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A '''committee''' is a last resort option when someone becomes mentally incapable. A committee can make decisions for someone else who can’t make decisions for themselves. Learn how committeeship works.

==What is a committee?==
==What you should know==
A committee (pronounced caw-mi-tay, or caw-mi-tee, with emphasis on the end of the word) is a person appointed by the BC Supreme Court to make personal, medical, legal, or financial decisions for someone who is mentally incapable and cannot make those decisions.

Anyone who suffers from a mental illness or handicap, a head injury, a degenerative disease or some other kind of disability may not be able to make decisions about their personal, medical, financial, or legal affairs. They may be unconscious and unable to decide anything, including where and how to live. They may lose track of bank accounts, forget to pay bills, or be taken advantage of by dishonest people. In these cases, a committee is one possible solution. Appointing a committee is a very serious step because it takes away a person's right to decide things for themselves. It is usually a last resort when nothing else will work.
===A committee is usually appointed by the court===
Once an adult becomes mentally incapable, they usually aren’t in a position to make important decisions for themselves. A '''committee''' (pronounced caw-mi-tay, or caw-mi-tee, with emphasis on the end of the word) is a person or body usually appointed by the BC Supreme Court to make personal, medical, legal, or financial decisions for someone in BC who is mentally incapable. The court can appoint more than one person as committee.

A '''committee of the person''' makes personal and medical decisions for someone who is not mentally capable, including decisions about where the person will live. Usually a family member or close friend will do this. Rarely, the Public Guardian and Trustee will agree to be committee of the person. Only the court can appoint a committee of the person.
Appointing a committee is a serious legal step because it takes away a person’s right to decide things for themselves. It is intended to be used as a last resort.

A '''committee of the estate''' makes financial and legal decisions for someone who is not mentally capable. A family member or close friend, a trust company, or the Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia can fill this role. A committee of the estate can be appointed by the court. The Public Guardian and Trustee can also be appointed as committee of the estate by a certificate of incapability under the ''Patients Property Act''. But no one else can be appointed this way.
[https://dialalaw.peopleslawschool.ca/powers-of-attorney-and-representation-agreements/ Our information about powers of attorney and representation agreements] explains how you plan in advance, and avoid committeeship.

Committees appointed by the court (other than the Public Guardian and Trustee) are sometimes called private committees. The Public Guardian and Trustee may apply to court to be the committee if there are no suitable friends or family willing to act (see details below).
===A committee can only be appointed for someone who is mentally incapable===
Anyone who suffers from a mental illness or handicap, a head injury, a degenerative disease, or some other kind of disability may not be mentally capable to make decisions about their personal, medical, financial, or legal affairs. In the extreme case, a person may be unconscious and completely unable to communicate or decide anything. Someone who is mentally incapable may lose track of bank accounts, forget to pay bills, be unable to decide where and how to live, or be taken advantage of and abused. In these cases, appointing a committee is one possible solution.

