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{{REVIEWEDPLS | reviewer = [http://www.clasbc.net/laura_track Laura Track] of the Community Legal Assistance Society and Katherine Hardie of the BC Human Rights Tribunal|date= February 2018}} {{Dial-A-Law TOC|expanded = rights}}
{{REVIEWED LSLAP | date= August 18, 2021}}
British Columbia has a law to help protect you from discrimination and harassment. Learn what it covers, and what’s involved in making a complaint that someone has discriminated against you.
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==What you should know==
== A. General ==

===You are protected against discrimination under BC law===
Support is the financial support one person provides for another person (adult or child). This is meant to provide for that person’s reasonable needs (i.e. food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care). Spousal support is intended to pay for basic living expenses and is highly discretionary. In contrast, child support is an obligation acquired through parenthood; it is mandatory with firm guidelines. Child support always takes precedence over spousal support if a party’s ability to provide financial support is limited.  
If you’re treated differently than others based on personal characteristics such as the colour of your skin or your sex, it’s called '''discrimination'''. Discrimination can take many forms. Harassment (conduct a reasonable person would consider objectionable or unwelcome), unequal pay for similar work, publications that discriminate or spread hatred, or negative differential treatment are all examples of discrimination.

In BC, the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-210/latest/rsbc-1996-c-210.html ''Human Rights Code''] prohibits discrimination based on various personal characteristics. These are called '''protected grounds'''. They include:
An application for support may be made under the ''FLA'' or ''DA'', but it is essential to look into the standards, limitations and other important differences between the Acts. The parties may also agree on the issue of support and incorporate their agreement into a written document (a separation agreement), which may have the legal status and force of a personal contract. An agreement is not completely determinative of the issue however; the Court will make orders superseding the provisions of an agreement in order to bring the obligations of parties in line with the requirements of statute.  

* your race, colour, ancestry, or place of origin
In making an order for spousal support, the Court will not look to the conduct (or misconduct) of the parties, but will consider the “condition, means and other circumstances of each” in making an order. Nevertheless, in [http://canlii.ca/t/1nmrd ''Leskun v Leskun'', [2006<nowiki>]</nowiki> SCJ No25 (SCC)], the Court held that the effect of spousal misconduct on the other spouse’s ability to achieve self-sufficiency should be taken into consideration. In some cases, the Court will refer the matter to the registrar who holds an independent inquiry into the spouses’ assets, income liabilities, etc., and then recommends a “reasonable” support payment. This recommendation does not become an order until a judge confirms it. Arrangements for spousal support can be made as part of a separation agreement, granted at the time of a divorce or, if no order for support is made or it is denied at the time of divorce, within a reasonable time thereafter. Under the ''FLA'', the time limit is 2 years for both married and unmarried couples who have lived together in a marriage-like relationship for at least two years (s 198; [http://canlii.ca/t/g2gfj ''Meservy v Field'', 2013 BCSC 2378]). The exception to this rule is if the couple have a child(ren) together (s 3(1); [http://canlii.ca/t/g7cp6 ''CAM v MDQ'', 2014 BCPC 110]).
* your age (if you’re 19 and above)
* your sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression
* your marital or family status
* your religion or political belief
* any physical or mental disability

The Code prohibits discrimination in these '''areas''':
Orders for child support are almost always fixed according to the schedule of support payments set outin the [http://canlii.ca/t/80mh ''Child Support Guidelines''], which are based on the payer’s gross income and the number of children for whom support is being paid. There is an exception to the strict application of the Guidelines in cases where the parties share parenting time (i.e. where one parent has at least 40% of the time with the child(ren)). In those cases there is not simply a pay or spouse and a recipient, rather the support is typically calculated based on a set-off approach whereby each parent’s support obligation is calculated and one is set-off against the other. 

* employment (including membership in a trade union, employers’ organization or professional association)
The Court will not grant a divorce if there are not reasonable arrangements made for child support (''DA'', s11). The level of child support is based on the income of the non-custodial parent and is set out in the Federal Child Support Guidelines.
* renting or purchasing property
* services and facilities open to the public
* publications

Some protected grounds apply only in certain areas. For example:
Under the ''FLA'', the most important changes are in wording. The following are some examples of new vocabulary from the FRA --> FLA:
*Custody --> Guardianship/Parenting Time
*Access --> Parenting Time/Contact
*Maintenance --> Support

* your (lawful) source of income can’t be a factor in how someone treats you in renting you property
== B. Courts ==
* any criminal convictions can’t be a factor in how an employer treats you in the workplace (as long as the conviction is unrelated to the job)

The BC Human Rights Clinic provides a [https://bchrc.net/legal-information/#protected chart of protected grounds and protected areas].
Both the Supreme Court and the Provincial Court have the powers to grant or vary support orders made under the ''FLA'', but only the Supreme Court can grant or vary support orders made under the ''DA''. Only the Supreme Court can grant interim relief under the ''DA'', but the Provincial Court can grant interim relief under the ''FLA''.  

===You are protected from discrimination in the workplace===  
=== 1. Provincial Court ===
Everyone has a right to be free from discrimination in their work. This includes hiring, firing, wages, benefits, hours, and other terms and conditions of work. It also includes the workplace environment. Treating someone badly based on one of the protected grounds in section 13 of the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-210/latest/rsbc-1996-c-210.html#sec13_smooth ''Human Rights Code''] is prohibited. Employers must provide a discrimination-free workplace, and they may be liable for discrimination, including harassment, by their workers. (For more on harassment in the workplace, see our information on [[Sexual Harassment|sexual harassment]].

====The employer’s duty to accommodate====
The Provincial (Family) Court is often the most accessible court to self-represented litigants. It can deal with applications for support made  under the FLA, as well with variation of previous Provincial Court child or spousal support and arrears of child or spousal support orders. Applications can be made at certain Provincial (Family) Courts for a Supreme Court Hearing.  
Employers must also '''accommodate''' workers to ensure they are treated fairly. Employers must take all reasonable steps to avoid a negative effect on a worker based on a protected characteristic. For example, a job requirement to work on a certain day may hurt someone whose religion prevents them from working on that day. Or, a person with a disability may not be able to perform a certain part of their job because of their disability. In these cases, the employer must make adjustments to accommodate these differences. They must take reasonable steps to remove the harm and support the worker to do the job.

