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{{JP Boyd on Family Law TOC|expanded = intro}}{{JPBOFL Editor Badge
{{REVIEWED LSLAP | date= June 30, 2021}}
|ChapterEditors = [[Bob Mostar]] and [[Mark Norton]]
{{LSLAP Manual TOC|expanded = complaints}}
== A. Introduction ==
Although the right to privacy is fundamental to the healthy exercise of democratic rights, recognition and practical enforcement of this right by legislators and the courts has been slow. This problem has many sources, but underlying it is the enormous difficulty jurists have found in coming to an understanding of what is meant and entailed by this right.
The right to privacy is often balanced against the right to access information since these rights frequently collide (e.g., when an employer wishes to obtain information about an employee from a government agency). In some cases, a right of access to information may determine whether or not an individual’s privacy has been violated. Legislation regulating access to government information is designed to ensure an informed citizenry; when someone seeks information that may injure the privacy interests of a third party, mechanisms exist to weigh privacy interests of the individual against the public interest in disclosure. The following provides a quick survey of the relevant privacy or access to information laws.
== B.  At Common Law ==
At common law, the torts of trespass, nuisance, defamation, and invasion of privacy may discourage some of the more blatant forms of invasion of privacy.  However, these civil actions retroactively provide compensation for the breach of privacy rather than ensure privacy.
== C. Wiretap Legislation and Lawful Access ==
Individuals interested in information on wiretapping and lawful access to information should contact the BC Civil Liberties Association, who specialize in dealing in these areas.  The case law in this area is very complicated, and an experienced criminal lawyer should be consulted if issues regarding a wiretap arise.

There are three levels of court in British Columbia: the Provincial Court, the Supreme Court, and the Court of Appeal. Above all of these courts is the Supreme Court of Canada, the highest court in Canada. The Provincial Court and the Supreme Court are trial courts. They listen to witnesses and hear arguments and make decisions. The Court of Appeal only hears appeals. It listens to arguments about why the trial judge may have been wrong and sometimes cancels the trial decision.
== D. Federal Privacy Act, Federal Access to Information Act ==

The Provincial Court deals with certain kinds of issues and claims. The Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal are our province's superior courts and they can deal with all issues and claims; their jurisdiction is limited only by their rules and the constitution.
=== 1. Introduction ===

This section provides an introduction to the Provincial Court, the Supreme Court, and the Court of Appeal.
The federal ''Access to Information Act'', RSC 1985, c A-1, and the federal ''Privacy Act'', RSC 1985, c P-21, both deal with freedom of information. The ''Access to Information Act'' allows for access to information in records under the control of federal government  institutions. The ''Privacy Act'' protects the confidentiality of information about an individual held by federal government institutions, and provides individuals with a right of access to information about themselves held by such institutions. What follows is only a brief outline of  the main provisions of these Acts. Individuals should consult the Acts if they have a problem in this area.

=== 2. Privacy Act ===

Our court system has its origins hundreds of years ago in England. In the middle ages, people would come to the king or queen on special days set aside for the hearing of "petitions," complaints made by someone (the ''petitioner'') against someone else (the ''respondent''). If the petition was heard, and not all were, the king or queen would make a decision that the parties were obliged to accept, putting an end to the complaint.
If an individual wants to obtain information relating to themselves, they should make an application under the federal ''Privacy Act'', and should  make their application directly to the agency that has the information.  

As the rule of law became more and more important in maintaining a civil society and the law itself became more and more complicated, kings and queens began to farm out the job of hearing petitions to people specially appointed to hear them; they named judges. Eventually the monarchy got out of the business altogether, and left the hearing of petitions to the judges. The English court system became more complex as time went on, and different types of courts, like the Courts of Equity and the Courts of the Exchequer, were eventually set up to deal with different kinds of problems.
The ''Privacy Act'', RSC 1985, c P-21, sets out the conditions under  which a government institution may collect, maintain, and use personal information about individuals. The ''Act'' requires that:
*the information collected must relate directly to an operating program or activity of the institution (s 4);
*information used in a decision-making process that directly affects the individual should be, wherever possible, collected directly from the individual to whom it relates, or with their consent, and the  institution  shall  inform  the individual  of the  purpose  for which the information is being collected (s 5);  
*the institution shall ensure that information used to make a decision about an individual is accurate, up-to-date and as complete as  possible, that it is retained long enough for the individual to have a reasonable opportunity to obtain access to it, and that it is disposed  of in accordance with the relevant regulations and ministry directives or guidelines (s 6); and  
*the information shall not, without the consent of the individual, be used for any purpose except that for which it was obtained, for a use consistent with that purpose, or for other purposes specified in the Act (s 7).  

The English court system was brought to British Columbia when the colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia were founded in the middle of the nineteenth century. Our local court system was brought into the Canadian system when British Columbia entered Confederation in 1871.
The Privacy Commissioner is authorized to oversee compliance  by federal government institutions with the provisions of the ''Privacy Act''. The Commissioner receives and investigates complaints from individuals, audits institutions’ storage and use of information, makes recommendations to institutions and the Treasury Board regarding privacy issues, and presents an annual report to Parliament.

The fundamental purpose of the courts today is the same as it was then, to resolve people's disputes. We still use a lot of the same terms that were used hundreds of years ago — there's even a court form called a Petition — although we've merged the different types of courts into a single system with the authority to decide every sort of problem.
'''NOTE:''' Per amendments made to the ''Access to Information Act'' and the ''Privacy Act'', a ministerial advisor and a member of a ministerial staff are excluded from the definition of “personal information”.  

Our courts deal with all manner of disputes, from the government's complaint that someone has committed a crime, to a property owner's complaint that someone has trespassed on their property, to an employee's complaint of wrongful dismissal, to a driver's complaint that someone else was responsible for an accident and the damage the accident caused. The job of the judge is to hear each case and decide what an appropriate and fair solution should be, in a fair, impartial and unbiased manner, free from any interference by the government.
The Commissioner cannot make orders requiring bodies to comply with the ''Act'' but may investigate and make reports. Individuals who are refused access to their own personal information may, after the Commissioner has investigated and reported, apply to the Federal Court for an order requiring access to this information. The Privacy Commissioner may also take enforcement proceedings in Federal Court in relation to a refusal to give an individual access to their own personal information. For further information, contact:

===The courts of British Columbia===
'''BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association'''
| online = [http://fipa.bc.ca/home/ Website]

Today we have three levels of court in British Columbia:
Any complaints regarding your ''Privacy Act'' request should be submitted in writing to:  

#the Provincial Court of British Columbia,
'''Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada'''
#the Supreme Court of British Columbia, and
#the Court of Appeal for British Columbia.
| address = 30 Victoria Street <br /> Gatineau, QC K1A 1H3
| phone = 1-800-282-1376 <br /> Toll-Free: 1-800-282-1376 <br /> TTY: (819) 994-6591 <br />
| online = [http://www.priv.gc.ca Website]

Each successive level of court is "superior" to the other, with the Provincial Court being the first level of court and the Court of Appeal being the last. Above our Court of Appeal is the Supreme Court of Canada, which deals with cases from all of the courts of appeal across Canada.
=== 3. Access to Information Act ===

The Provincial Court and the Supreme Court of British Columbia are where the bulk of family law court proceedings are heard. The Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada only hear appeals of decisions made by the lower courts. As a result, only a few family law cases are brought to the Court of Appeal. Fewer still are brought to the Supreme Court of Canada, partly because that court must give permission (known as "leave") to hear appeals in non-criminal cases and partly because it can cost a great deal of money to take a case that far. Appeals generally tend to be complicated and fairly expensive. This generally discourages carrying cases beyond trial.
This Act gives Canadian citizens, permanent residents and any individual present or corporation in Canada the right to access any record under the control of a federal government institution.

===Making the choice of forum===
'''NOTE:''' If you are seeking to obtain information about an individual person, see section IV.D.2 on the application of the ''Privacy Act''.

There are important differences between the Provincial Court and the Supreme Court. Deciding in which court to start a proceeding is called making the ''choice of forum''.
Certain classes of information are exempt from the ''Act''. These include confidential inter-governmental communications, information pertaining to law enforcement and investigations, trade secrets, personal information, and generally anything likely to be harmful to Canada’s national security interest.  