==How and when could you become a committee?==
===There are two types of committee===
A '''committee of person''' can make only personal and medical decisions, including decisions about where the person will live or whether to accept health care treatment. Usually a family member or close friend will fill this role. Only the court can appoint a committee of person.
A '''committee of estate''' can make only financial and legal decisions. A family member or close friend, a trust company, or the Public Guardian and Trustee of BC can fill this role. A committee of estate can be appointed by the court. The Public Guardian and Trustee can also be appointed as committee of estate by a certificate of incapability under the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-6/latest/rsbc-1996-c-6.html ''Adult Guardianship Act'']. No one else can be appointed this way.
Often, people lose capacity to manage their financial and legal affairs before they lose capacity to manage themselves, so a committee of estate is more common that a committee of person. For example, a person may know how to cook and bathe, but not how to handle banking and legal affairs.
===Committees appointed by the court are sometimes called private committees===
Committees (other than the Public Guardian and Trustee) are sometimes called [http://www.trustee.bc.ca/services/services-to-adults/Pages/private-committees.aspx '''private committees''']. The Public Guardian and Trustee [http://www.trustee.bc.ca/Documents/STA/When_the_PGT_is_Committee.pdf may apply to court to be the committee] if no suitable person is willing to act.
===You can choose your own committee while you’re still capable===
If you’re mentally capable, you can name (nominate) someone you want to be your committee if you ever need one. Then, if you later become mentally incapable, the court will appoint that person unless someone can show there’s a good reason not to. It is best to see a lawyer if you want to do this because there are specific legal requirements.
===The role of the Public Guardian and Trustee===
The Public Guardian and Trustee is an entity independent of the BC government, with offices in Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna. [http://www.trustee.bc.ca/Documents/STA/When_the_PGT_is_Committee.pdf One of its duties is to be committee when no other suitable person is willing to be committee]. It charges fees, set by regulation, for this service.
If you think a person needs a committee and you can’t do the job, or if there’s a family conflict, you should contact the Public Guardian and Trustee. When the Public Guardian and Trustee becomes committee, the court isn’t involved. This public body can automatically be appointed after a certificate of incapability is issued. This is a certificate issued by a provincial health authority after a medical and functional assessment finds that an adult is mentally incapable.
The Public Guardian and Trustee also reviews all court applications to appoint a committee and makes recommendations to the court about the applications. The recommendations include whether a committee should post a security bond or have only limited access to the person’s assets.
[http://www.trustee.bc.ca/services/services-to-adults/Pages/private-committees.aspx The Public Guardian and Trustee also reviews all committee accounts], decides on payments to committees, and receives and investigates reports of abuse and mismanagement by committees.
The Public Guardian and Trustee has the necessary forms, samples of accounts committees must keep, and a [http://www.trustee.bc.ca/Documents/PCS/PCS%20Handbook.pdf handbook for private committees]. For more information, or to ask them to send you these documents, call 604-660-4444 in the Lower Mainland. Elsewhere in BC, call Service BC at 1-800-663-7867 and ask for the Public Guardian and Trustee. You can also email the office at mail@trustee.bc.ca.
==What a committee should know==
===Applying to become a committee===
You might want to be a committee if one of your family members or close friends has lost the mental capacity to make important decisions and you want to help.
You might want to be a committee if one of your family members or close friends has lost the mental capacity to make important decisions and you want to help.

To become a committee, you must apply to the BC Supreme Court to be appointed by an order under the ''Patients Property Act''. But first, you have to know whether the person is mentally incapable. To figure this out, you can talk to the person's doctor. If the doctor believes the person can't manage their affairs, or themselves, then you can see a lawyer.
To become a committee, [https://www.bccourts.ca/supreme_court/ you must apply to the BC Supreme Court] to be appointed by an order under the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-349/latest/rsbc-1996-c-349.html ''Patients Property Act'']. But first, you must confirm that the person is '''mentally incapable'''. The person’s doctor may be able to help you do that. A committee can be appointed only if two doctors say the person is mentally incapable.
A lawyer can help you with the required court documents. If you’re applying to be committee of estate, the doctors’ statements must say the person is not able to manage their financial and legal affairs and explain why. If you’re applying to be committee of person, the doctors’ statements must say the person cannot manage their personal and medical decisions and explain why.

A lawyer can help you with the paperwork, including affidavits, (or sworn statements), of two doctors licensed in BC, saying that the person is not capable of managing themselves or their affairs. If you're applying for committee of estate, the doctors’ statements must say the person is not able to manage their financial and legal affairs and explain why. If you're applying for committee of person, the doctors' statements must say the person cannot manage their personal and medical decisions and explain why.
The person must be notified of your court application unless the doctors say it would be harmful to them. Sometimes the person will oppose the application. You should also notify the person’s family members, and if you can, get their consent to your application.