====To the point of undue hardship====
=== 2. Supreme Court ===
The employer’s duty to accommodate isn’t limitless. It extends only to the point where the accommodation starts causing the employer “'''undue hardship'''." Accommodation requires an employer and a worker to find a practical solution to accommodate the worker’s differences but not create an undue hardship on the employer. An employer may have to accept some hardship. That hardship might involve expense, inconvenience, or disruption — as long as it does not unduly interfere with the business.

Employers may be able to justify discrimination if it is based on a '''bona fide occupational requirement'''. For example, a pilot must have 20/20 vision.
The Supreme Court can order interim relief under the ''DA'' or ''FLA'' or make an order for support upon the granting of a divorce order. If a Supreme Court order for support is made under the ''DA'', that order ousts any provincial statutory jurisdiction in that matter. While obtaining interim relief from the Supreme Court is more expensive than obtaining a Provincial (Family) Court order, it can be faster if the application is urgent or if the party wishes to proceed ''ex parte'' (without notice to the other side).

See our information on [[Protection Against Job Discrimination (No. 270)|protection against job discrimination]] for more on discrimination in the workplace.
== C. Enforcement ==

===You are protected from discrimination when renting property===
=== 1. Family Maintenance Enforcement Act (RSBC 1996, c 127) [FMEA] ===
No person can refuse to rent a space (for example, an apartment or an office) based on the protected grounds in section 10 of the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-210/latest/rsbc-1996-c-210.html#sec10_smooth ''Human Rights Code'']. Nor can they discriminate against a person regarding a term or condition of the tenancy, such as the amount of the security deposit, use of common spaces, or provision of repairs. They can’t charge a higher rent or evict someone based on a protected ground.

There are some exceptions under the law:
The [http://canlii.ca/t/840m ''FMEA''], passed in 1988, gives the provincial government extensive powers to collect support arrears including:

* A person looking for a roommate to share their own place can restrict the rental to people based on any ground if they will be sharing a bathroom or kitchen.
*A Notice of Attachment (s 17);
* Rental buildings can be restricted to people age 55 and over, or couples or families with one member 55 or over.
*12-month garnishing orders (s 18);
* In some cases, rentals may also be restricted to people with mental or physical disabilities if the residence is designed for people with disabilities.
*Attachment Orders (s 24); and  
*Attachment of money owing by the Crown (s 25) including Income Tax refunds and Employment Insurance benefits directly from the Federal Crown.  

===You are protected from discrimination by service providers===
The [https://www.fmep.gov.bc.ca/ Federal Maintentance Enforcement Program (FMEP)] can only enforce support orders if the payor is in its jurisdiction or sister jurisdictions that will assist in enforcing the order. For a complete list of sister jurisdictions see https://www.fmep.gov.bc.ca/paying-or-receiving-maintenance/out-of-province-orders/other-jurisdictions/. Any person who receives a support order or separation agreement that has been filed in court may voluntarily register with the program.
Restaurants, hotels, shops, and other service providers that offer services to the public can’t refuse service, charge higher rates, or discriminate in any other way based on the protected characteristics in section 8 of the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-210/latest/rsbc-1996-c-210.html#sec8_smooth ''Human Rights Code'']. Governments and educational institutions also cannot discriminate in providing accommodations, services, and facilities. Service providers must take all reasonable and practical steps to accommodate someone’s personal characteristics if necessary to provide equal benefit of the service.

There are two exceptions under the law:
=== 2. Reciprocal Enforcement ===

* Public facilities, like washrooms or change rooms, can be restricted by sex.
If properly filed in BC, a support order from another jurisdiction is enforceable under the ''FMEA''. All other Canadian jurisdictions have similar legislation and will enforce BC orders on registration in their courts. Many foreign jurisdictions will also enforce BC orders; see the table  of reciprocating states in the [http://canlii.ca/t/84h5 ''Court Order Enforcement Act'', RSBC 1996,c 78].
* Insurance companies can factor someone’s sex, age, and any disability into determining their premiums or benefits under life or health insurance policies.

===You are protected from discrimination in publications===
=== 3. Variation of Orders ===
The [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-210/latest/rsbc-1996-c-210.html#sec7_smooth ''Human Rights Code''] prohibits publications that indicate discrimination or an intention to discriminate, or that are likely to expose a person or group to hatred or contempt. This includes any published statement, notice, sign, or other representation that is not private. This protection does not cover publications that express offensive or hurtful ideas yet fall short of discriminating or promoting hatred.

===There are some exceptions to human rights laws in BC===
Spousal support orders may be varied where there have been changes in the needs, means, capacities and economic circumstances of each party (''DA'', s 17(4.1), ''FLA'' s 167). The Court may also reduce the amount of support to a spouse where it finds that the spouse or former spouse “is not making reasonable efforts” to become self-sufficient. Note that for a variation application to be successful the applicant must demonstrate that there has been a “material change in  circumstances” which means circumstances that, if known at the time of the agreement or Order, would have resulted in a different outcome.
A charitable, philanthropic, religious, educational, or social organization that is not operated for profit may be able to give a preference to members of an identifiable group. The organization's primary purpose must be to promote the interests and welfare of a group of persons identified by a physical or mental disability, or a common race, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, political belief, colour, ancestry, or place of origin.

In addition, organizations can ask the Human Rights Tribunal to approve a specific program or activity as a '''special program''' under the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-210/latest/rsbc-1996-c-210.html#sec42_smooth ''Human Rights Code'']. The purpose of the program or activity must be to improve conditions for a person or group disadvantaged because of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. For example, in the past the tribunal approved a school district hiring a member of a protected group to provide services to students and families who are members of that same group.
There may also be a variation in child support levels provided there is a change in circumstances per the Child Support Guidelines, which include changes in the payor parent’s income (''DA'', s 17(4), ''FLA'' s 152).  If the payor’s income has changed, a variation of the child support order is virtually automatic when one makes an application in court.  Provincial Court orders made in other Canadian jurisdictions and in certain reciprocating foreign states may be varied under Division 2 of the ''Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act'', SBC 2002, c 29. The ''Act'' creates a system where an application is made through the filing of prescribed documents and filed with the Reciprocals Office in British Columbia, which is responsible for transmitting the documents to the originating jurisdiction for adjudication.  

===More on the “duty to accommodate”===
Support orders made under the ''DA'' may only be varied through the provisions of sections 17, 18, and 19. In this process, someone seeking to change a support order made in another Canadian jurisdiction must apply to the courts of BC for a provisional order. The provisional order is sent to the originating jurisdiction for a second hearing to confirm the order. Unless the order is confirmed, the provisional order has no effect.
The ''Human Rights Code'' prohibits acts or omissions that have a discriminatory effect. Protecting human rights may require an employer, landlord, or service provider to take reasonable steps to remove the discriminatory effect, to the best of their ability. This '''duty to accommodate''' might apply, for example, to a restaurant or apartment building requiring them to provide a ramp for people who use wheelchairs.