The Provincial Court deals with issues relating to parenting and the care of children, child support, spousal support, and protection orders. The Supreme Court has the authority to deal with all of those issues as well, but only the Supreme Court can make an order for divorce, make other orders under the ''Divorce Act'', or make orders about the division of family property and family debts.
On June 21, 2019, an Act to amend the ''Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act'' received Royal Assent. Under the amended ''Act'', a federal institution may decline to act on a request to access to a record for various reasons if approved by the Information Commissioner. In addition to this change, the amended Act clarifies the power of the Information Commissioner regarding the authority to refuse or cease to investigate and to examine disclosure subjected to solicitor-client privilege or professional secrecy

The rules of the Supreme Court can be very complicated and fees are charged for steps in the process, like starting a court proceeding, making an application, or hearing a trial. The rules of the Provincial Court are more straightforward and no fees are charged.
'''NOTE:''' In the Supreme Court of Canada decision in ''[https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/2010/2010scc23/2010scc23.html?autocompleteStr=Criminal%20Lawyers’%20Association%20v%20Ontario%20(Public%20Safety%20and%20Security)%2C%202010%20SCC%2023&autocompletePos=1 Ontario (Public Safety and Security) v Criminal Lawyers’ Association]'', 2010 SCC 23, the Court held that the guarantee of freedom of expression under subsection 2(b) of the ''Charter'' does not guarantee access to all documents in government hands.  In that case, the Court adopted the test for whether freedom of expression was infringed found in ''[https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/1989/1989canlii87/1989canlii87.html?resultIndex=1 Irwin Toy Ltd v Quebec (Attorney General)]'', [1989] 1 SCR 927, and determined that freedom of expression was not infringed by the ''Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act'', RSO 1990, c F.31. See both of these cases for more detailed information.

It is possible to start a proceeding in the Provincial Court to deal with things like child support and then start a proceeding in the Supreme Court to get a divorce and deal with things like property.
The procedure for obtaining a government record is as follows:
*Go to http://canada.justice.gc.ca/eng/trans/atip-aiprp for the Access to Information and Privacy website, which offers a brochure about using the ''Act'', online access to Info Source, and online forms.  Alternatively, any public library provides the same information.  Info Source is a directory that describes each federal government institution and the information it holds, as well as the title and address of the appropriate officer to whom requests should be sent.
*Formally request the records by sending in the online or printed request forms, or by sending a letter. These options are available under “Options for Submitting an ATIP Request”. Be as specific as possible citing subject, dates, events, and individuals.  Enclose a $5.00 payment, but ask that this and any other fees be waived on the grounds that the release of records would be of “general public benefit” or that similar information has been released in the past.  Note: Requests for information under the ''Privacy Act'' do not require a fee.
*Once the institution receives a request, it has 30 days to give notice of whether access will be given.  Senior officials can extend this time limit if they give notice of extension.  If third parties are involved, the time limit is 80 days.  If access is refused, they must inform the person making the request of the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner.
**'''NOTE:''' It can take up to one year to receive records to which access is given. There is no meaningful redress for delays of this nature. 
**'''NOTE:''' The federal government has introduced changes to the ''Access to Information Act'' which will strengthen the powers of the Information Commissioner to make binding orders to government institutions.
*Complaints should be sent in writing to:

==The Provincial Court==
'''Office of the Information Commissioner'''

The Provincial Court can be the most accessible court for people who aren't represented by a lawyer. The [http://canlii.ca/t/85pb Provincial Court Family Rules] which govern the Provincial Court's process are written in easy-to-understand language, the court doesn't charge any filing fees, and most people who use the Provincial Court don't have a lawyer. There are also many more courthouses across the province for the Provincial Court than there are for the Supreme Court.
| address = 30 Victoria Street <br /> Gatineau, QC K1A 1H3
| phone = Toll-free: 1-800-267-0441 <br /> Fax: (819) 994-1768
| online = [http://www.oic-ci.gc.ca/eng/ Website] <br /> E-mail: greffe-registry@oic-ci.gc.ca <br />

There are four divisions of the Provincial Court. Provincial (Family) Court is the one that deals with family law problems.
A complaint must be made within 60 days from the date that you received a response to your request.  

The Information Commissioner investigates complaints in private, and each party has the right to make representations.  Similar to an Ombudsperson, the Commissioner can only make recommendations, and cannot directly compel the release of information.  However, they can take the institution to Federal Court to compel the release of the information.  The Commissioner is not obligated to take on a case, and if they refuse to do so, there is no right to appeal this refusal.

The Provincial Court can only deal with claims for orders under the ''[[Family Law Act]]'' and the ''[http://canlii.ca/t/84l3 Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act]''. The Provincial Court does not have the jurisdiction to make orders for the division of family property or family debt, the management of children's property, or financial restraining orders. It cannot make orders under the ''Divorce Act''.  
*NOTE: It is helpful to check to see if the organization you are requesting information about has a form of its own. It would cut down on time for the form to go directly to the organization.

The Provincial Court cannot make declarations about the parentage of a child except if necessary to deal with another claim about children, like a claim for child support or guardianship.
*There is, however, a right to appeal the original denial of access; this appeal must be made to the Federal Court within '''30 days''' of the decision of the Information Commissioner (s 41(1)). In court, the burden of proof is on the government to show that the information must be withheld.

The Provincial Court can hear claims about these issues:
== E. Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ==

=== 1. Introduction ===
#parental responsibilities and parenting time,
#contact with a child,
#child support,
#spousal support,
#changing and cancelling Provincial Court orders,
#enforcing Provincial Court orders,
#enforcing Supreme Court about guardianship, parental responsibilities, parenting time and contact, and

===Court proceedings===
The federal ''Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act'', SC 2000, c 5 [''PIPEDA''], is intended to remedy some of the  problems encountered by consumers and by businesses when information relating to consumer habits is collected to be used internally or externally by private sector organizations. ''PIPEDA'' is a federal law governing:
*the collection, protection, and disclosure of personal information; and 
*the use of electronic versions of official documents on paper, in the public and private sphere. 

The Provincial Court has special rules just for family law proceedings, the [http://canlii.ca/t/85pb Provincial Court Family Rules]. If you are involved in a proceeding in the Provincial Court, you should read and understand these rules. The rules of court say how every aspect of a Provincial Court case is run, from starting a court proceeding to scheduling a trial. They set out important deadlines and limitations, and say what court forms must be used for which purpose. You also need to have a look at the [http://www.provincialcourt.bc.ca/types-of-cases/family-matters/chief-judge-practice-directions Practice Directions] issued by the Chief Judge, which clarify aspects of the rules of court and describe additional processes and procedures.
While ''PIPEDA'' is a federal act, the legislation claims to have jurisdiction over the provincially regulated private sector as well as the federal sector. However, subsection 26(2) of the Act gives the Governor-in-Council the power to exempt an organization where substantially similar provincial legislation exists. Almost all provinces have enacted their own version of the ''Act''. In October 2003, BC passed the ''Personal  Information Protection Act'', SBC 2003, c 63 [''PIPA''], which has been declared substantially similar legislation.

For more information on ''PIPEDA'', please see:

The person who starts a proceeding in the Provincial Court is the ''applicant''. The person against whom the court proceeding is brought is the ''respondent''.
Stephanie Perrin, Heather Black & David Flaherty, ''The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: An Annotated Guide'' (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2001).

The applicant starts a proceeding by filing in court an Application to Obtain an Order (Form 1 of the Provincial Court Family Forms)and serving it on each respondent. The Application to Obtain an Order must be personally served on the respondent by an adult other than the applicant. The respondent has 30 days to answer the claim by filing a Reply (Form 3); the court clerk will send a copy of the Reply to the applicant. The Reply can also be used to make a counterclaim, the respondent's own claim against the applicant. A respondent who does not file a Reply is not entitled to notice of further hearings in the case.
== F. BC Personal Information Protection Act ==

Depending on which courthouse the proceeding is started at, one or both parties may have to attend the parenting after separation course, and possibly also meet with a family justice counsellor, before they can go before a judge. Family justice counsellors are government employees trained in mediation who can help with issues about the care of children, child support and spousal support.
The BC ''PIPA'' is an attempt by the province to maintain jurisdiction over the regulation of private business, historically under the Province's control. The purpose of this ''Act'' is to govern the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by '''private''' organizations. The ''Act'' has been in force since 2004 and has been declared substantially similar by the Governor-in-Council, thereby exempting ''PIPA''-applicable organizations in British Columbia from the application of the federal ''PIPEDA''.