Unless the doctors swear that it would be harmful to the person, you or your lawyer must notify the person that you have applied to be their committee. Sometimes the person will oppose the application. You should also notify family members, and if you can, get their consent to your application.
Give the lawyer as much information as you can about the medical condition and financial affairs of the person. Because of privacy laws, some financial institutions may not want to give you information.

Give the lawyer as much information as you can about the medical condition and financial affairs of the person. Because of privacy laws, some financial institutions may not want to give you information. When the paperwork is ready, the lawyer will apply to court for an order to appoint you as committee.
When the paperwork is ready, a lawyer can help you apply to court for an order to appoint you as committee. A lawyer can also advise you on how to act as committee.

Depending on the size of the estate (all of a person's property, including income) and all the circumstances, the court may order you, as committee, to post a security bond to protect the person's assets. Or the court may restrict your access to the person’s assets. The person's estate usually pays the cost of the bond and all other expenses to manage the estate.
Depending on the value of a person’s assets and income, and other circumstances, the court may order you, as committee, to post a '''security bond'''. The security bond and other expenses a committee incurs acting for the person usually comes out of the person’s (and not the committee’s) pocket.

If the person becomes capable again, they or you can apply to court to cancel your appointment as committee. You may have to pass the final accounts for the person’s estate before the court – unless the person agrees you do not have to.
====If the person becomes capable again====
They or you can apply to court to end your role as committee. You may have to get court approval of your final accounts for the person’s estate unless the newly capable person agrees you do not have to.

The Public Guardian and Trustee reviews all applications for committee – see below for details on the Public Guardian and Trustee.
====If the person dies====
Their [http://www.trustee.bc.ca/Documents/PCS/Your%20Role%20After%20an%20Adults%20Death.pdf committee continues to act for them] until an executor or administrator is appointed for the deceased person.

==Choosing, or nominating, your own committee==
The Public Guardian and Trustee [http://www.trustee.bc.ca/services/services-to-adults/Pages/private-committees.aspx reviews all court applications to be appointed committee and monitors committees].
As long as you're mentally capable, you can name, (or nominate), someone you want to be your own committee, in case you ever need one. Then, if you become mentally incapable, the court will appoint that person unless there's a good reason not to. You should see a lawyer if you want to do this because you have to follow certain procedures and there are specific requirements for the nomination document.

==What powers and duties do you have as a committee?==
===A committee has broad powers and important duties===
Generally, as committee, you have the same powers to deal with the person's estate and affairs as the person has when they are capable. But there are some things you can't do: for example, you can't make a will or estate plan for the person, vote on their behalf, or consent to marriage for them.
Generally, a committee has the same powers to deal with a person’s estate (that is, their money and property) and affairs as the person has when they are capable. But there are some things a committee can’t do for a person: for example, a committee can’t change a person’s will, vote in a general election, or consent to marriage.

Everything you do must be in the person’s best interests. You have what is called a fiduciary responsibility. This means that you must put the person’s interest ahead of yours and you cannot mix your assets with theirs. You must never put yourself in a conflict-of-interest position. These are important duties and you should not take on the task lightly. You will have to consider whether the person is likely to recover quickly, or at all, because that can affect your decisions as committee.
====A committee must act in the person’s best interests====
A committee has a '''fiduciary responsibility'''. A committee must put the person’s interest ahead of their own. They cannot mix the person’s assets with their own. A committee must avoid conflict-of-interest situations. These are important duties and it can be hard to fulfil them.

The court can restrict your powers. For example, it might say you can't sell any of the person's real estate without first getting its permission or the consent of the Public Guardian and Trustee. Or the court may restrict your access to an investment so that you can access the income from the investment, but not the investment itself. But otherwise, it will be up to you to handle the person's estate, always keeping in mind the needs of the person and their family.
====The court can limit a committee’s powers====
A court might say a committee can’t sell any of the person’s real estate without first getting the court’s permission or the consent of the Public Guardian and Trustee. Or the court may restrict access to an investment so that the committee can access only the income from the investment, not the investment itself.