Accommodating differences may cause some hardship, as (for example) the wheelchair ramp costs money to build. The duty to accommodate extends only to the point where the accommodation starts causing '''undue hardship'''. Hardship becomes undue if it would be unfair to expect the accommodating party to take action, given their size, profits, or other factors.
As of March 1, 2021, sections 17, 18, and 19 of the DA were repealed or revised to include new language related to parenting, as well as new provisions for addressing variation, recission, and suspension of orders (s 17), interjurisdictional proceedings (s 18), and proceedings between a province and another designated jurisdiction (s 19).  

The duty to accommodate requires all parties to take part in a process to try to accommodate. Failure to take part in the process can violate the ''Human Rights Code''. A person requesting accommodation is entitled only to reasonable — not perfect — accommodation. Both parties may have to compromise.
=== 4. Agreements ===

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The Court can enforce written agreements that provide for the payment of child or spousal support, a written agreement concerning support may be filed in the Provincial Court and in the Supreme Court. Once filed, the agreement has the effect of a court order for enforcement purposes.  
Identifying a duty to accommodate and determining what amounts to undue hardship can vary from case to case. If you think a duty to accommodate may apply to your situation, you can seek legal advice. See our information on [[Free and Low-Cost Legal Help|free and low-cost legal help]].
===If someone discriminates against you===
If you think someone has violated your human rights under the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-210/latest/rsbc-1996-c-210.html ''Human Rights Code''], you have options.

You can '''make a human rights complaint''' to the Human Rights Tribunal. The tribunal deals with complaints under the ''Human Rights Code''. It operates like a court but is less formal. It has staff who help people resolve complaints without going to a hearing. If that’s not possible, they hold a hearing to decide if there was discrimination. We explain the process to make a complaint to the tribunal shortly.
== D. Spousal Support ==

If the discrimination is at your '''place of work''' and you belong to a union, the union may be able to help you. Or you may be able to make a complaint to the Employment Standards Branch, the government office that administers the ''Employment Standards Act''. Depending on the circumstances, you might be able to sue in court for wrongful dismissal. See our information on [https://dialalaw.peopleslawschool.ca/job-discrimination/ protection against job discrimination] for more on these options.
The first thing that a spouse must determine regarding spousal support is whether or not they are entitled to receive it. After that, the amount and duration of spousal support can be determined. The fundamental question in determining spousal support is whether the objectives of spousal support under the [http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/fl-df/spousal-epoux/ssag-ldfpae.html ''Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines'' [SSAG<nowiki>]</nowiki>] are met.  The division of assets in the divorce will impact whether or not the spouse is entitled to spousal support and will be taken into account when the court decides how much spousal support to order. Although it should be noted that if a party is entitled to compensatory support arising from the relationship, the receipt of significant assets in the division of assets may not result in a loss of entitlement to support (See [http://canlii.ca/t/237r7 ''Chutter v. Chutter'', 2009 BCCA 177]).  

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=== 1. Legislation ===
If you complain to the Human Rights Tribunal, and also pursue another option (by filing a union grievance, making a complaint under the ''Employment Standards Act'', or suing the employer for wrongful dismissal), the tribunal can wait until the other process is finished before dealing with your complaint. It is a good idea to seek '''legal advice''' on your options. See our information on [[Free and Low-Cost Legal Help|free and low-cost legal help]].
==Making a human rights complaint==

===Step 1. Make a complaint to the Human Rights Tribunal===
==== a) Divorce Act [DA] ====
Get a '''complaint form''' from the Human Rights Tribunal, fill it in, and file it with the tribunal within one year of when the discrimination happened. If you wait longer than one year, your complaint may still be accepted if the tribunal believes it is in the public interest to accept it and no party will be prejudiced because of the delay.

You can get a complaint form from the tribunal’s website at [http://www.bchrt.gov.bc.ca/complaint-process/complain/file.htm bchrt.bc.ca], from the tribunal office, or at government agent offices. The tribunal can handle complaints only if the ''Human Rights Code'' covers them. It is important to give all the information that supports your complaint. You can file the complaint in person, by mail, fax, courier, or email.
Section 15.2 of the ''DA'' creates an obligation to support a spouse. However, s 15.3(1) directs the Court to give priority to child support in any application for child and spousal support under the ''DA''. The entire gross income (guideline income) is used to calculate child support and then any Net Disposable Income that remains (as calculated based on the incomes of both parties and taking into account taxes and other charges) is apportioned between the parties based on the length of marriage. It may be that the result of the payment of child support reduces the Net Disposable Income to very little and, in those cases, child support takes priority over the sharing of the NDI and there would be little to no spousal support payable. There is no limitation date under the ''DA''.

The tribunal has information sheets on the ''Human Rights Code'', the complaint process, and many other topics. To get this material, see the [http://www.bchrt.bc.ca/ tribunal website] or call 604-775-2000 in Vancouver or toll-free 1-888-440-8844 elsewhere in BC.
==== b) Family Law Act [FLA] ====

===Step 2. The tribunal considers your complaint===
The ''FLA'' aligns support considerations with the ''DA'', permits periodic reviews to allow for changing circumstances, and provides guidelines for when a deceased spouse’s estate is obligated to continue payments. Considerations for posthumous support payments include the size of the estate and the need of the payee (s 171). Additionally, child support is to be prioritized over spousal support where a paying spouse has limited resources. (s 173). The ''Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines'' are not referred to in the Act and remain advisory, although Courts in British Columbia give them much deference.
The Human Rights Tribunal reviews your complaint to see if it is covered by the ''Human Rights Code'' and if what happened could violate the Code. If the tribunal decides it can handle your complaint, it will notify the person or business you complained about, called the '''respondent'''.

You and the respondent can try to settle the complaint. The tribunal offers mediators who help the parties to resolve the complaint on their own.
==== c) Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines ====

If that doesn’t work, the respondent must reply to your complaint. The respondent can also ask the tribunal to dismiss your complaint without a hearing.
The final version of the [http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/fl-df/spousal-epoux/ssag-ldfpae.html ''Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines'' (''SSAG'')] was published in July 2008. The ''SSAG'' do not have the force of law and are not expected to become law.  

