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{{REVIEWED LSLAP | date= August 12, 2021}}
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{{REVIEWED LSLAP | date= August 16, 2020}}
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== A. Civil Resolution Tribunal ==
A party named as a respondent to a dispute who fails to respond to a properly delivered Dispute Notice by the date shown on the notice is in default. If every respondent is in default, an applicant may request a default decision and order from the tribunal by:
*providing a completed Request for Default Decision and Order form together with supporting evidence of dispute-related expenses and the value of non-debt claims,
*if the applicant served the Dispute Notice, providing a completed Proof of Notice Form, and
*paying the required fee to request a default decision and order.
However, an applicant must request a default decision within 21 days of being requested to do so, or the tribunal may dismiss or refuse to resolve the application.

=== 1. Requesting Cancellation of a Default Order ===
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A party may request the cancellation of a default order by
== A. Family Law Act ==
a) completing and submitting the Request for Cancellation of Final Decision or Dismissal Form,
b) providing a completed Dispute Response Form if one has not already been provided to the tribunal,
c) providing evidence to support their request,
d) paying the required fee, and
e) following any other directions provided by the tribunal.

The tribunal will consider whether the reason for default was beyond the control of the party making the request (illness, accident, etc.), whether the party was acting in good faith, the evidence the party submits, and whether the Dispute Response Form shows a defence worth investigating (See [[Responding_to_a_Small_Claim_(20:VI)|Section VI.D: Defences]]).
Under the FLA, a court may issue a family law protection order against a family member in a dispute when there is a likelihood of family violence. Family violence is inclusive of physical, emotional, or psychological abuse. When children are involved, both direct and indirect exposure to violence meet the definition of family violence in s 1 of the Act.  

== B. Small Claims Court ==
Applications for a protection order can be made alongside applications for other family court orders or on their own. The involvement of the criminal justice system is not required. Applications can be made in both Provincial Court and Supreme Court.  
If a defendant chooses not to defend a claim, the claimant wins by default. Evidence of the defendant’s choice not to defend the claim can include the defendant’s failure to file a Reply.  

A claimant should not rush to the registry to file an Application for Default Order. Sometimes, a defendant may have a good reason for not  filing a Reply on time and may have a defence to the claim that the court wishes to explore. In these circumstances, the court will set aside the default order and the claim will proceed in the ordinary course. A default order should only be used where the defendant has truly elected  not to defend against the claim.  
There is no cost to apply for a protection order in BC Provincial Court. If you are seeking a divorce, you may apply for a protection order at the BC Supreme Court for a fee ($80 for divorce proceedings that have begun, and $200 if not). It is possible to obtain an order to waive fees at the Supreme Court. The Legal Services Society publication “For Your Protection” outlines the process and the forms required to seek a protection order. https://familylaw.lss.bc.ca/publications/your-protection

Where a defendant has not filed a Reply on time, it is a good idea to contact the defendant to determine why the Reply was not filed and to advise the defendant that a default order will be obtained if a Reply is not filed.  
Before issuing a protection order, courts will consider the history of family violence, the nature of that violence, the present relationship between the at-risk family member and the violent family member, and circumstances which increase the risk of violence or the vulnerability of the at-risk family member (s 184(1)).  

A default order can also be obtained if a defendant does not attend a mediation session (Rules 7.2(25), 7.3(40), and 7.4(34). If the defendant does not attend a settlement conference (Rule 7(17)), trial conference (Rule 7.5(17)), or trial (Rules 9.1(26), 9.2(11), and 10(9)), the judge or justice of the peace may grant a payment order instead of the claimant having to apply for a default order.  
Protection orders may prohibit direct or indirect communication, attending locations frequently entered by the at-risk family member, and possessing a weapon (see s 18(3) for additional prohibitions). Unless the court establishes otherwise, an order will expire one year after the date it is issued.  

=== 1. Requesting a Default Order ===
== A. Divorce Act ==

Unless the defendant was served outside of British Columbia or the court has otherwise ordered, a defendant has fourteen full days to file a Reply. This does not include the date the Notice of Claim was served and the date that the Application for Default Order is filed (Rule 17(10)).  
Effective March 1, 2021, the amended Divorce Act includes provisions for identifying family violence and assessing its relevance to family disputes.

To apply for a default order, the claimant must file Form 5 and pay a $25.00 fee. A certificate of service (Form 4) confirming service of the Notice of Claim and blank Reply form must also be in the file (Rule 6(3)). The claimant can ask the court to add the $25.00 fee plus reasonable expenses to the amount of the default judgment.
Family violence is conduct by one family member which causes another family member to fear for the safety of themselves or another person. The amended DA characterizes this as threatening or violent behaviour, or a pattern of coercive or controlling behaviour (see s 2(1) of the amended DA for the definition of family violence and a list of conduct which meets this definition). These behaviours need not be criminal offences, nor are they required to meet the threshold for proof in criminal law to qualify as family violence under the updated DA. If a child is exposed to direct or indirect violence, this is considered family violence and possibly child abuse.