At the parties' first appearance before a judge, the judge may order the parties to attend a family case conference. A family case conference is a private meeting between the parties, their lawyers (if lawyers have been hired) and a judge to talk about the legal issues and see whether any of them can be settled. In general, a judge will not make orders at a family case conference except with the parties' agreement. Family case conferences can be very helpful; there's more information about family case conferences in the chapter [[Resolving_Family_Law_Problems_in_Court|Resolving Problems in Court]] in the section on [[Case Conferences in a Family Law Matter|Case Conferences]].
== G. BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ==

Interim applications, applications for temporary orders, can be made by filing a Notice of Motion (Form 16). It is always best to file an Affidavit (Form 17) with the Notice of Motion. An affidavit is a person's written evidence, which the person swears is true before a lawyer, notary public or court staff member able to take oaths. There's more information about interim applications in the chapter [[Resolving_Family_Law_Problems_in_Court|Resolving Problems in Court]] in the section on [[Interim_Applications_in_Family_Matters|Interim Applications]].
=== 1. Introduction ===

Applications to change final orders are made by filing an Application to Change or Cancel an Order (Form 2) and serving on the other parties. The other parties have 30 days to reply by filing a Reply (Form 3).
The ''Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act'', RSBC 1996, c 165 [''FIPPA''], is similar in some respects to the federal access and privacy legislation relating to '''public''' organizations. As a result of this provincial legislation, there is a consistent policy regarding access and privacy for BC government ministries and agencies. The ''Act'' is significant for two reasons:
*it has standardized decision-making criteria in regards to access and privacy; and
*it has established a uniform appeal process.  

====Addressing the court====
This ''Act'' is amended from time to time.  It is advisable to consult the ''Act'' for certainty.  Further information about the ''Act'' can be obtained from the following organization:

Judges of the Provincial Court are addressed as "Your Honour."
[http://fipa.bc.ca/home/ Freedom of Information and Privacy Association]

The BC Civil Liberties Association has also published a handbook on privacy that provides detailed information about various aspects of the law relating to privacy.  It can be found online at http://bccla.org/privacy-handbook.

Final orders of the Provincial Court may be appealed to the Supreme Court. The appeal must be started within 40 days of the date the final order was made.  The timelines for appeals are strictly applied.
=== 2. Scope of Freedom of Information Rights ===

According to [http://canlii.ca/en/bc/laws/stat/sbc-2011-c-25/latest/part-11/sbc-2011-c-25-part-11.html#section233 s. 233(1)] of the ''Family Law Act'', only final orders may be appealed. In a case called [http://canlii.ca/t/fkmwm ''Dima v. Dima''], 2011 BCCA 86, the Court of Appeal confirmed that the only way to challenge an interim order of the Provincial Court is through judicial review under the ''[http://canlii.ca/t/844v Judicial Review Procedure Act]''.
Section 3 of the ''FIPPA'' provides that the Act applies to all records in the custody or control of a “public body”, with notable exceptions in sections 3(1)(a) to (k). In addition to the entities defined as public bodies in Schedule 1, including BC government ministries, municipalities, hospitals, and universities and colleges, Schedule 2 lists specific organizations that are covered by the Act, including BC Hydro, ICBC, Legal Services Society, ''Mental Health Act'' Assessment Committees, and the Workers’ Compensation Board.  

It's important to know that an order that is appealed remains in effect unless the judge who made the order says otherwise. Starting an appeal doesn't mean that you can ignore the order you are appealing.
In July 1993, an amendment to the ''FIPPA'' expanded the scope of the legislation to include governing bodies of various professions within the scope of the Act. These professions include lawyers, accountants, engineers, teachers, doctors, and nurses (see Schedule 3).  

==The Supreme Court==
Sections 12 to 22.1 restrict the disclosure of information. The following may '''not''' need to be disclosed:
*cabinet and local public body confidences (s 12);
*policy-oriented information (s 13);
*legal advice (s 14);
*information harmful to law enforcement (s 15);
*information harmful to intergovernmental relations or negotiations (s 16);
*financially sensitive data (s 17);
*information harmful to heritage sites or endangered species (s 18)
*information harmful to public safety (s 19);
*information harmful to a third party's business interest (s 21);
*information harmful to a third party’s personal privacy (s 22); and
*information relating to abortion services (s 22.1).

Unlike the Provincial Court, the Supreme Court has the authority to deal with all family law issues. If the Provincial Court cannot deal with an issue, the Supreme Court is where you will have to start a proceeding. As well, the Supreme Court is the only court that can grant an order for divorce.
It is worth noting that some of the exceptions are mandatory (ss 21 and 22 on third-party business) and others discretionary (ss 13 to 19).  There is also public-interest override in s 25, which requires disclosure of information about risk of significant harm to the environment, or public health or safety, or in other circumstances where disclosure is clearly in the public interest.  

There are fewer registries of the Supreme Court than there are for the Provincial Court. Court fees, fees for services like filing documents or starting a court proceeding, are also paid in the Supreme Court; no fees are charged by the Provincial Court.
'''NOTE:''' In ''[https://www.oipc.bc.ca/orders/995 Re South Coast BC Transportation Authority]'', [2009] BCIPCD No 20, it was decided that Translink was a public body. Thus,  public disclosure of employment records for Translink employees would not be an unreasonable invasion of third party privacy. However, this was based on a rebuttal of the presumption that a disclosure of personal information is an unreasonable invasion of a third party’s personal privacy if the personal information describes the third party's finances, income, etc. A change of circumstances could change the outcome. In ''[https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/2009/2009scc31/2009scc31.html?resultIndex=1 Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority v Canadian Federation of Students – British Columbia Component]'',[2009] 2 SCR 295, Translink was found to be a government entity under section 32 of the ''Charter of Rights and Freedoms'' [''Charter''], and thus subject to ''Charter'' scrutiny.  

The Supreme Court is also a lot more formal than the Provincial Court. While it is possible to represent yourself in the Supreme Court, the rules of court used for family law matters, the Supreme Court Family Rules, are complicated and are applied strictly. The assistance of a lawyer is highly recommended.
=== 3. Scope of Privacy Rights ===

===Court jurisdiction===
Apart from allowing for access to information, ''FIPPA'' also has provisions restricting the collection, protection, and retention of personal information.

The Supreme Court has authority to deal with the same issues as the Provincial Court and more:
“Personal information” is defined in Schedule 1 of the Act as all recorded information about an identifiable individual other than contact information. The recorded information includes the individual’s name, race, colour, religious or political beliefs, age, sex, sexual  orientation, marital status, fingerprints, blood type, health care history, educational, financial, criminal or employment history, anyone’s  opinion about the individual, and the individual’s personal views or opinions, except if they are about someone else.

#the Supreme Court has ''inherent jurisdiction'', which means it can deal with every kind of legal issue,
Public bodies can collect personal information only when authorized by legislation, for law enforcement purposes, or when necessary to the operation of a program administered by the public body (s 26).  
#the Supreme Court can deal with claims under the ''[[Divorce Act]]'', including making divorce orders, as well as claims under the ''[[Family Law Act]]'',
#the Supreme Court can divide family property and family debt under the ''Family Law Act'',
#the Supreme Court may divide assets between people who aren't spouses under the common law like the law of trusts, or under legislation like the ''[http://canlii.ca/t/8456 Land Title Act]'' or the ''[http://canlii.ca/t/848q Partition of Property Act]'',
#the Supreme Court may issue restraining orders freezing financial assets, and
#the Supreme Court hears appeals from decisions of the Provincial Court.

===Court proceedings===
In general, a public body must collect personal information directly from the individual (s 27). Notable exceptions include: when an alternative method is authorized by the individual, by the Privacy Commissioner, or under another statute; and when the information is used for the purpose of collecting a debt or fine or making a payment. Except where the information is collected for law enforcement purposes, the public body must also tell the individual from whom it collects personal information the purpose and the legal authority for collecting it.

The Supreme Court has special rules just for family law proceedings, the [http://canlii.ca/t/8mcr Supreme Court Family Rules]. If you are involved in a proceeding before the Supreme Court, you should try to read and understand these rules. The rules of court govern every aspect of a Supreme Court case, from starting a court proceeding to scheduling a trial. They set out important deadlines and limitations, and say what court forms must be used for which purpose. You also need to have a look at the [https://www.bccourts.ca/supreme_court/practice_and_procedure/family_practice_directions.aspx Practice Directions] and [https://www.bccourts.ca/supreme_court/practice_and_procedure/administrative_notices.aspx Administrative Notices] issued by the Chief Justice, which clarify aspects of the rules of court and describe additional processes and procedures.
The public body has a duty to ensure the information it collects is accurate and complete (s 28). An individual has the right to request correction if they believe there is an omission or error in the personal information (s 29).  