===Step 3. Attend a tribunal hearing===
The ''SSAG'' set out two basic mathematical formulae for determining the quantum and duration of spousal support when a person’s entitlement to receive support is established: the “with children” formula when the parties have dependent children, and the “without children” formula when child support is not being paid. The “without children” formula is relatively simple. However, the “with children” formula cannot be completed without the assistance of a computer program (refer to http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/fl-df/spousal-epoux/ssag-ldfpae.html).  
If you don’t settle your complaint and it’s not dismissed without a hearing, the tribunal will hold a '''hearing'''. A tribunal member will decide if the complaint is justified. If it is, the tribunal will order a '''remedy'''. Remedies are designed to reverse the effects of discrimination, not to punish the person or business that discriminated. They can include an order that the respondent:

* stop discriminating
While the ''SSAG'' have no regulatory effect and are merely “informal”, and “advisory”, they are nevertheless being used by the courts and the bar and the ranges provided by the SSAG are given strong consideration by the Court after the entitlement analysis is complete (see [http://canlii.ca/t/1lb8m ''Yemchuk v Yemchuk'', 2005 BCCA 406] and [http://canlii.ca/t/1nwzz ''Redpath v Redpath'', 2006 BCCA 338]).
* make available the right or opportunity you didn’t get because of the discrimination (for example, give you your job back, or the right to compete for a job)
* pay you money for lost wages, benefits, or expenses

The tribunal can also order the person or business that discriminated to pay you for injury to your dignity, feelings, and self-respect. There are no limits to the amount of this type of award, but the average is around $5,000.
=== 2. Principles of Spousal Support ===

===Step 4. Ask for a reconsideration===
==== a) General ====
If you disagree with the tribunal’s decision, you can ask the tribunal to '''reconsider its decision'''. But it will do so only rarely. You must show that fairness and justice require a reconsideration. The [http://www.bchrt.bc.ca/law-library/guides-info-sheets/general-apps/15.htm tribunal website] explains what factors it will consider and gives examples of when it will and won’t reconsider its decision.

===Step 5. Seek a judicial review===
There are three bases for entitlement to spousal support:
You can apply to the BC Supreme Court for [http://www.bchrt.bc.ca/complaint-process/after-hearing/review.htm judicial review] of the tribunal’s decision. There are time limits for suing in court, and the process is very involved. You probably need legal help to apply for judicial review.

==Who can help==
# Compensatory (to compensate one spouse who was economically disadvantaged as a result of the role that spouse took on during the relationship) ([http://canlii.ca/t/1fs7v ''Moge v Moge'', [1992<nowiki>]</nowiki> 3 SCR 813]);
# Non-compensatory (need based) ([http://canlii.ca/t/dlq ''Bracklow v Bracklow'', [1999<nowiki>]</nowiki> 1 SCR 420]); and
# Contractual (i.e. if there was a marriage or cohabitation agreement setting out terms for support) ([http://canlii.ca/t/1g5lh ''Miglin v Miglin'', 2003 SCC 24]).

===With a human rights complaint===
Once a party has met the requirement of demonstrating entitlement, you move to the calculation of quantum. When determining quantum of support one factor to be considered is whether the needs of the recipient spouse have been met by the division of assets however if support is compensation based then even if the recipient receives significant assets that is not a basis to reduce support (See [http://canlii.ca/t/237r7 ''Chutter v Chutter'', [2009<nowiki>]</nowiki> CarswellBC 1028 (BCCA)]). Typically, the way this is addressed is to determine what income a party can reasonably earn from the assets received on division and to take that into account in calculating the quantum of support.
The '''BC Human Rights Clinic''' may be able to help you file a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal and help you at a hearing. The clinic is operated by the Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS).

* Call 604-622-1100 in Vancouver
==== b) Factors considered ====
* Call 1-855-685-6222 (toll-free)
* [https://www.bchrc.net/ Visit website]

In the Greater Victoria area, the '''University of Victoria Law Centre''' provides help for eligible human rights complainants and respondents.
Section 15.2(6) of the ''DA'' and section 161 of the ''FLA'' directs courts to consider the following  objectives in determining entitlement to spousal support:

* Call 250-385-1221
* To recognize any economic advantages or disadvantages to the spouses arising from the relationship between the spouses or the breakdown of that relationship;
* [http://thelawcentre.ca/ Visit website]
* To apportion between the spouses any financial consequences arising from the care of their child, beyond the duty to provide support for the child;
* To relieve any economic hardship of the spouses arising from the care of the child, beyond the duty to provide support for the child; and
* As far as practicable, to promote the economic self-sufficiency of each spouse within a reasonable period of time.
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Section 15.2(4) of the ''DA'' and section 162 of the ''FLA'' direct courts to consider the same factors in determining the amount and duration of spousal support, namely, the conditions, means, needs and other circumstances of each spouse, including:
* The length of time the spouses cohabited;
* The functions performed by each spouse during cohabitation; and
* Any order, agreement, or arrangement relating to support of either spouse.
=== 3. Issues Related to Spousal Support ===
==== a) Employment and Income Assistance and Spousal Support ====
People can opt into this program so that the FMEP can continue to assist in collecting the support, but people can keep their support rather than having it deducted from other government assistance they are receiving, if any.
==== b) Taxes and Spousal Support ====
Spousal support is treated by the recipient as taxable income. The spouse who pays support is entitled to deduct the amount from income tax. The spouse who receives support is required to declare it as income, in contrast to child support which has no income tax consequences. Lump payments of support are not taxable. There are free online child support and spousal support calculators on the Internet:
child support:
spousal support:
It is essential that support payments be identified as such in court orders and separation agreements if the payor is to be able to claim a deduction. As a rule, oral or informal agreements are not sufficient to establish the status of payments as spousal support. Parties are permitted to enter into retroactive agreements which set out the amount paid and received in prior years for the purposes of claiming income tax relief. However any such agreement must be entered into before the end of the calendar year immediately following the year in question (i.e. if payments were made in 2012, a retroactive agreement would need to be entered into before December 31, 2013).
Other tax issues can arise if payments are made through a corporate account or if the payor has a lower tax burden than usual (i.e. aboriginal spouses or U.S. residents).
=== 4. Limitation Period ===
See Section XV for the limitation periods for bringing claims for spousal support for both married spouses and common-law spouses.
== E. Child Support ==
=== 1. Definition of “Child” ===
The definition of “child” varies slightly between the ''DA'' (s 2) and the ''FLA''.
Under the ''DA'', the definition of “child” is someone who is under the age of majority (19 years in  B.C.) '''and''' who has not withdrawn  from the parent’s charge, or who is at or over the age of majority but unable, by reason of illness, disability or other cause, to withdraw from parental charge or to obtain necessaries of life. Therefore, under the ''DA'', there may not be an obligation to pay child support to a child under 19, if the child has already withdrawn from the parent's charge.
Under the ''FLA'', the definition of “child” is a person who is under 19 years of age or a person who is 19 years of age or older and unable, because of illness, disability or another reason, to obtain the necessities of life or withdraw from the charge of their parents or guardians.
=== 2. General ===
Child support is intended to be used to pay most of a child’s day-to-day expenses. The amount of child support payable is determined under the Federal Child Support Guidelines, which set support levels based on the payor’s income and the number of children to be supported and the parenting arrangements in place. Several web sites, including J.P. Boyd’s helpful site, offer online child support calculators (see [[Governing Legislation and Resources for Family Law (3:I)#3. J.P. Boyd’s BC Family Law Web Resource | J.P. Boyd’s BC Family Law Web Resource]]). If the paying parent lives in B.C., child support is determined by the B.C. [http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/fl-df/child-enfant/look-rech.asp Child Support Tables]; the appropriate table is for the province where the paying parent lives, not where the child lives.
The Court may also provide for “special or extraordinary” expenses in a Child Support Order (see s 7 of the ''Federal Child Support Guidelines''), in addition to the basic child support order, requiring payment for other expenses such as child care, health-related expenses (e.g. orthodontic treatment, hearing  aids, prescription  drugs, speech therapy, contact lenses and professional counselling), expenses for child care in order to maintain employment (see [http://canlii.ca/t/1nss7 ''Bially v Bially'' (1997), 28 RFL (4th) 418  (Sask. QB)]), extraordinary educational expenses for primary and secondary education, expenses for post-secondary education, and expenses for extracurricular activities.
Expenses for extracurricular activities must be reasonable having regard to the parents’ means but need not be restricted to a special talent of the child. “Extraordinary” is also determined by what would be extraordinary in a household with a similar income; it depends on the lifestyle of the family.
=== 3. Legislation ===
==== a) Divorce Act [DA] ====
The ''DA'' provides for support orders as a corollary to divorce under s 15.1, with the discretion to extend support for a child who is over the age of majority and is unable, by reason of illness, disability or other cause, to withdraw from their charge. If the majority-age child is otherwise unable to obtain the necessaries of life – for example, if the child is a university student – support orders may also be extended (s 2(1)).
An order for child support made under the ''DA'' has effect throughout Canada (s 14). Under s 17(1) of the ''DA'', any court of competent jurisdiction, as defined by s 5, can vary, rescind, or suspend an order.
Children born within the marriage and adopted children are treated equally under the ''DA''. However, some controversy remains as to whether a stepchild, for whom the respondent stood in ''loco parentis'' (in place of the parent), qualifies for support under the ''DA''. Child support will be assessed in light of the biological parents' support obligation.
==== b) Family Law Act [FLA] ====
Under section 147 of the ''FLA'', each parent and guardian of a child has a duty to provide support for the child unless the child is a spouse or is under 19 years of age and has voluntarily withdrawn from their parents’ or guardians’ charge, except if the child withdrew because of family violence or because the child’s circumstances were considered intolerable. For example, a child who has been incarcerated for more than one year is considered to have voluntarily withdrawn ([http://canlii.ca/t/fzchl ''MA v FA'', 2013 BCSC 1077]). If the child was removed from the family by the state ([http://canlii.ca/t/g91cr ''D.Z.M. v S.M. & N.E.'', 2014 BCPC 198]) or refuses to visit, this is not considered voluntary withdrawal ([http://canlii.ca/t/g83qv ''Henderson v Bal'', 2014 BCSC 1347]). However, if this child returns to their parents’ or guardians’ charge, their duty to provide support to the child resumes. Additionally, section 147 of the ''FLA'' also states that a child’s stepparent does not have a duty to provide support for the child unless the stepparent contributed to the support of the child for at least one year and a proceeding for an order under this part is started within one year after the date the stepparent last contributed to the support of the child. Qualifying step-parents have a duty to provide child support ([http://canlii.ca/t/g82v2 ''CLP v ND'', 2014 BCPC 154]). A step-parent may also be ordered to provide support if the parents are not able to provide the child with consistent and reasonable standards of living ([http://canlii.ca/t/g6r8f ''CB v MB'', 2014 BCPC 75]).
If parentage is at issue, section 151 of the ''FLA'' states that the Court may make an order respecting the child’s parentage in accordance to s 31 of the ''FLA'' or make an order under s 33(2) of the ''FLA''.
==== c) Child Support Guidelines ====
The ''Federal Child Support Guidelines'' are federal regulations that determine the amount of child support owing, and vary from province to  province. The guidelines establish how much child support must be paid based on the payor’s income and the number of children for whom support is to be paid. For more information refer to the resources listed at the end of the chapter.
==== d) Other Legislation ====
Section 215 of the ''Criminal Code'' places a legal duty on parents to provide their children with the necessaries of life until they reach the age of 16, unless the child is able to provide the necessaries of life independently.
=== 4. Limitation Period ===
See Section XV for the limitation periods regarding child support claims.
=== 5. Interjurisdictional Support Orders ===
Parents living in different provinces or countries can apply for or enforce support orders without needing to travel to the other jurisdiction. Under the ''Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act'', SBC 2002, c 29, many jurisdictions have agreed to recognize family support (maintenance) orders and agreements made elsewhere. British Columbia has reciprocal agreements with all Canadian provinces and territories and with several foreign countries.
For a list of all reciprocating jurisdictions, see the Schedule in the ''Interjurisdictional Support Orders Regulations'', BC Reg 15/2003 at www.bclaws.ca/EPLibraries/bclaws_new/document/ID/freeside/10_15_2003.
Appeals of decisions made under this Act must be made within 90 days of the ruling (s 36(5)) but, despite this, the Court to which an appeal is made may extend the appeal period before or after the appeal period has expired (s 36(6)). The website http://www.isoforms.bc.ca provides a questionnaire under the heading “forms select” to determine which application forms are required for a client’s specific situation. Forms can be accessed online or be mailed to you. Guides to filling out the forms can be found at https://www.isoforms.bc.ca/forms-guides/. Completed forms can be submitted to:
'''Reciprocals Office'''
Vancouver Main Office Boxes
P.O. Box 2074
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3S3
In BC, Family Justice Counsellors have the ability to track the status of Interjurisdictional Support Order (ISO) applications. If an applicant has questions on the status of their ISO application, they can talk to a Family Justice Counsellor at their local Family Justice Centre. To find the nearest Centre, call Enquiry B.C. at (604) 660-2421 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and ask the operator to transfer you to a Family Justice Centre.
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Revision as of 23:40, 22 October 2021

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on August 18, 2021.