If the claim is for a specific amount of debt, the registrar will grant a default order for the amount claimed plus expenses and interest (Rule 6(4)). If the claim is for anything other than a specific amount of debt, the registrar will schedule a hearing before a judge (Rule 6(5)). Once a hearing has been set, the defendant cannot file a Reply without a judge’s permission (Rule 6(8)). If another defendant to the claim has filed a Reply and a date has been set for either a settlement conference, trial conference, or trial, the hearing will be held on that date (Rule 6(6)). A defendant who has not filed a reply is not entitled to notice of the hearing date (Rule 6(7)).  
Under the amended Divorce Act, family violence is a factor under consideration in establishing parenting and contact arrangements for children (s 16(3)(j) of the amended DA). Courts may consider family violence grounds to modify or waive notice requirements for changes in residence (s 16.96(3)). Family violence will also be a factor in determining whether family dispute resolution would be inappropriate (s 7.7(2) of the amended DA).
At a hearing, a default order is not automatic. The claimant must give evidence and produce documents to prove the amount owing as well as convince the court that the default order should be granted (Rule 6(9)).
=== 2. Setting Aside Default Orders and Reinstating Claims ===
If a party obtains a default order or a hearing for assessment of damages is scheduled, the party in default can apply to a judge to set aside the default order (Rules 16(6)(j) and 17(2)) and file a Reply (Rule 16(6)(d)). The party in default must file the application as soon as possible  upon learning of the default order and attach to the application an affidavit containing (See Rule 17(2)(b); ''Miracle Feeds v D. & H. Enterprises Ltd.'' (1979), 10 BCLR 58 (Co. Ct.) [''Miracle Feeds'']; ''[http://canlii.ca/t/gk0z0 Nichol v Nichol]'', 2015 BCCA 278):
*a reasonable explanation for not filing a Reply (or failing to attend a mediation session, trial conference, or trial);
*a reasonable explanation of any delay in filing the application;
*the facts supporting the claim, counterclaim, or defence; and
*why permitting the order would be in the interests of justice.  
The party in default must show that:
*the failure to file a Reply (or failure to attend a mediation session) was not wilful, deliberate or blameworthy;
*the application to set aside the default order was made as soon as reasonably possible after obtaining knowledge of the default order (see ''[http://canlii.ca/t/23whc Camnex Marketing Inc. v Aberdeen Financial Group]'', 2009 BCSC 763 (CanLII));
*if there has been a delay in applying to set aside the default order, an explanation for the delay; and
*if the party in default is the defendant, there is a defence that is not bound to fail.
(See ''Miracle Feeds''; ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1zt5x Hubbard v Acheson]'', 2008 BCSC 970 (CanLII); ''[http://canlii.ca/t/20rz1 McEvoy v McEachnie]'', 2008 BCSC 1273 (CanLII); ''[http://canlii.ca/t/213m6 Anderson v T.D. Bank]'', 1986 CanLII 897 (BC CA); ''[http://canlii.ca/t/24c11 Doyle v Lunny Design and Production Group Inc.]'', 2009 BCSC 925 (CanLII); and ''[http://canlii.ca/t/1d43b Innovest Development Corp. (Receiver of) v Lim]'', 1999 CanLII 5356 (BCSC))
Where the party in default is a defendant who has not filed a Reply, the defendant should  also bring copies of the Reply and be prepared to file them immediately if the judge grants permission.
If the default order is cancelled, the party who obtained it may ask the court to award reasonable expenses that relate to the cancellation.  These expenses may include the cost of filing the application for default order, significant travelling expenses, and lost wages that were incurred only as a result of the cancellation.
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Revision as of 21:38, 25 August 2021

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on August 12, 2021.

© Copyright 2023, The Greater Vancouver Law Students' Legal Advice Society.

A. Family Law Act

Under the FLA, a court may issue a family law protection order against a family member in a dispute when there is a likelihood of family violence. Family violence is inclusive of physical, emotional, or psychological abuse. When children are involved, both direct and indirect exposure to violence meet the definition of family violence in s 1 of the Act.

Applications for a protection order can be made alongside applications for other family court orders or on their own. The involvement of the criminal justice system is not required. Applications can be made in both Provincial Court and Supreme Court.

There is no cost to apply for a protection order in BC Provincial Court. If you are seeking a divorce, you may apply for a protection order at the BC Supreme Court for a fee ($80 for divorce proceedings that have begun, and $200 if not). It is possible to obtain an order to waive fees at the Supreme Court. The Legal Services Society publication “For Your Protection” outlines the process and the forms required to seek a protection order. https://familylaw.lss.bc.ca/publications/your-protection

Before issuing a protection order, courts will consider the history of family violence, the nature of that violence, the present relationship between the at-risk family member and the violent family member, and circumstances which increase the risk of violence or the vulnerability of the at-risk family member (s 184(1)).

Protection orders may prohibit direct or indirect communication, attending locations frequently entered by the at-risk family member, and possessing a weapon (see s 18(3) for additional prohibitions). Unless the court establishes otherwise, an order will expire one year after the date it is issued.

A. Divorce Act

Effective March 1, 2021, the amended Divorce Act includes provisions for identifying family violence and assessing its relevance to family disputes.

Family violence is conduct by one family member which causes another family member to fear for the safety of themselves or another person. The amended DA characterizes this as threatening or violent behaviour, or a pattern of coercive or controlling behaviour (see s 2(1) of the amended DA for the definition of family violence and a list of conduct which meets this definition). These behaviours need not be criminal offences, nor are they required to meet the threshold for proof in criminal law to qualify as family violence under the updated DA. If a child is exposed to direct or indirect violence, this is considered family violence and possibly child abuse.

Under the amended Divorce Act, family violence is a factor under consideration in establishing parenting and contact arrangements for children (s 16(3)(j) of the amended DA). Courts may consider family violence grounds to modify or waive notice requirements for changes in residence (s 16.96(3)). Family violence will also be a factor in determining whether family dispute resolution would be inappropriate (s 7.7(2) of the amended DA).