Heads of public bodies must protect personal information by requiring reasonable security arrangements against unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, or disposal (s 30).  Public bodies must ensure that information in their custody is stored only in Canada and accessed only in Canada unless the individual consents otherwise, or the disclosure is allowed under the Act (s 30.1).

Most Supreme Court family law proceedings are started by filing in court a Notice of Family Claim (Form F3 of the Supreme Court Family Forms). The person who starts a proceeding by a Notice of Family Claim is the ''claimant'', and the person against whom the claim is brought is the ''respondent''. In certain unusual cases, a proceeding can also be started by filing in court a Petition (Form F73). Someone starting a proceeding with a Petition is the ''petitioner'', and the other party is the ''petition respondent''.  
Employees of a public body must notify the minister when a foreign demand for disclosure is requested (s 30.2). Section 30.3 provides whistle-blower legislation to protect employees fulfilling this obligation.

Notices of Family Claim and Petitions must be personally served on the other party by an adult other than the claimant or petitioner.
Public bodies that use an individual’s personal information to make decisions that directly affect the individual must retain that information for at least one year after using it, so that the individual has an opportunity to obtain it (s 31).  Further, a public body can only use personal information for the purpose for which that information was obtained, or for a use consistent with that purpose (s 32).

A respondent may reply to a Notice of Family Claim by filing a Response to Family Claim (Form F4). A respondent who does not file a Response to Family Claim is not entitled to notice of further hearings in the case. The respondent may also file a Counterclaim (Form F5). A counterclaim is the respondent's own claim against the applicant.
Sections 33 to 36 deal with disclosure of personal information by a public body. These sections empower a public body to disclose personal information only under certain circumstances, such as where there is the consent of the individual; where the information is used for a consistent purpose or for the purpose of complying with another enactment; where the information is used for collecting a debt, payment, or fine owed by the individual to the provincial government or a public body; where the information is used in an audit; and where the information is used by a public body or a law enforcement agency to assist in an investigation in which a law enforcement proceeding is intended or likely to result.

In general, before anyone can do anything else, the parties must attend a judicial case conference. A judicial case conference is a private meeting between the parties, their lawyers and a master or judge to talk about the legal issues and see whether any of them can be settled. The master or judge who hears a judicial case conference cannot make orders, except for procedural orders, without the parties' agreement. Judicial case conferences can be very helpful; cases sometimes even settle at judicial case conferences. There's more information about judicial case conferences in the chapter [[Resolving_Family_Law_Problems_in_Court|Resolving Problems in Court]] in the section on [[Case Conferences in a Family Law Matter|Case Conferences]].
=== 4. Process of Making a Disclosure Request ===

Interim applications, applications for temporary orders, can be made by filing a Notice of Application (Form F31) and an Affidavit (Form F30). An affidavit is a person's written evidence, which the person swears is true before a lawyer, notary public or court staff member able to take oaths. The person making an application is the ''applicant''; the person against whom an application is brought is the ''application respondent''. An application respondent may reply to a Notice of Application by filing an Application Response (Form F32) and an Affidavit within five business days after service of the Notice of Application. There's more information about interim applications in the chapter [[Resolving_Family_Law_Problems_in_Court|Resolving Problems in Court]] in the section on [[Interim_Applications_in_Family_Matters|Interim Applications]].
==== a) Step One: Requesting Disclosure or Correction ====

Applications to change final orders are made by filing a Notice of Application (Form F31) and an Affidavit (Form F30) and serving them on the other parties. The process works like the process for interim applications, except that the application respondent has 14 business days to reply.
An individual can send a letter to a public body asking for disclosure of information pertaining to that individual or for a correction of information.  If the request is for access to information, the head of the public body then has 30 days to respond (this time limit can be extended under section 10) (s 7(1)).  Section 8(1) requires that any response must either (a) to (b) inform the individual of where, when, and how the record will be disclosed, or (c) detail the reasons the request was denied.

====Addressing the court====
If the request is for a correction of information held by the public body, the head of the public body must either correct the record (s 29(1)), or annotate the information with the correction that was requested (s 29(2)).  The head of the public body must next notify all other parties to whom the information in question has been disclosed within the past year (s 29(3)).

There are two kinds of judicial officials at the Supreme Court that hear applications and trials, ''masters'' and ''justices'', both of which we'll refer to as "judges" for convenience. Masters can deal with a wide variety of applications in Supreme Court Chambers.  They deal with mainly interim applications. Justices can also hear interim applications but also conduct trials and applications to change final orders.
Always check with the organization itself to see if it has its own forms for requests; this makes the process much faster.  

Masters of the Supreme Court are addressed as "Your Honour." Justices are addressed as "My Lord" or "My Lady," or, if you want, as "Your Lordship" or "Your Ladyship."
To obtain a copy of a police report, complete the form provided by the “Information and Privacy” section of the police department from which you are requesting the records (for the VPD, you will find the form here: http://vancouver.ca/police/assets/pdf/forms/vpd-form-foi-request.pdf). Include a copy of the person’s driver’s licence if possible and a cover letter explaining the details of the report you are looking for.  If you are asking to receive documents on someone’s behalf you will also need them to sign an authorization or release.  Typically there is no charge if you are requesting documents that relate to an interaction you had with police.  

If a person has been a victim of property crime, their insurance company might require them to obtain a copy of the police report.  Sometimes the insurer will make the request for you.  To obtain this record, fill out the [https://vpd.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/vpd-form-1713-request-for-property-report.pdf Request for Property Report Form], or send in a written request with the following information: police file number, full name, current address, telephone number, location of incident, type of incident, and any other helpful details.  There is a fee for this service, and the letter and payment ($55.00 including applicable taxes) should be placed in an envelope and mailed to the following address:

Interim orders of masters may be appealed to a justice of the Supreme Court. A party appealing the order of a master must file a Notice of Appeal in Form F98 within 14 days of the order.  
:::ATTENTION: Correspondence Unit 
:::Vancouver Police Department 
:::3585 Graveley St.
:::Vancouver, BC V5K 5J5.                                                        

Interim and final orders of justices of the Supreme Court are appealed to the Court of Appeal and must be brought within 30 days of the date of the order. Appeals to the Court of Appeal proceed under the Court of Appeal's rules of court and court forms.
See here for full details: https://vpd.ca/contact-us/request-a-copy-of-a-police-report/       

It's important to know that an order that is appealed remains in effect unless the master or justice who made the order says otherwise. Starting an appeal doesn't mean that you can ignore the order you are appealing.
For further information on the process of making a disclosure request, contact:

==The Court of Appeal==

The Court of Appeal has the same sort of jurisdiction as the Supreme Court. It can deal with every kind of legal problem. However, this court does not hear trials, it only hears appeals from decisions of the Supreme Court. Although the Court of Appeal's central registry is in Vancouver, the court occasionally hears cases in Victoria, Kelowna and Kamloops.
'''Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia'''
| address = PO Box 9038, Stn. Prov. Govt., 4th Floor, 947 Fort Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 9A4
| phone = (250) 387-5629 <br /> Fax: (250) 387- 1696
| online = [http://www.oipc.bc.ca/  Website] <br /> Email: info@oipc.bc.ca

Appeals are a fairly expensive process. You should only bring an appeal after you've given a lot of thought to the cost of the appeal and your chances of success; don't leap to appeal a decision just because you don't like it or are angry. Give some serious thought to the appeal first and consider asking a lawyer to review your case and the reasons for judgment from trial. Simply put, the cost of the appeal may outweigh the benefit you will get even if you win.
'''NOTE:''' The public body to which a request is made may charge to provide a copy of the record and its shipping and handling, and for the time spent locating the record and preparing it for disclosure (''FIPPA'', s 75(1)). They cannot charge, however, for the first 3 hours spent locating and retrieving a record and time spent severing information (s 75(2)). Likewise, these fees do not apply to a request for the applicant’s own personal information (s 75(3)). If a request for payment is made, send a letter explaining that the fee should be waived because (1) you cannot afford payment (s 75(5)(a)); (2) it is fair to excuse  payment (s 75(5)(a)), or; (3) the record relates to a matter of public interest (e.g., the environment, public health and safety, etc.) (s 75(5)(b)).