A. General

Support is the financial support one person provides for another person (adult or child). This is meant to provide for that person’s reasonable needs (i.e. food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care). Spousal support is intended to pay for basic living expenses and is highly discretionary. In contrast, child support is an obligation acquired through parenthood; it is mandatory with firm guidelines. Child support always takes precedence over spousal support if a party’s ability to provide financial support is limited.

An application for support may be made under the FLA or DA, but it is essential to look into the standards, limitations and other important differences between the Acts. The parties may also agree on the issue of support and incorporate their agreement into a written document (a separation agreement), which may have the legal status and force of a personal contract. An agreement is not completely determinative of the issue however; the Court will make orders superseding the provisions of an agreement in order to bring the obligations of parties in line with the requirements of statute.

In making an order for spousal support, the Court will not look to the conduct (or misconduct) of the parties, but will consider the “condition, means and other circumstances of each” in making an order. Nevertheless, in Leskun v Leskun, [2006] SCJ No25 (SCC), the Court held that the effect of spousal misconduct on the other spouse’s ability to achieve self-sufficiency should be taken into consideration. In some cases, the Court will refer the matter to the registrar who holds an independent inquiry into the spouses’ assets, income liabilities, etc., and then recommends a “reasonable” support payment. This recommendation does not become an order until a judge confirms it. Arrangements for spousal support can be made as part of a separation agreement, granted at the time of a divorce or, if no order for support is made or it is denied at the time of divorce, within a reasonable time thereafter. Under the FLA, the time limit is 2 years for both married and unmarried couples who have lived together in a marriage-like relationship for at least two years (s 198; Meservy v Field, 2013 BCSC 2378). The exception to this rule is if the couple have a child(ren) together (s 3(1); CAM v MDQ, 2014 BCPC 110).

Orders for child support are almost always fixed according to the schedule of support payments set outin the Child Support Guidelines, which are based on the payer’s gross income and the number of children for whom support is being paid. There is an exception to the strict application of the Guidelines in cases where the parties share parenting time (i.e. where one parent has at least 40% of the time with the child(ren)). In those cases there is not simply a pay or spouse and a recipient, rather the support is typically calculated based on a set-off approach whereby each parent’s support obligation is calculated and one is set-off against the other.

The Court will not grant a divorce if there are not reasonable arrangements made for child support (DA, s11). The level of child support is based on the income of the non-custodial parent and is set out in the Federal Child Support Guidelines.

Under the FLA, the most important changes are in wording. The following are some examples of new vocabulary from the FRA --> FLA:

  • Custody --> Guardianship/Parenting Time
  • Access --> Parenting Time/Contact
  • Maintenance --> Support

B. Courts

Both the Supreme Court and the Provincial Court have the powers to grant or vary support orders made under the FLA, but only the Supreme Court can grant or vary support orders made under the DA. Only the Supreme Court can grant interim relief under the DA, but the Provincial Court can grant interim relief under the FLA.

1. Provincial Court

The Provincial (Family) Court is often the most accessible court to self-represented litigants. It can deal with applications for support made under the FLA, as well with variation of previous Provincial Court child or spousal support and arrears of child or spousal support orders. Applications can be made at certain Provincial (Family) Courts for a Supreme Court Hearing.

2. Supreme Court

The Supreme Court can order interim relief under the DA or FLA or make an order for support upon the granting of a divorce order. If a Supreme Court order for support is made under the DA, that order ousts any provincial statutory jurisdiction in that matter. While obtaining interim relief from the Supreme Court is more expensive than obtaining a Provincial (Family) Court order, it can be faster if the application is urgent or if the party wishes to proceed ex parte (without notice to the other side).

C. Enforcement

1. Family Maintenance Enforcement Act (RSBC 1996, c 127) [FMEA]

The FMEA, passed in 1988, gives the provincial government extensive powers to collect support arrears including:

  • A Notice of Attachment (s 17);
  • 12-month garnishing orders (s 18);
  • Attachment Orders (s 24); and
  • Attachment of money owing by the Crown (s 25) including Income Tax refunds and Employment Insurance benefits directly from the Federal Crown.

The Federal Maintentance Enforcement Program (FMEP) can only enforce support orders if the payor is in its jurisdiction or sister jurisdictions that will assist in enforcing the order. For a complete list of sister jurisdictions see https://www.fmep.gov.bc.ca/paying-or-receiving-maintenance/out-of-province-orders/other-jurisdictions/. Any person who receives a support order or separation agreement that has been filed in court may voluntarily register with the program.

2. Reciprocal Enforcement

If properly filed in BC, a support order from another jurisdiction is enforceable under the FMEA. All other Canadian jurisdictions have similar legislation and will enforce BC orders on registration in their courts. Many foreign jurisdictions will also enforce BC orders; see the table of reciprocating states in the Court Order Enforcement Act, RSBC 1996,c 78.

3. Variation of Orders

Spousal support orders may be varied where there have been changes in the needs, means, capacities and economic circumstances of each party (DA, s 17(4.1), FLA s 167). The Court may also reduce the amount of support to a spouse where it finds that the spouse or former spouse “is not making reasonable efforts” to become self-sufficient. Note that for a variation application to be successful the applicant must demonstrate that there has been a “material change in circumstances” which means circumstances that, if known at the time of the agreement or Order, would have resulted in a different outcome.

There may also be a variation in child support levels provided there is a change in circumstances per the Child Support Guidelines, which include changes in the payor parent’s income (DA, s 17(4), FLA s 152). If the payor’s income has changed, a variation of the child support order is virtually automatic when one makes an application in court. Provincial Court orders made in other Canadian jurisdictions and in certain reciprocating foreign states may be varied under Division 2 of the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, SBC 2002, c 29. The Act creates a system where an application is made through the filing of prescribed documents and filed with the Reciprocals Office in British Columbia, which is responsible for transmitting the documents to the originating jurisdiction for adjudication.

