exposure to violence meet the definition of family violence in s 1 of the Act.

Applications for a protection order can be made alongside applications for other family court orders or on their own. The involvement of the criminal justice system is not required. Applications can be made in both Provincial Court and Supreme Court.

There is no cost to apply for a protection order in BC Provincial Court. If you are seeking a divorce, you may apply for a protection order at the BC Supreme Court for a fee ($80 for divorce proceedings that have begun, and $200 if not). It is possible to obtain an order to waive fees at the Supreme Court. The Legal Services Society publication “For Your Protection” outlines the process and the forms required to seek a protection order. https://familylaw.lss.bc.ca/publications/your-protection

Before issuing a protection order, courts will consider the history of family violence, the nature of that violence, the present relationship between the at-risk family member and the violent family member, and circumstances which increase the risk of violence or the vulnerability of the at-risk family member (s 184(1)).

Protection orders may prohibit direct or indirect communication, attending locations frequently entered by the at-risk family member, and possessing a weapon (see s 18(3) for additional prohibitions). Unless the court establishes otherwise, an order will expire one year after the date it is issued.

A. Divorce Act

Effective March 1, 2021, the amended Divorce Act includes provisions for identifying family violence and assessing its relevance to family disputes.

Family violence is conduct by one family member which causes another family member to fear for the safety of themselves or another person. The amended DA characterizes this as threatening or violent behaviour, or a pattern of coercive or controlling behaviour (see s 2(1) of the amended DA for the definition of family violence and a list of conduct which meets this definition). These behaviours need not be criminal offences, nor are they required to meet the threshold for proof in criminal law to qualify as family violence under the updated DA. If a child is exposed to direct or indirect violence, this is considered family violence and possibly child abuse.

Under the amended Divorce Act, family violence is a factor under consideration in establishing parenting and contact arrangements for children (s 16(3)(j) of the amended DA). Courts may consider family violence grounds to modify or waive notice requirements for changes in residence (s 16.96(3)). Family violence will also be a factor in determining whether family dispute resolution would be inappropriate (s 7.7(2) of the amended DA).