===Court proceedings===
==== Step Two: Filing a Complaint with the Information and Privacy Commissioner ====

If you are involved in a proceeding before the Court of Appeal, you must read the ''[http://canlii.ca/t/84h4 Court of Appeal Act]'' and the Court of Appeal's [http://canlii.ca/t/85bg Rules of Court]. The act and the rules govern every aspect of an appeal, from starting an appeal to the size and colour of paper to use for court documents. They set out important deadlines and limitations, and say what court forms must be used for which purpose. You also need to have a look at the [https://www.bccourts.ca/court_of_appeal/Practice_and_Procedure/civil_practice_directives_/index.aspx Practice Directives] issued by the Chief Justice, which clarify aspects of the rules of court and describe additional processes and procedures.
If the public body refuses to disclose the information or make the requested correction, the next step is to file a complaint with the Information and Privacy Commissioner.  Under section 42, the Commissioner oversees the administration of the ''Act''.  An individual can ask the Commissioner to review any decision pertaining to access or correction within 30 days of notification of the decision (s 53(2)(a)) (although section 53(2)(b) allows the Commissioner to extend this limitation period). Please refer to the ''FIPPA'' and its regulations for a detailed description of the review process.

While it is possible to represent yourself in the Court of Appeal, the court requires '''strict compliance''' with its rules and the assistance of a lawyer is highly recommended.
The Commissioner has significant power to enforce a judgment (much more so than the equivalent federal official). Generally, the burden is on the public body to justify its refusal to disclose information (although there are notable exceptions pertaining to third-party interests (see s 57). The head of a public body  must comply with an order of the Commissioner unless an application for judicial review is brought within 30 days (s 59). A person other than the head of a  public body who is dissatisfied with a decision of the Commissioner may seek judicial review pursuant to the ''Judicial Review Procedure Act''.

== H. The BC Privacy Act ==

Appeals are started by filing in court a Notice of Appeal (Court of Appeal Forms - Form 7) or, depending on the circumstances, a Notice of Application for Leave to Appeal (Form 1), and must be started within 30 days of the order appealed from. The person who starts an appeal is the ''appellant'', the other parties are ''respondents''. The appellant must serve the Notice of Appeal on all respondents. After being served, a respondent has 15 days to file a Notice of Cross Appeal (Form 8); this is only necessary if the respondent also wants to appeal the Supreme Court's order.
BC ''Privacy Act'', RSBC 1996, c 373, makes it a “tort, actionable without proof of damages, for a person, wilfully and without claim of right, to violate the privacy of another” (s 1). Subsection 1(2) of the ''Act'' entitles a person to the nature and degree of privacy that is “reasonable in the circumstances”, but the ''Act'' itself gives limited guidance to the courts on what particular circumstances are deemed to be an unreasonable invasion of privacy. However, section 2 does set out a number of exceptions.  

Interim applications, applications for temporary orders, can be made by filing a Notice of Motion (Form 6) and serving the Notice on the other parties. Applications are rarely necessary, but when they are, the rules say they must be completed within 30 minutes.
Most of the reported cases brought under the ''Act'' have been unsuccessful, largely because the courts have been reluctant to accept a broad view of what type of  expectations of privacy are reasonable. One difficulty with the ''Act'' is that a person offended by an invasion of privacy is unlikely to seek redress through a public process that will have the effect of further airing the private matter.  

All appeals are based on the evidence before the judge who made the original decision. Before an appeal can be heard, the appellant must get transcripts of all of the oral evidence heard at trial, prepare a book with all of the documents used as evidence at trial, and prepare a book with all of the pleadings filed in the Supreme Court proceeding. (Transcripts in particular are hideously expensive to obtain.) Each side must also prepare a written argument, called a ''factum'', as well as books containing all the statute law and case law they will be relying on in arguing the appeal. The court registry is very particular about how these materials are prepared; read the [http://canlii.ca/t/85bg Court of Appeal Rules] very carefully!
Actions under the ''Privacy Act'' must be brought in the BC Supreme Court (s 4).

Appeals are heard by a panel of three judges; when a legal issue is particularly important, the appeal may be heard by a panel of five judges. Applications for leave are heard before one judge.  The panel reaches its decision after reading through the parties' factums, hearing the parties' oral arguments, and considering the law that applies to the issues. The decision of the panel is the decision of a majority of the judges; the judge or judges who disagree with the majority decision are said to ''dissent''.
== I. Police Information Checks (Criminal Record Checks) ==

====Addressing the court====
Police information checks, also known as criminal record checks, consist of information which may be required by a potential employer or volunteer organization, in the later stage of their hiring process.  Police information checks are conducted and provided by individual local police departments and the RCMP, who are supposed to play a neutral role in the hiring process.

The justices of the Court of Appeal are addressed as "My Lord" or "My Lady," or, if you want, as "Your Lordship" or "Your Ladyship."
Employment or volunteer candidates who are asked by their potential employer or volunteer organization to provide a police information check should be aware that potential employers and volunteer organizations may only use relevant information to determine the suitability of a candidate. In particular, the ''BC Human Rights Code'', RSBC 1996, c 210, section 13 makes it illegal for employers to discriminate based on having been convicted of a criminal or summary conviction offence that is unrelated to the employment or to the intended employment of a person.

[https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/law-crime-and-justice/criminal-justice/police/publications/police-information-checks/model_policy_guidlines.pdf The British Columbia Provincial Policing Model Policy Guidelines] operate to ensure that policies and practices align among police agencies in British Columbia so that citizens, employers, and volunteer organizations receive consistent Criminal and Police Information Checks.  The following is a summary of the Guidelines.

Decisions of the Court of Appeal can be appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada. However, the Supreme Court of Canada must first grant leave for the appeal to be brought. There is no automatic right to appeal a judgment of the Court of Appeal.
If working with vulnerable persons, employment or volunteer candidates may be asked by their potential employer or volunteer organization to provide a vulnerable sector check.  Vulnerable persons are individuals who, because of their age, disability, or other circumstances, whether temporary or permanent, are (a) in a position of dependence on others or (b) are otherwise at a greater risk than the general population of being harmed by a person in a position of authority or trust relative to them, as defined by the ''Criminal Records Act'', RSC 1985, c C-47, s 6.3(1).  

==Resources and links==
Vulnerable sector checks consist of screening designed to protect vulnerable persons from dangerous offenders by uncovering the existence of a criminal record, adverse police contact, and/or pardoned (or record suspension) sexual offence conviction.  This level of screening is restricted to applicants seeking employment and/or volunteering with vulnerable persons.

The Guidelines stipulate that the board, chief constable, chief officer, or commissioner should ensure that:

* ''[http://canlii.ca/t/849w Provincial Court Act]''
Job applicants who work with the vulnerable sector will, at the request of their employer, receive a check that:  
* ''[http://canlii.ca/t/84d8 Supreme Court Act]''
*includes a search of, at a minimum, Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), Police Information Portal (PIP), Justice Information (JUSTIN), and Police Records Information Management Environment (PRIME) records;
* ''[http://canlii.ca/t/84h4 Court of Appeal Act]''
*discloses to the applicant all warrants, outstanding charges, convictions and adverse contact;
* ''[http://canlii.ca/t/84h8 Court Rules Act]''
*does not include the disclosure of apprehensions under section 28 of the ''Mental Health Act'';
* ''[[Family Law Act]]''
*does include adverse contact involving the threat or actual use of violence directed at other individuals, regardless of, but without disclosing, mental health status;
* ''[[Divorce Act]]''
*does not include youth offences unless provided for under the ''Youth Criminal Justice Act'';
* ''[http://canlii.ca/t/84l3 Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act]''
*does include information on a sexual offence conviction where a pardon or record suspension has been granted;
* ''[http://canlii.ca/t/844v Judicial Review Procedure Act]''
* ''[http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/Const/index.html Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982]''

Those who are not working with vulnerable persons may be asked instead to provide a non-vulnerable sector check.  The Guidelines stipulate that applicants who are not working with the vulnerable sector will, at the request of their employer, receive a check that:
*includes a search of, at a minimum, CPIC, PIP, JUSTIN, and PRIME records;
*discloses to the applicant all warrants, outstanding charges, and convictions;
*does not disclose adverse contact;
*does not include the disclosure of apprehensions under section 28 of the ''Mental Health Act'';
*does not include youth offences unless provided for under the ''Youth Criminal Justice Act'';

* [http://canlii.ca/t/85pb Provincial Court Family Rules]
In cases where non-disclosable information indicates a significant threat to public safety, police agencies may either refuse to complete the check or take action under their duty to warn responsibilities noted below.
* [http://www.provincialcourt.bc.ca/types-of-cases/family-matters/chief-judge-practice-directions Provincial Court Practice Directions]
* [http://canlii.ca/t/8mcr Supreme Court Family Rules]
* [https://www.bccourts.ca/supreme_court/practice_and_procedure/family_practice_directions.aspx Supreme Court Family Practice Directions]
* [https://www.bccourts.ca/supreme_court/practice_and_procedure/administrative_notices.aspx Supreme Court Administrative Notices]
* [http://canlii.ca/t/85bg Court of Appeal Rules]
* [https://www.bccourts.ca/court_of_appeal/Practice_and_Procedure/civil_practice_directives_/index.aspx Court of Appeal Practice Directives]

Nothing in the Guidelines prevents a police agency from disclosing information under either a statutory or common law duty to provide warnings where the health, safety or wellbeing of an individual or individuals is at risk of significant harm.