Support orders made under the DA may only be varied through the provisions of sections 17, 18, and 19. In this process, someone seeking to change a support order made in another Canadian jurisdiction must apply to the courts of BC for a provisional order. The provisional order is sent to the originating jurisdiction for a second hearing to confirm the order. Unless the order is confirmed, the provisional order has no effect.

As of March 1, 2021, sections 17, 18, and 19 of the DA were repealed or revised to include new language related to parenting, as well as new provisions for addressing variation, recission, and suspension of orders (s 17), interjurisdictional proceedings (s 18), and proceedings between a province and another designated jurisdiction (s 19).

4. Agreements

The Court can enforce written agreements that provide for the payment of child or spousal support, a written agreement concerning support may be filed in the Provincial Court and in the Supreme Court. Once filed, the agreement has the effect of a court order for enforcement purposes.

D. Spousal Support

The first thing that a spouse must determine regarding spousal support is whether or not they are entitled to receive it. After that, the amount and duration of spousal support can be determined. The fundamental question in determining spousal support is whether the objectives of spousal support under the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines [SSAG] are met. The division of assets in the divorce will impact whether or not the spouse is entitled to spousal support and will be taken into account when the court decides how much spousal support to order. Although it should be noted that if a party is entitled to compensatory support arising from the relationship, the receipt of significant assets in the division of assets may not result in a loss of entitlement to support (See Chutter v. Chutter, 2009 BCCA 177).

1. Legislation

a) Divorce Act [DA]

Section 15.2 of the DA creates an obligation to support a spouse. However, s 15.3(1) directs the Court to give priority to child support in any application for child and spousal support under the DA. The entire gross income (guideline income) is used to calculate child support and then any Net Disposable Income that remains (as calculated based on the incomes of both parties and taking into account taxes and other charges) is apportioned between the parties based on the length of marriage. It may be that the result of the payment of child support reduces the Net Disposable Income to very little and, in those cases, child support takes priority over the sharing of the NDI and there would be little to no spousal support payable. There is no limitation date under the DA.

b) Family Law Act [FLA]

The FLA aligns support considerations with the DA, permits periodic reviews to allow for changing circumstances, and provides guidelines for when a deceased spouse’s estate is obligated to continue payments. Considerations for posthumous support payments include the size of the estate and the need of the payee (s 171). Additionally, child support is to be prioritized over spousal support where a paying spouse has limited resources. (s 173). The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines are not referred to in the Act and remain advisory, although Courts in British Columbia give them much deference.

c) Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines

The final version of the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (SSAG) was published in July 2008. The SSAG do not have the force of law and are not expected to become law.

The SSAG set out two basic mathematical formulae for determining the quantum and duration of spousal support when a person’s entitlement to receive support is established: the “with children” formula when the parties have dependent children, and the “without children” formula when child support is not being paid. The “without children” formula is relatively simple. However, the “with children” formula cannot be completed without the assistance of a computer program (refer to http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/fl-df/spousal-epoux/ssag-ldfpae.html).

While the SSAG have no regulatory effect and are merely “informal”, and “advisory”, they are nevertheless being used by the courts and the bar and the ranges provided by the SSAG are given strong consideration by the Court after the entitlement analysis is complete (see Yemchuk v Yemchuk, 2005 BCCA 406 and Redpath v Redpath, 2006 BCCA 338).

2. Principles of Spousal Support

a) General

There are three bases for entitlement to spousal support:

  1. Compensatory (to compensate one spouse who was economically disadvantaged as a result of the role that spouse took on during the relationship) (Moge v Moge, [1992] 3 SCR 813);
  2. Non-compensatory (need based) (Bracklow v Bracklow, [1999] 1 SCR 420); and
  3. Contractual (i.e. if there was a marriage or cohabitation agreement setting out terms for support) (Miglin v Miglin, 2003 SCC 24).

Once a party has met the requirement of demonstrating entitlement, you move to the calculation of quantum. When determining quantum of support one factor to be considered is whether the needs of the recipient spouse have been met by the division of assets however if support is compensation based then even if the recipient receives significant assets that is not a basis to reduce support (See Chutter v Chutter, [2009] CarswellBC 1028 (BCCA)). Typically, the way this is addressed is to determine what income a party can reasonably earn from the assets received on division and to take that into account in calculating the quantum of support.

b) Factors considered

Section 15.2(6) of the DA and section 161 of the FLA directs courts to consider the following objectives in determining entitlement to spousal support:

  • To recognize any economic advantages or disadvantages to the spouses arising from the relationship between the spouses or the breakdown of that relationship;
  • To apportion between the spouses any financial consequences arising from the care of their child, beyond the duty to provide support for the child;
  • To relieve any economic hardship of the spouses arising from the care of the child, beyond the duty to provide support for the child; and
  • As far as practicable, to promote the economic self-sufficiency of each spouse within a reasonable period of time.

Section 15.2(4) of the DA and section 162 of the FLA direct courts to consider the same factors in determining the amount and duration of spousal support, namely, the conditions, means, needs and other circumstances of each spouse, including:

  • The length of time the spouses cohabited;
  • The functions performed by each spouse during cohabitation; and
  • Any order, agreement, or arrangement relating to support of either spouse.

3. Issues Related to Spousal Support

a) Employment and Income Assistance and Spousal Support

People can opt into this program so that the FMEP can continue to assist in collecting the support, but people can keep their support rather than having it deducted from other government assistance they are receiving, if any.

b) Taxes and Spousal Support

Spousal support is treated by the recipient as taxable income. The spouse who pays support is entitled to deduct the amount from income tax. The spouse who receives support is required to declare it as income, in contrast to child support which has no income tax consequences. Lump payments of support are not taxable. There are free online child support and spousal support calculators on the Internet:


child support: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/fl-df/child-enfant/cst-orpe.html

spousal support: http://www.mysupportcalculator.ca/Calculator.aspx http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/fl-df/spousal-epoux/ssag-ldfpae.html

It is essential that support payments be identified as such in court orders and separation agreements if the payor is to be able to claim a deduction. As a rule, oral or informal agreements are not sufficient to establish the status of payments as spousal support. Parties are permitted to enter into retroactive agreements which set out the amount paid and received in prior years for the purposes of claiming income tax relief. However any such agreement must be entered into before the end of the calendar year immediately following the year in question (i.e. if payments were made in 2012, a retroactive agreement would need to be entered into before December 31, 2013).