The ''Trustee Act'' controls what you can invest in. If you invest in things the ''Trustee Act'' does not allow, you may have to pay the estate for any losses. The law says you have to be a prudent investor. This means you cannot invest in high-risk or speculative things. You may want to get professional advice before you make any investment decisions.
====A committee has certain duties when investing====
A committee must follow the [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-464/latest/rsbc-1996-c-464.html ''Trustee Act''] when they invest for a person. If they invest in things the ''Trustee Act'' does not allow, they may have to pay the estate for any losses. Unless an estate is small, a committee should get professional investment advice.

Normally, you can't use the person's property or get any benefit from it. There are exceptions to this—for example, when a husband or wife is committee for their spouse. A husband who becomes incapable must still help support his wife and children. So if his wife is the committee, she can use some of his assets or income for her own living expenses. If you are a committee and believe you can use the person's assets or income to support a family member or yourself, you should first check with the Public Guardian and Trustee or your lawyer.
====Generally, a committee can’t get benefit from their appointment====
Normally, a committee can’t use the person’s property or get any benefit from it. There are exceptions to this — for example, if a person’s committee is their spouse. An incapable person must still support their spouse and dependent children. So a spouse who is committee can use some of the person’s assets and income for their own living expenses. Before a committee uses their spouse’s assets or income to support a family member or themselves, they should check with the Public Guardian and Trustee or a lawyer.

Your responsibilities as a committee can include the following things:
===Responsibilities of a committee===
*handling the person's property
A '''committee of estate''' can be responsible for:
*doing the person's banking
*paying the person's expenses
*budgeting for the person's family
*selling the person's personal property and real estate
*entering into contracts for the person and operating the person's business
*dealing with any lawsuits involving the person
*filing the person's income tax returns
*applying for the person's pension and other benefits
*making medical decisions for the person
*deciding where and how the person should live

You have to keep detailed records, (or accounts), of all the person’s assets, liabilities, and money coming in and going out of the person's estate. You will have to give periodic accountings to the Public Guardian and Trustee and they will review and decide whether to pass (or accept) them. The Public Guardian and Trustee decides how often you have to file these accountings – it could range from every six months to every five years. The Public Guardian and Trustee also reviews reports of abuse or mismanagement by the committee.
* handling the person’s property
* doing the person’s banking (this could include borrowing money for the person, though there may be restrictions on using property as security to borrow and court permission may be required)
* paying the person’s expenses
* budgeting for the person’s family
* selling the person’s property
* entering into contracts for the person and running the person’s business
* dealing with any lawsuits involving the person
* filing the person’s income tax returns
* applying for pensions and other benefits for the person
Committees must keep detailed records of all the assets, liabilities, and money coming in and going out of the person’s estate. They must give periodic reports (called '''accounts''') to the Public Guardian and Trustee.

The Public Guardian and Trustee has the necessary forms, samples of accounts you must keep, and a handbook for private committees on its website at [http://www.trustee.bc.ca www.trustee.bc.ca]. For more information, or to ask them to send you these documents, call 604.660.4444 in the lower mainland. Elsewhere in BC, call Service BC at 1.800.663.7867 and ask for the Public Guardian and Trustee. You can also email the office at [mailto:mail@trustee.bc.ca mail@trustee.bc.ca].
The Public Guardian and Trustee:

You can hire professional help for tasks that require expert advice or work, but not for things that an ordinary person could do. The person's estate can pay reasonable amounts for these expenses.
* will review and decide whether to pass (or accept) the accounts
* decide how often a committee must file the accounts — from every six months to every five years
* receives and investigates reports of mismanagement by committees

==Are you paid as a committee of the estate?==
A '''committee of person''' is responsible for making medical decisions for the person and deciding where and how the person should live.
The person's estate can pay you a reasonable fee for your service as committee of the estate. The size of your fee depends on the size of the estate and how much work you must do to manage it. The Public Guardian and Trustee sets your fee for acting as committee when it approves your accounts.