* [http://www.bccourts.ca/ Courts of British Columbia website]
Further information regarding the Guidelines, including a full list of information which should or should not be included in a Police Information Check, may be found at:  
* [http://www.provincialcourt.bc.ca/ Provincial Court website]
* [https://www.bccourts.ca/supreme_court/index.aspx Supreme Court website]
* [https://www.bccourts.ca/Court_of_Appeal/index.aspx Court of Appeal website]
* [http://canlii.org CanLII]
* [http://familylaw.lss.bc.ca/legal_issues/legalSystemBasics.php Legal Services Society's page on the Legal System]

Because police information checks are provided by individual police departments or the RCMP, one should consult the website of the particular police department or that of the RCMP to discover specific information, such as that pertaining to fees, accepted forms of identification, and further information on what will or will not be included in the police information check. 

{{REVIEWED | reviewer = [[Bob Mostar]] and [[Mark Norton]], June 8, 2017}}
The following is a link to information on police information checks conducted by the Vancouver Police Department:

{{JP Boyd on Family Law Navbox|type=chapters}}
Please consult Chapter 1: Criminal Law, located in the Law Students’ Legal Advice Program’s manual for information explaining the importance of consenting to disclosure, what information third parties may find out, the impact of having a criminal record, elimination of records, and record suspensions:

{{Creative Commons for JP Boyd}}
If an individual disagrees with a decision of the police officer, such as to not provide a police information check or with the information provided on the police information checks, the individual can appeal the decision internally within the police department. The individual can submit a request to the head of the records check department within the police department where they made the initial information check request for a review of the decision. If the individual still disagrees with the appealed decision, then the next avenue of appeal, if one is available, remains unclear. It is possible that an applicant may file for Judicial Review of the police department’s decision (see '''III.C.1 on Judicial Review'''). The Privacy Commissioner’s Office may possibly have jurisdiction over these matters, although their current position is that a police information check is different than a request for release of information, and is not covered by their legislation.

[[Category:JP Boyd on Family Law]]
{{LSLAP Manual Navbox|type = chapters1-7}}

Revision as of 21:29, 1 December 2021

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on June 30, 2021.

A. Introduction

Although the right to privacy is fundamental to the healthy exercise of democratic rights, recognition and practical enforcement of this right by legislators and the courts has been slow. This problem has many sources, but underlying it is the enormous difficulty jurists have found in coming to an understanding of what is meant and entailed by this right.

The right to privacy is often balanced against the right to access information since these rights frequently collide (e.g., when an employer wishes to obtain information about an employee from a government agency). In some cases, a right of access to information may determine whether or not an individual’s privacy has been violated. Legislation regulating access to government information is designed to ensure an informed citizenry; when someone seeks information that may injure the privacy interests of a third party, mechanisms exist to weigh privacy interests of the individual against the public interest in disclosure. The following provides a quick survey of the relevant privacy or access to information laws.

B. At Common Law

At common law, the torts of trespass, nuisance, defamation, and invasion of privacy may discourage some of the more blatant forms of invasion of privacy. However, these civil actions retroactively provide compensation for the breach of privacy rather than ensure privacy.

C. Wiretap Legislation and Lawful Access

Individuals interested in information on wiretapping and lawful access to information should contact the BC Civil Liberties Association, who specialize in dealing in these areas. The case law in this area is very complicated, and an experienced criminal lawyer should be consulted if issues regarding a wiretap arise.

D. Federal Privacy Act, Federal Access to Information Act

1. Introduction

The federal Access to Information Act, RSC 1985, c A-1, and the federal Privacy Act, RSC 1985, c P-21, both deal with freedom of information. The Access to Information Act allows for access to information in records under the control of federal government institutions. The Privacy Act protects the confidentiality of information about an individual held by federal government institutions, and provides individuals with a right of access to information about themselves held by such institutions. What follows is only a brief outline of the main provisions of these Acts. Individuals should consult the Acts if they have a problem in this area.

2. Privacy Act

If an individual wants to obtain information relating to themselves, they should make an application under the federal Privacy Act, and should make their application directly to the agency that has the information.

The Privacy Act, RSC 1985, c P-21, sets out the conditions under which a government institution may collect, maintain, and use personal information about individuals. The Act requires that:

  • the information collected must relate directly to an operating program or activity of the institution (s 4);
  • information used in a decision-making process that directly affects the individual should be, wherever possible, collected directly from the individual to whom it relates, or with their consent, and the institution shall inform the individual of the purpose for which the information is being collected (s 5);
  • the institution shall ensure that information used to make a decision about an individual is accurate, up-to-date and as complete as possible, that it is retained long enough for the individual to have a reasonable opportunity to obtain access to it, and that it is disposed of in accordance with the relevant regulations and ministry directives or guidelines (s 6); and
  • the information shall not, without the consent of the individual, be used for any purpose except that for which it was obtained, for a use consistent with that purpose, or for other purposes specified in the Act (s 7).

The Privacy Commissioner is authorized to oversee compliance by federal government institutions with the provisions of the Privacy Act. The Commissioner receives and investigates complaints from individuals, audits institutions’ storage and use of information, makes recommendations to institutions and the Treasury Board regarding privacy issues, and presents an annual report to Parliament.

NOTE: Per amendments made to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, a ministerial advisor and a member of a ministerial staff are excluded from the definition of “personal information”.

The Commissioner cannot make orders requiring bodies to comply with the Act but may investigate and make reports. Individuals who are refused access to their own personal information may, after the Commissioner has investigated and reported, apply to the Federal Court for an order requiring access to this information. The Privacy Commissioner may also take enforcement proceedings in Federal Court in relation to a refusal to give an individual access to their own personal information. For further information, contact:

BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association

Online Website

Any complaints regarding your Privacy Act request should be submitted in writing to:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Online Website
Address 30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 1H3
Phone 1-800-282-1376
Toll-Free: 1-800-282-1376
TTY: (819) 994-6591

3. Access to Information Act

This Act gives Canadian citizens, permanent residents and any individual present or corporation in Canada the right to access any record under the control of a federal government institution.

NOTE: If you are seeking to obtain information about an individual person, see section IV.D.2 on the application of the Privacy Act.

Certain classes of information are exempt from the Act. These include confidential inter-governmental communications, information pertaining to law enforcement and investigations, trade secrets, personal information, and generally anything likely to be harmful to Canada’s national security interest.

On June 21, 2019, an Act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act received Royal Assent. Under the amended Act, a federal institution may decline to act on a request to access to a record for various reasons if approved by the Information Commissioner. In addition to this change, the amended Act clarifies the power of the Information Commissioner regarding the authority to refuse or cease to investigate and to examine disclosure subjected to solicitor-client privilege or professional secrecy

NOTE: In the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Ontario (Public Safety and Security) v Criminal Lawyers’ Association, 2010 SCC 23, the Court held that the guarantee of freedom of expression under subsection 2(b) of the Charter does not guarantee access to all documents in government hands. In that case, the Court adopted the test for whether freedom of expression was infringed found in Irwin Toy Ltd v Quebec (Attorney General), [1989] 1 SCR 927, and determined that freedom of expression was not infringed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSO 1990, c F.31. See both of these cases for more detailed information.

The procedure for obtaining a government record is as follows:

  • Go to http://canada.justice.gc.ca/eng/trans/atip-aiprp for the Access to Information and Privacy website, which offers a brochure about using the Act, online access to Info Source, and online forms. Alternatively, any public library provides the same information. Info Source is a directory that describes each federal government institution and the information it holds, as well as the title and address of the appropriate officer to whom requests should be sent.
  • Formally request the records by sending in the online or printed request forms, or by sending a letter. These options are available under “Options for Submitting an ATIP Request”. Be as specific as possible citing subject, dates, events, and individuals. Enclose a $5.00 payment, but ask that this and any other fees be waived on the grounds that the release of records would be of “general public benefit” or that similar information has been released in the past. Note: Requests for information under the Privacy Act do not require a fee.
  • Once the institution receives a request, it has 30 days to give notice of whether access will be given. Senior officials can extend this time limit if they give notice of extension. If third parties are involved, the time limit is 80 days. If access is refused, they must inform the person making the request of the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner.
    • NOTE: It can take up to one year to receive records to which access is given. There is no meaningful redress for delays of this nature.
    • NOTE: The federal government has introduced changes to the Access to Information Act which will strengthen the powers of the Information Commissioner to make binding orders to government institutions.
  • Complaints should be sent in writing to:

Office of the Information Commissioner

Online Website
E-mail: greffe-registry@oic-ci.gc.ca
Address 30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 1H3
Phone Toll-free: 1-800-267-0441
Fax: (819) 994-1768

A complaint must be made within 60 days from the date that you received a response to your request.