Other tax issues can arise if payments are made through a corporate account or if the payor has a lower tax burden than usual (i.e. aboriginal spouses or U.S. residents).

4. Limitation Period

See Section XV for the limitation periods for bringing claims for spousal support for both married spouses and common-law spouses.

E. Child Support

1. Definition of “Child”

The definition of “child” varies slightly between the DA (s 2) and the FLA.

Under the DA, the definition of “child” is someone who is under the age of majority (19 years in B.C.) and who has not withdrawn from the parent’s charge, or who is at or over the age of majority but unable, by reason of illness, disability or other cause, to withdraw from parental charge or to obtain necessaries of life. Therefore, under the DA, there may not be an obligation to pay child support to a child under 19, if the child has already withdrawn from the parent's charge.

Under the FLA, the definition of “child” is a person who is under 19 years of age or a person who is 19 years of age or older and unable, because of illness, disability or another reason, to obtain the necessities of life or withdraw from the charge of their parents or guardians.

2. General

Child support is intended to be used to pay most of a child’s day-to-day expenses. The amount of child support payable is determined under the Federal Child Support Guidelines, which set support levels based on the payor’s income and the number of children to be supported and the parenting arrangements in place. Several web sites, including J.P. Boyd’s helpful site, offer online child support calculators (see J.P. Boyd’s BC Family Law Web Resource). If the paying parent lives in B.C., child support is determined by the B.C. Child Support Tables; the appropriate table is for the province where the paying parent lives, not where the child lives.

The Court may also provide for “special or extraordinary” expenses in a Child Support Order (see s 7 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines), in addition to the basic child support order, requiring payment for other expenses such as child care, health-related expenses (e.g. orthodontic treatment, hearing aids, prescription drugs, speech therapy, contact lenses and professional counselling), expenses for child care in order to maintain employment (see Bially v Bially (1997), 28 RFL (4th) 418 (Sask. QB)), extraordinary educational expenses for primary and secondary education, expenses for post-secondary education, and expenses for extracurricular activities.

Expenses for extracurricular activities must be reasonable having regard to the parents’ means but need not be restricted to a special talent of the child. “Extraordinary” is also determined by what would be extraordinary in a household with a similar income; it depends on the lifestyle of the family.

3. Legislation

a) Divorce Act [DA]

The DA provides for support orders as a corollary to divorce under s 15.1, with the discretion to extend support for a child who is over the age of majority and is unable, by reason of illness, disability or other cause, to withdraw from their charge. If the majority-age child is otherwise unable to obtain the necessaries of life – for example, if the child is a university student – support orders may also be extended (s 2(1)).

An order for child support made under the DA has effect throughout Canada (s 14). Under s 17(1) of the DA, any court of competent jurisdiction, as defined by s 5, can vary, rescind, or suspend an order.

Children born within the marriage and adopted children are treated equally under the DA. However, some controversy remains as to whether a stepchild, for whom the respondent stood in loco parentis (in place of the parent), qualifies for support under the DA. Child support will be assessed in light of the biological parents' support obligation.

b) Family Law Act [FLA]

Under section 147 of the FLA, each parent and guardian of a child has a duty to provide support for the child unless the child is a spouse or is under 19 years of age and has voluntarily withdrawn from their parents’ or guardians’ charge, except if the child withdrew because of family violence or because the child’s circumstances were considered intolerable. For example, a child who has been incarcerated for more than one year is considered to have voluntarily withdrawn (MA v FA, 2013 BCSC 1077). If the child was removed from the family by the state (D.Z.M. v S.M. & N.E., 2014 BCPC 198) or refuses to visit, this is not considered voluntary withdrawal (Henderson v Bal, 2014 BCSC 1347). However, if this child returns to their parents’ or guardians’ charge, their duty to provide support to the child resumes. Additionally, section 147 of the FLA also states that a child’s stepparent does not have a duty to provide support for the child unless the stepparent contributed to the support of the child for at least one year and a proceeding for an order under this part is started within one year after the date the stepparent last contributed to the support of the child. Qualifying step-parents have a duty to provide child support (CLP v ND, 2014 BCPC 154). A step-parent may also be ordered to provide support if the parents are not able to provide the child with consistent and reasonable standards of living (CB v MB, 2014 BCPC 75).

If parentage is at issue, section 151 of the FLA states that the Court may make an order respecting the child’s parentage in accordance to s 31 of the FLA or make an order under s 33(2) of the FLA.

c) Child Support Guidelines

The Federal Child Support Guidelines are federal regulations that determine the amount of child support owing, and vary from province to province. The guidelines establish how much child support must be paid based on the payor’s income and the number of children for whom support is to be paid. For more information refer to the resources listed at the end of the chapter.

d) Other Legislation

Section 215 of the Criminal Code places a legal duty on parents to provide their children with the necessaries of life until they reach the age of 16, unless the child is able to provide the necessaries of life independently.

4. Limitation Period

See Section XV for the limitation periods regarding child support claims.

5. Interjurisdictional Support Orders

Parents living in different provinces or countries can apply for or enforce support orders without needing to travel to the other jurisdiction. Under the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, SBC 2002, c 29, many jurisdictions have agreed to recognize family support (maintenance) orders and agreements made elsewhere. British Columbia has reciprocal agreements with all Canadian provinces and territories and with several foreign countries.

For a list of all reciprocating jurisdictions, see the Schedule in the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Regulations, BC Reg 15/2003 at www.bclaws.ca/EPLibraries/bclaws_new/document/ID/freeside/10_15_2003.

Appeals of decisions made under this Act must be made within 90 days of the ruling (s 36(5)) but, despite this, the Court to which an appeal is made may extend the appeal period before or after the appeal period has expired (s 36(6)). The website http://www.isoforms.bc.ca provides a questionnaire under the heading “forms select” to determine which application forms are required for a client’s specific situation. Forms can be accessed online or be mailed to you. Guides to filling out the forms can be found at https://www.isoforms.bc.ca/forms-guides/. Completed forms can be submitted to:

Reciprocals Office

Vancouver Main Office Boxes

P.O. Box 2074

Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3S3

In BC, Family Justice Counsellors have the ability to track the status of Interjurisdictional Support Order (ISO) applications. If an applicant has questions on the status of their ISO application, they can talk to a Family Justice Counsellor at their local Family Justice Centre. To find the nearest Centre, call Enquiry B.C. at (604) 660-2421 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and ask the operator to transfer you to a Family Justice Centre.

© Copyright 2023, The Greater Vancouver Law Students' Legal Advice Society.