Keep written records of the work you do and the time you spend on the estate. Include them when you submit your accounts to the Public Guardian and Trustee. You can pay from the estate any reasonable, out-of-pocket expenses, including professional fees for duties you cannot handle yourself.
Committees can hire professional help for tasks that require expert advice or work, but not for things that an ordinary person could do. Any professional fees paid out of the person’s money should be reasonable and necessary.

==The Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia==
===A committee is usually paid===
The Public Guardian and Trustee is an entity independent of the BC Government, with an office at 700-808 West Hastings Street in Vancouver. One of its duties is to act as committee when no one else can do it, or when there is a conflict—usually among family members. It charges a fee, set by regulation, for this service. If a committee is needed and you cannot be it, or if there is a family conflict, you should contact the Public Guardian and Trustee.
A committee is paid a reasonable fee for their service. This is paid from the money and property owned by the mentally incapable person. The size of the fee depends on the size of the estate and how much work a committee must do to manage it. The Public Guardian and Trustee decides the fee each time it approves a committee’s accounts.

The Public Guardian and Trustee also reviews all applications to appoint a committee to ensure they are reasonable and appropriate and that the person applying is suitable. The Public Guardian and Trustee then makes recommendations to the court about the application.
Committees should keep written records of the work they do and the time they spend on the estate to show what they did, why, and how. Careful record-keeping is essential for committees.

The Public Guardian and Trustee also reviews all private committee accounts and sets the committee payment.
==Common questions==

Check its guide, called “[http://www.trustee.bc.ca/documents/STA/It%27s_Your_Choice-Personal_Planning_Tools.pdf It’s Your Choice]” at [http://www.trustee.bc.ca www.trustee.bc.ca], under the “Personal Planning” link.
===How is a committee different from a power of attorney?===
Preparing a power of attorney is easier than a committee order. The catch is that a person must sign a power of attorney while still mentally capable. So it doesn’t work for a person who is already incapable.

==Committee compared to power of attorney==
As well, a power of attorney ends when the person who gave it becomes mentally incapable, unless it has an '''enduring clause'''. An enduring clause says that the power of attorney continues if the person becomes mentally incapable.
Although a power of attorney might seem easier than a committee order, a person must sign it while still mentally capable of making that type of decision. So it doesn't work if a person is already incapable. And a power of attorney becomes invalid when the person who gave it becomes mentally incapable, unless the power of attorney has a term called an enduring clause. An enduring clause means the power of attorney continues if the person becomes mentally incapable. Finally, a power of attorney deals with legal and financial things but not with personal and medical issues. Script [[Power of Attorney and Representation Agreements (Script 180)|180]], called “Power of Attorney and Representation Agreements”, has more information on this.

==Other options – four laws to promote adults’ rights to care for themselves==
Finally, a power of attorney deals only with legal and financial affairs, not personal or medical issues.
BC has the following four laws (at [http://www.bclaws.ca www.bclaws.ca]) to promote adults’ rights to care for themselves. The laws aim to help people who can't make their own decisions or who could be taken advantage of by dishonest people:
*The ''Representation Agreement Act''
*The ''Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act''
*The ''Adult Guardianship Act''
*The ''Public Guardian and Trustee Act''

These laws provide other ways, besides a committee order, to deal with mental incapacity, such as representation agreements and powers of attorney (script [[Power of Attorney and Representation Agreements (Script 180)|180]]). The Public Guardian and Trustee has detailed information on these laws. Contact that office or a lawyer to learn more.
===Are there other laws that promote adults’ rights to care for themselves?===
BC has the following four laws to promote adults’ rights to care for themselves. The laws aim to help people who can’t make their own decisions or who could be taken advantage of by dishonest people:

Agreement to administer federal pension benefits by private trustee—if a person who becomes mentally incapable has no assets or property besides some type of federal pension (Canada Pension Plan or CPP, Old Age Supplement or OAS, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Veteran's Pension) then this option may be cheaper and simpler than a committeeship. Service Canada has more on this. Call it for information on CPP and OAS disability benefits at 1.800.277.9914. The form for this agreement is on the Service Canada website ([http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca www.servicecanada.gc.ca]) under the link called ''Forms''.
* [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-405/latest/rsbc-1996-c-405.html ''Representation Agreement Act'']
* [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-181/latest/rsbc-1996-c-181.html ''Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act'']
* [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-6/latest/rsbc-1996-c-6.html ''Adult Guardianship Act'']
* [https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/laws/stat/rsbc-1996-c-383/latest/rsbc-1996-c-383.html ''Public Guardian and Trustee Act'']

These laws provide other ways, besides a committee order to help a person who is mentally incapable. [[Powers of Attorney and Representation Agreements|Our information about powers of attorney and representation agreements]] explains how you can plan while you are still mentally capable, and avoid committeeship.
A committee is a person, trust company, or the Public Guardian and Trustee appointed by the court to manage the affairs of a person who is mentally incapable of doing so. A committee must act in the person's best interests and generally has the same power over the person's estate as the person has when they are capable. Appointing a committee is a serious step because it takes away a person's right to decide things for themselves.

For more information, check:
===What if the adult receives a pension from the federal government?===
*The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee, at [http://www.trustee.bc.ca www.trustee.bc.ca].
If a person who becomes mentally incapable has no assets or property but receives a pension from the Canadian government (such as from the Canada Pension Plan or Old Age Security), then a pension trustee is an option. Service Canada has more on this. Call 1-800-277-9914.
*The Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry website at [http://www.nidus.ca www.nidus.ca].

==Who can help==

[updated March 2014]
===With more information===
The '''Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia''' provides information and forms relating to the committee process.

* Call 604-660-4444 in the Lower Mainland and 250-387-6121 in Victoria
* Call 1-800-663-7867 (toll-free)
* [http://www.trustee.bc.ca/ Visit website]

The '''Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre & Registry''' has information about committeeship and personal planning alternatives.

* [https://www.nidus.ca/ Visit website]

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Latest revision as of 04:13, 10 November 2020

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by Services to Adults, Public Guardian and Trustee in June 2018.

A committee is a last resort option when someone becomes mentally incapable. A committee can make decisions for someone else who can’t make decisions for themselves. Learn how committeeship works.

What you should know

A committee is usually appointed by the court

Once an adult becomes mentally incapable, they usually aren’t in a position to make important decisions for themselves. A committee (pronounced caw-mi-tay, or caw-mi-tee, with emphasis on the end of the word) is a person or body usually appointed by the BC Supreme Court to make personal, medical, legal, or financial decisions for someone in BC who is mentally incapable. The court can appoint more than one person as committee.

Appointing a committee is a serious legal step because it takes away a person’s right to decide things for themselves. It is intended to be used as a last resort.

Our information about powers of attorney and representation agreements explains how you plan in advance, and avoid committeeship.

A committee can only be appointed for someone who is mentally incapable

Anyone who suffers from a mental illness or handicap, a head injury, a degenerative disease, or some other kind of disability may not be mentally capable to make decisions about their personal, medical, financial, or legal affairs. In the extreme case, a person may be unconscious and completely unable to communicate or decide anything. Someone who is mentally incapable may lose track of bank accounts, forget to pay bills, be unable to decide where and how to live, or be taken advantage of and abused. In these cases, appointing a committee is one possible solution.

There are two types of committee

A committee of person can make only personal and medical decisions, including decisions about where the person will live or whether to accept health care treatment. Usually a family member or close friend will fill this role. Only the court can appoint a committee of person.

A committee of estate can make only financial and legal decisions. A family member or close friend, a trust company, or the Public Guardian and Trustee of BC can fill this role. A committee of estate can be appointed by the court. The Public Guardian and Trustee can also be appointed as committee of estate by a certificate of incapability under the Adult Guardianship Act. No one else can be appointed this way.