The Information Commissioner investigates complaints in private, and each party has the right to make representations. Similar to an Ombudsperson, the Commissioner can only make recommendations, and cannot directly compel the release of information. However, they can take the institution to Federal Court to compel the release of the information. The Commissioner is not obligated to take on a case, and if they refuse to do so, there is no right to appeal this refusal.

  • NOTE: It is helpful to check to see if the organization you are requesting information about has a form of its own. It would cut down on time for the form to go directly to the organization.
  • There is, however, a right to appeal the original denial of access; this appeal must be made to the Federal Court within 30 days of the decision of the Information Commissioner (s 41(1)). In court, the burden of proof is on the government to show that the information must be withheld.

E. Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act

1. Introduction

The federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, SC 2000, c 5 [PIPEDA], is intended to remedy some of the problems encountered by consumers and by businesses when information relating to consumer habits is collected to be used internally or externally by private sector organizations. PIPEDA is a federal law governing:

  • the collection, protection, and disclosure of personal information; and
  • the use of electronic versions of official documents on paper, in the public and private sphere.

While PIPEDA is a federal act, the legislation claims to have jurisdiction over the provincially regulated private sector as well as the federal sector. However, subsection 26(2) of the Act gives the Governor-in-Council the power to exempt an organization where substantially similar provincial legislation exists. Almost all provinces have enacted their own version of the Act. In October 2003, BC passed the Personal Information Protection Act, SBC 2003, c 63 [PIPA], which has been declared substantially similar legislation.

For more information on PIPEDA, please see:

Stephanie Perrin, Heather Black & David Flaherty, The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: An Annotated Guide (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2001).

F. BC Personal Information Protection Act

The BC PIPA is an attempt by the province to maintain jurisdiction over the regulation of private business, historically under the Province's control. The purpose of this Act is to govern the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by private organizations. The Act has been in force since 2004 and has been declared substantially similar by the Governor-in-Council, thereby exempting PIPA-applicable organizations in British Columbia from the application of the federal PIPEDA.

G. BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

1. Introduction

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c 165 [FIPPA], is similar in some respects to the federal access and privacy legislation relating to public organizations. As a result of this provincial legislation, there is a consistent policy regarding access and privacy for BC government ministries and agencies. The Act is significant for two reasons:

  • it has standardized decision-making criteria in regards to access and privacy; and
  • it has established a uniform appeal process.

This Act is amended from time to time. It is advisable to consult the Act for certainty. Further information about the Act can be obtained from the following organization:

Freedom of Information and Privacy Association

The BC Civil Liberties Association has also published a handbook on privacy that provides detailed information about various aspects of the law relating to privacy. It can be found online at http://bccla.org/privacy-handbook.

2. Scope of Freedom of Information Rights

Section 3 of the FIPPA provides that the Act applies to all records in the custody or control of a “public body”, with notable exceptions in sections 3(1)(a) to (k). In addition to the entities defined as public bodies in Schedule 1, including BC government ministries, municipalities, hospitals, and universities and colleges, Schedule 2 lists specific organizations that are covered by the Act, including BC Hydro, ICBC, Legal Services Society, Mental Health Act Assessment Committees, and the Workers’ Compensation Board.

In July 1993, an amendment to the FIPPA expanded the scope of the legislation to include governing bodies of various professions within the scope of the Act. These professions include lawyers, accountants, engineers, teachers, doctors, and nurses (see Schedule 3).

Sections 12 to 22.1 restrict the disclosure of information. The following may not need to be disclosed:

  • cabinet and local public body confidences (s 12);
  • policy-oriented information (s 13);
  • legal advice (s 14);
  • information harmful to law enforcement (s 15);
  • information harmful to intergovernmental relations or negotiations (s 16);
  • financially sensitive data (s 17);
  • information harmful to heritage sites or endangered species (s 18)
  • information harmful to public safety (s 19);
  • information harmful to a third party's business interest (s 21);
  • information harmful to a third party’s personal privacy (s 22); and
  • information relating to abortion services (s 22.1).

It is worth noting that some of the exceptions are mandatory (ss 21 and 22 on third-party business) and others discretionary (ss 13 to 19). There is also public-interest override in s 25, which requires disclosure of information about risk of significant harm to the environment, or public health or safety, or in other circumstances where disclosure is clearly in the public interest.

NOTE: In Re South Coast BC Transportation Authority, [2009] BCIPCD No 20, it was decided that Translink was a public body. Thus, public disclosure of employment records for Translink employees would not be an unreasonable invasion of third party privacy. However, this was based on a rebuttal of the presumption that a disclosure of personal information is an unreasonable invasion of a third party’s personal privacy if the personal information describes the third party's finances, income, etc. A change of circumstances could change the outcome. In Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority v Canadian Federation of Students – British Columbia Component,[2009] 2 SCR 295, Translink was found to be a government entity under section 32 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms [Charter], and thus subject to Charter scrutiny.

3. Scope of Privacy Rights

Apart from allowing for access to information, FIPPA also has provisions restricting the collection, protection, and retention of personal information.

“Personal information” is defined in Schedule 1 of the Act as all recorded information about an identifiable individual other than contact information. The recorded information includes the individual’s name, race, colour, religious or political beliefs, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, fingerprints, blood type, health care history, educational, financial, criminal or employment history, anyone’s opinion about the individual, and the individual’s personal views or opinions, except if they are about someone else.

Public bodies can collect personal information only when authorized by legislation, for law enforcement purposes, or when necessary to the operation of a program administered by the public body (s 26).

In general, a public body must collect personal information directly from the individual (s 27). Notable exceptions include: when an alternative method is authorized by the individual, by the Privacy Commissioner, or under another statute; and when the information is used for the purpose of collecting a debt or fine or making a payment. Except where the information is collected for law enforcement purposes, the public body must also tell the individual from whom it collects personal information the purpose and the legal authority for collecting it.

The public body has a duty to ensure the information it collects is accurate and complete (s 28). An individual has the right to request correction if they believe there is an omission or error in the personal information (s 29).

Heads of public bodies must protect personal information by requiring reasonable security arrangements against unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, or disposal (s 30). Public bodies must ensure that information in their custody is stored only in Canada and accessed only in Canada unless the individual consents otherwise, or the disclosure is allowed under the Act (s 30.1).

Employees of a public body must notify the minister when a foreign demand for disclosure is requested (s 30.2). Section 30.3 provides whistle-blower legislation to protect employees fulfilling this obligation.

Public bodies that use an individual’s personal information to make decisions that directly affect the individual must retain that information for at least one year after using it, so that the individual has an opportunity to obtain it (s 31). Further, a public body can only use personal information for the purpose for which that information was obtained, or for a use consistent with that purpose (s 32).

Sections 33 to 36 deal with disclosure of personal information by a public body. These sections empower a public body to disclose personal information only under certain circumstances, such as where there is the consent of the individual; where the information is used for a consistent purpose or for the purpose of complying with another enactment; where the information is used for collecting a debt, payment, or fine owed by the individual to the provincial government or a public body; where the information is used in an audit; and where the information is used by a public body or a law enforcement agency to assist in an investigation in which a law enforcement proceeding is intended or likely to result.

4. Process of Making a Disclosure Request

a) Step One: Requesting Disclosure or Correction

An individual can send a letter to a public body asking for disclosure of information pertaining to that individual or for a correction of information. If the request is for access to information, the head of the public body then has 30 days to respond (this time limit can be extended under section 10) (s 7(1)). Section 8(1) requires that any response must either (a) to (b) inform the individual of where, when, and how the record will be disclosed, or (c) detail the reasons the request was denied.

If the request is for a correction of information held by the public body, the head of the public body must either correct the record (s 29(1)), or annotate the information with the correction that was requested (s 29(2)). The head of the public body must next notify all other parties to whom the information in question has been disclosed within the past year (s 29(3)).