Often, people lose capacity to manage their financial and legal affairs before they lose capacity to manage themselves, so a committee of estate is more common that a committee of person. For example, a person may know how to cook and bathe, but not how to handle banking and legal affairs.

Committees appointed by the court are sometimes called private committees

Committees (other than the Public Guardian and Trustee) are sometimes called private committees. The Public Guardian and Trustee may apply to court to be the committee if no suitable person is willing to act.

You can choose your own committee while you’re still capable

If you’re mentally capable, you can name (nominate) someone you want to be your committee if you ever need one. Then, if you later become mentally incapable, the court will appoint that person unless someone can show there’s a good reason not to. It is best to see a lawyer if you want to do this because there are specific legal requirements.

The role of the Public Guardian and Trustee

The Public Guardian and Trustee is an entity independent of the BC government, with offices in Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna. One of its duties is to be committee when no other suitable person is willing to be committee. It charges fees, set by regulation, for this service.

If you think a person needs a committee and you can’t do the job, or if there’s a family conflict, you should contact the Public Guardian and Trustee. When the Public Guardian and Trustee becomes committee, the court isn’t involved. This public body can automatically be appointed after a certificate of incapability is issued. This is a certificate issued by a provincial health authority after a medical and functional assessment finds that an adult is mentally incapable.

The Public Guardian and Trustee also reviews all court applications to appoint a committee and makes recommendations to the court about the applications. The recommendations include whether a committee should post a security bond or have only limited access to the person’s assets.

The Public Guardian and Trustee also reviews all committee accounts, decides on payments to committees, and receives and investigates reports of abuse and mismanagement by committees.

The Public Guardian and Trustee has the necessary forms, samples of accounts committees must keep, and a handbook for private committees. For more information, or to ask them to send you these documents, call 604-660-4444 in the Lower Mainland. Elsewhere in BC, call Service BC at 1-800-663-7867 and ask for the Public Guardian and Trustee. You can also email the office at mail@trustee.bc.ca.

What a committee should know

Applying to become a committee

You might want to be a committee if one of your family members or close friends has lost the mental capacity to make important decisions and you want to help.

To become a committee, you must apply to the BC Supreme Court to be appointed by an order under the Patients Property Act. But first, you must confirm that the person is mentally incapable. The person’s doctor may be able to help you do that. A committee can be appointed only if two doctors say the person is mentally incapable.

A lawyer can help you with the required court documents. If you’re applying to be committee of estate, the doctors’ statements must say the person is not able to manage their financial and legal affairs and explain why. If you’re applying to be committee of person, the doctors’ statements must say the person cannot manage their personal and medical decisions and explain why.

The person must be notified of your court application unless the doctors say it would be harmful to them. Sometimes the person will oppose the application. You should also notify the person’s family members, and if you can, get their consent to your application.

Give the lawyer as much information as you can about the medical condition and financial affairs of the person. Because of privacy laws, some financial institutions may not want to give you information.

When the paperwork is ready, a lawyer can help you apply to court for an order to appoint you as committee. A lawyer can also advise you on how to act as committee.

Depending on the value of a person’s assets and income, and other circumstances, the court may order you, as committee, to post a security bond. The security bond and other expenses a committee incurs acting for the person usually comes out of the person’s (and not the committee’s) pocket.

If the person becomes capable again

They or you can apply to court to end your role as committee. You may have to get court approval of your final accounts for the person’s estate — unless the newly capable person agrees you do not have to.

If the person dies

Their committee continues to act for them until an executor or administrator is appointed for the deceased person.

The Public Guardian and Trustee reviews all court applications to be appointed committee and monitors committees.

A committee has broad powers and important duties

Generally, a committee has the same powers to deal with a person’s estate (that is, their money and property) and affairs as the person has when they are capable. But there are some things a committee can’t do for a person: for example, a committee can’t change a person’s will, vote in a general election, or consent to marriage.

A committee must act in the person’s best interests

A committee has a fiduciary responsibility. A committee must put the person’s interest ahead of their own. They cannot mix the person’s assets with their own. A committee must avoid conflict-of-interest situations. These are important duties and it can be hard to fulfil them.

The court can limit a committee’s powers

A court might say a committee can’t sell any of the person’s real estate without first getting the court’s permission or the consent of the Public Guardian and Trustee. Or the court may restrict access to an investment so that the committee can access only the income from the investment, not the investment itself.

A committee has certain duties when investing

A committee must follow the Trustee Act when they invest for a person. If they invest in things the Trustee Act does not allow, they may have to pay the estate for any losses. Unless an estate is small, a committee should get professional investment advice.

Generally, a committee can’t get benefit from their appointment

Normally, a committee can’t use the person’s property or get any benefit from it. There are exceptions to this — for example, if a person’s committee is their spouse. An incapable person must still support their spouse and dependent children. So a spouse who is committee can use some of the person’s assets and income for their own living expenses. Before a committee uses their spouse’s assets or income to support a family member or themselves, they should check with the Public Guardian and Trustee or a lawyer.

Responsibilities of a committee

A committee of estate can be responsible for:

  • handling the person’s property
  • doing the person’s banking (this could include borrowing money for the person, though there may be restrictions on using property as security to borrow and court permission may be required)
  • paying the person’s expenses
  • budgeting for the person’s family
  • selling the person’s property
  • entering into contracts for the person and running the person’s business
  • dealing with any lawsuits involving the person
  • filing the person’s income tax returns
  • applying for pensions and other benefits for the person

Committees must keep detailed records of all the assets, liabilities, and money coming in and going out of the person’s estate. They must give periodic reports (called accounts) to the Public Guardian and Trustee.

The Public Guardian and Trustee:

  • will review and decide whether to pass (or accept) the accounts
  • decide how often a committee must file the accounts — from every six months to every five years
  • receives and investigates reports of mismanagement by committees

A committee of person is responsible for making medical decisions for the person and deciding where and how the person should live.

Committees can hire professional help for tasks that require expert advice or work, but not for things that an ordinary person could do. Any professional fees paid out of the person’s money should be reasonable and necessary.

A committee is usually paid

A committee is paid a reasonable fee for their service. This is paid from the money and property owned by the mentally incapable person. The size of the fee depends on the size of the estate and how much work a committee must do to manage it. The Public Guardian and Trustee decides the fee each time it approves a committee’s accounts.

Committees should keep written records of the work they do and the time they spend on the estate to show what they did, why, and how. Careful record-keeping is essential for committees.

Common questions

How is a committee different from a power of attorney?

Preparing a power of attorney is easier than a committee order. The catch is that a person must sign a power of attorney while still mentally capable. So it doesn’t work for a person who is already incapable.

As well, a power of attorney ends when the person who gave it becomes mentally incapable, unless it has an enduring clause. An enduring clause says that the power of attorney continues if the person becomes mentally incapable.

Finally, a power of attorney deals only with legal and financial affairs, not personal or medical issues.

Are there other laws that promote adults’ rights to care for themselves?

BC has the following four laws to promote adults’ rights to care for themselves. The laws aim to help people who can’t make their own decisions or who could be taken advantage of by dishonest people:

These laws provide other ways, besides a committee order to help a person who is mentally incapable. Our information about powers of attorney and representation agreements explains how you can plan while you are still mentally capable, and avoid committeeship.

What if the adult receives a pension from the federal government?

If a person who becomes mentally incapable has no assets or property but receives a pension from the Canadian government (such as from the Canada Pension Plan or Old Age Security), then a pension trustee is an option. Service Canada has more on this. Call 1-800-277-9914.

Who can help

With more information

The Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia provides information and forms relating to the committee process.

  • Call 604-660-4444 in the Lower Mainland and 250-387-6121 in Victoria
  • Call 1-800-663-7867 (toll-free)
  • Visit website

The Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre & Registry has information about committeeship and personal planning alternatives.

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