Always check with the organization itself to see if it has its own forms for requests; this makes the process much faster.

To obtain a copy of a police report, complete the form provided by the “Information and Privacy” section of the police department from which you are requesting the records (for the VPD, you will find the form here: http://vancouver.ca/police/assets/pdf/forms/vpd-form-foi-request.pdf). Include a copy of the person’s driver’s licence if possible and a cover letter explaining the details of the report you are looking for. If you are asking to receive documents on someone’s behalf you will also need them to sign an authorization or release. Typically there is no charge if you are requesting documents that relate to an interaction you had with police.

If a person has been a victim of property crime, their insurance company might require them to obtain a copy of the police report. Sometimes the insurer will make the request for you. To obtain this record, fill out the Request for Property Report Form, or send in a written request with the following information: police file number, full name, current address, telephone number, location of incident, type of incident, and any other helpful details. There is a fee for this service, and the letter and payment ($55.00 including applicable taxes) should be placed in an envelope and mailed to the following address:

ATTENTION: Correspondence Unit
Vancouver Police Department
3585 Graveley St.
Vancouver, BC V5K 5J5.

See here for full details: https://vpd.ca/contact-us/request-a-copy-of-a-police-report/

For further information on the process of making a disclosure request, contact:

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia

Online Website
Email: info@oipc.bc.ca
Address PO Box 9038, Stn. Prov. Govt., 4th Floor, 947 Fort Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 9A4
Phone (250) 387-5629
Fax: (250) 387- 1696

NOTE: The public body to which a request is made may charge to provide a copy of the record and its shipping and handling, and for the time spent locating the record and preparing it for disclosure (FIPPA, s 75(1)). They cannot charge, however, for the first 3 hours spent locating and retrieving a record and time spent severing information (s 75(2)). Likewise, these fees do not apply to a request for the applicant’s own personal information (s 75(3)). If a request for payment is made, send a letter explaining that the fee should be waived because (1) you cannot afford payment (s 75(5)(a)); (2) it is fair to excuse payment (s 75(5)(a)), or; (3) the record relates to a matter of public interest (e.g., the environment, public health and safety, etc.) (s 75(5)(b)).

Step Two: Filing a Complaint with the Information and Privacy Commissioner

If the public body refuses to disclose the information or make the requested correction, the next step is to file a complaint with the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Under section 42, the Commissioner oversees the administration of the Act. An individual can ask the Commissioner to review any decision pertaining to access or correction within 30 days of notification of the decision (s 53(2)(a)) (although section 53(2)(b) allows the Commissioner to extend this limitation period). Please refer to the FIPPA and its regulations for a detailed description of the review process.

The Commissioner has significant power to enforce a judgment (much more so than the equivalent federal official). Generally, the burden is on the public body to justify its refusal to disclose information (although there are notable exceptions pertaining to third-party interests (see s 57). The head of a public body must comply with an order of the Commissioner unless an application for judicial review is brought within 30 days (s 59). A person other than the head of a public body who is dissatisfied with a decision of the Commissioner may seek judicial review pursuant to the Judicial Review Procedure Act.

H. The BC Privacy Act

BC Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c 373, makes it a “tort, actionable without proof of damages, for a person, wilfully and without claim of right, to violate the privacy of another” (s 1). Subsection 1(2) of the Act entitles a person to the nature and degree of privacy that is “reasonable in the circumstances”, but the Act itself gives limited guidance to the courts on what particular circumstances are deemed to be an unreasonable invasion of privacy. However, section 2 does set out a number of exceptions.

Most of the reported cases brought under the Act have been unsuccessful, largely because the courts have been reluctant to accept a broad view of what type of expectations of privacy are reasonable. One difficulty with the Act is that a person offended by an invasion of privacy is unlikely to seek redress through a public process that will have the effect of further airing the private matter.

Actions under the Privacy Act must be brought in the BC Supreme Court (s 4).

I. Police Information Checks (Criminal Record Checks)

Police information checks, also known as criminal record checks, consist of information which may be required by a potential employer or volunteer organization, in the later stage of their hiring process. Police information checks are conducted and provided by individual local police departments and the RCMP, who are supposed to play a neutral role in the hiring process.

Employment or volunteer candidates who are asked by their potential employer or volunteer organization to provide a police information check should be aware that potential employers and volunteer organizations may only use relevant information to determine the suitability of a candidate. In particular, the BC Human Rights Code, RSBC 1996, c 210, section 13 makes it illegal for employers to discriminate based on having been convicted of a criminal or summary conviction offence that is unrelated to the employment or to the intended employment of a person.

The British Columbia Provincial Policing Model Policy Guidelines operate to ensure that policies and practices align among police agencies in British Columbia so that citizens, employers, and volunteer organizations receive consistent Criminal and Police Information Checks. The following is a summary of the Guidelines.

If working with vulnerable persons, employment or volunteer candidates may be asked by their potential employer or volunteer organization to provide a vulnerable sector check. Vulnerable persons are individuals who, because of their age, disability, or other circumstances, whether temporary or permanent, are (a) in a position of dependence on others or (b) are otherwise at a greater risk than the general population of being harmed by a person in a position of authority or trust relative to them, as defined by the Criminal Records Act, RSC 1985, c C-47, s 6.3(1).

Vulnerable sector checks consist of screening designed to protect vulnerable persons from dangerous offenders by uncovering the existence of a criminal record, adverse police contact, and/or pardoned (or record suspension) sexual offence conviction. This level of screening is restricted to applicants seeking employment and/or volunteering with vulnerable persons.

The Guidelines stipulate that the board, chief constable, chief officer, or commissioner should ensure that:

Job applicants who work with the vulnerable sector will, at the request of their employer, receive a check that:

  • includes a search of, at a minimum, Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), Police Information Portal (PIP), Justice Information (JUSTIN), and Police Records Information Management Environment (PRIME) records;
  • discloses to the applicant all warrants, outstanding charges, convictions and adverse contact;
  • does not include the disclosure of apprehensions under section 28 of the Mental Health Act;
  • does include adverse contact involving the threat or actual use of violence directed at other individuals, regardless of, but without disclosing, mental health status;
  • does not include youth offences unless provided for under the Youth Criminal Justice Act;
  • does include information on a sexual offence conviction where a pardon or record suspension has been granted;

Those who are not working with vulnerable persons may be asked instead to provide a non-vulnerable sector check. The Guidelines stipulate that applicants who are not working with the vulnerable sector will, at the request of their employer, receive a check that:

  • includes a search of, at a minimum, CPIC, PIP, JUSTIN, and PRIME records;
  • discloses to the applicant all warrants, outstanding charges, and convictions;
  • does not disclose adverse contact;
  • does not include the disclosure of apprehensions under section 28 of the Mental Health Act;
  • does not include youth offences unless provided for under the Youth Criminal Justice Act;

In cases where non-disclosable information indicates a significant threat to public safety, police agencies may either refuse to complete the check or take action under their duty to warn responsibilities noted below.

Nothing in the Guidelines prevents a police agency from disclosing information under either a statutory or common law duty to provide warnings where the health, safety or wellbeing of an individual or individuals is at risk of significant harm.

Further information regarding the Guidelines, including a full list of information which should or should not be included in a Police Information Check, may be found at: http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/criminal-justice/policing-in-bc/publications-statistics-legislation/publications/police-information-checks-guidelines-for-police

Because police information checks are provided by individual police departments or the RCMP, one should consult the website of the particular police department or that of the RCMP to discover specific information, such as that pertaining to fees, accepted forms of identification, and further information on what will or will not be included in the police information check.

The following is a link to information on police information checks conducted by the Vancouver Police Department: https://vpd.ca/contact-us/police-information-checks/

Please consult Chapter 1: Criminal Law, located in the Law Students’ Legal Advice Program’s manual for information explaining the importance of consenting to disclosure, what information third parties may find out, the impact of having a criminal record, elimination of records, and record suspensions: https://www.lslap.bc.ca/manual.html

If an individual disagrees with a decision of the police officer, such as to not provide a police information check or with the information provided on the police information checks, the individual can appeal the decision internally within the police department. The individual can submit a request to the head of the records check department within the police department where they made the initial information check request for a review of the decision. If the individual still disagrees with the appealed decision, then the next avenue of appeal, if one is available, remains unclear. It is possible that an applicant may file for Judicial Review of the police department’s decision (see III.C.1 on Judicial Review). The Privacy Commissioner’s Office may possibly have jurisdiction over these matters, although their current position is that a police information check is different than a request for release of information, and is not covered by their legislation.

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