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If you’re involved in a business venture or plan to start a small business with someone else, you might be thinking about forming a partnership. (There are also other ways to run a business, so you should refer to script [[Starting a Small Business (Script 265)|265]] on “Starting a Small Business” to find out more about the alternatives before deciding on a partnership.)
If you’re involved in a business or plan to start a small business with someone else, you might consider forming a partnership, which this script explains. But you should also consider other ways to run a business—script [[Starting a Small Business (Script 265)|265]] on “Starting a Small Business” has more on the options to consider before deciding on a partnership.  
Partnerships may be good for real estate businesses and professions, and for starting a new business. And it may cost less to form a partnership than to incorporate a company. On the other hand, incorporated companies may be better for tax and liability reasons. The form of business that will work best will depend on your specific situation.
==What is a partnership?==
==What is a partnership?==
A partnership is formed when two or more people – or companies, for that matter – agree to carry on a business together and share its profits and losses. Whether or not you are actually profitable doesn’t matter. What counts is forming a business together with the intention of making a profit.
A partnership is a legal entity formed when two or more people—or companies—carry on a business together, intending to make a profit. It doesn’t matter if they make a profit. The law can find that a partnership exists even if it doesn’t make a profit.
Partners can get personal tax exemptions and use partnership expenses as personal tax deductions during the startup phase of a new business. Shareholders in a company can’t do these things. Later, when the business grows and has greater risks, it may be good to convert the partnership to a company.
Being in a partnership can have serious legal consequences. Most important is the potential joint liability—each partner could be personally liable for the acts or omissions of the other partners. Creditors of the partnership, or other people harmed by it, can sue one, some, or all of the partners for their losses. So one partner could be responsible for all the losses of a partnership, even though they didn’t directly cause the losses.
But partners can take steps to reduce the risks. For example, they can use a limited liability partnership (LLP) explained below. And they can get insurance.  
==BC’s ''Partnership Act'' sets out the rules for partnerships==
==BC’s ''Partnership Act'' sets out the rules for partnerships==
These rules apply automatically to all partnerships. If you choose to be involved in a partnership, you may want to change some of these rules by making a written partnership agreement. Partnership agreements are discussed toward the end of this script.
The rules in the ''[http://www.bclaws.ca/Recon/document/ID/freeside/00_96348_01 Partnership Act]'' apply automatically to all partnerships. If you form a partnership, you may want to change some of these rules by making a written partnership agreement. Partnership agreements are explained later in this script.  
==Three different types of partnerships under the Act==
The ''Partnership Act'' deals with three types of partnerships:
==Are there different types of partnerships?==
The ''Partnership Act'' talks about three types:
*general partnerships
*general partnerships
*limited partnerships
*limited partnerships
*limited liability partnerships
*limited liability partnerships  
==Most small business partners are partners in a general partnership==
=General partnerships=
To understand how a general partnership operates, say you and your friend Bill Smith want to open a store and be partners. You would both be equal partners. The law presumes that, as partners, you and Smith would share equally in the profits and losses of the partnership business, unless you have a partnership agreement that sets out a different arrangement. And you would both have the right to be involved in managing the partnership.
==Most small business partners are in a general partnership==
To understand how a general partnership operates, say you and your friend Bill want to open a store and be business partners. You would both be equal (50/50) partners. The law presumes that, as partners, you and Bill would share equally in the profits and losses of the partnership, unless your partnership agreement sets out a different split. And you would both have the right to manage the partnership.
==Is a partner responsible for the general partnership’s debts?==
==Is a partner responsible for the general partnership’s debts?==
Yes. General partners are each personally responsible for the partnership’s debts. This is true whether or not you’re an active or inactive partner in the business.
Yes. General partners are each personally responsible for the partnership’s debts. This is true for both active and inactive partners in the business.  
Suppose you and Smith borrow $10,000 to set up your shop, but your business doesn’t do well and the partnership cannot repay the loan. Of course, the bank can ask that you and Smith pay back $5,000 each. But there’s also nothing to stop the bank from suing you alone for the whole $10,000. It would then be up to you to try to get Smith’s share from him. And if you don’t have enough cash to repay the debt, your personal assets – such as your house or car – could be taken, even though they have no connection with the business.
To show how a general partnership works, suppose that you and Bill borrow $10,000 to set up your shop, but your business doesn’t do well, and the partnership cannot repay the loan. The bank can ask you and Bill to pay back $5,000 each. But if Bill can’t or won’t pay his share, the bank can sue you alone for the whole $10,000. It would then be up to you to try to get Bill’s share from him. And if you don’t have enough to repay the debt, the bank could take your personal assets—such as your house or car—even though they are not used in the business. In contrast, company shareholders are liable for company debts only if they have personally guaranteed the company’s debts.
In a general partnership, each partner is personally liable for all of the obligations of the partnership, including any negligence of one of the partners.
In a general partnership, each partner is personally liable for all the obligations of the partnership, including those resulting from any negligent conduct of a partner in the partnership business.
==Can any partner make decisions on behalf of the partnership?==
==Can any partner make decisions for the partnership?==
Yes. Each general partner is an agent for both the partnership and the other partners. You and Smith can both make legally binding contracts on behalf of the partnership. So if Smith signs a contract with Jane Jones for supplies for the partnership business, you, Smith and the partnership each have to fulfill the contract, whether you agree with it or not.
Yes. Each general partner is an agent for both the partnership and the other partners. You and Bill can both make contracts for the partnership that legally bind all the partners. If Bill signs a contract with Jane Jones for supplies for the partnership business, you, Smith, and the partnership must each fulfill the contract, whether you agree with it or not.  
And any partnership agreement between you and Smith cannot limit your responsibility to individuals who innocently sign a deal with Smith, believing he is authorized to act on behalf of the partnership.  
And any partnership agreement between you and Smith cannot limit your responsibility to people who innocently sign a deal with Smith, believing he is authorized to act for the partnership.
==General partners must act in good faith==
==General partners must act in good faith==
General partners owe a duty to each other to act with utmost good faith and fairness. You have to give each other full information on matters affecting the partnership. You can’t take advantage of something that belongs to the partnership without your partners’ permission, such as using the partnership’s business connections to set up a competing business on the side. And you can’t take a personal benefit from any transaction involving the partnership – like taking kickbacks from suppliers.
General partners owe a duty to each other to act with good faith and fairness. You must give each other full information on matters affecting the partnership. You can’t take advantage of something that belongs to the partnership without your partners’ permission, such as using the partnership’s business connections to set up a competing business on the side. And you can’t take a personal benefit from any transaction involving the partnership—like kickbacks from suppliers.
==It’s important to choose your partners carefully==
You should only be partners with people you trust and have confidence in.
==It’s best to have a partnership agreement==
=Limited partnerships=
==What is a limited partnership?==
Limited partnerships are mainly for investors who want to invest in a partnership business, but who don’t want to run the business. If you’re an investor only, you could be a limited partner and you would be responsible only for the debts of the partnership up to the amount of money you invested or agreed to invest. This is true if you don’t help manage the partnership. But if you help manage the business, then you would have the same liability as if you were a partner in a general partnership.
A limited partnership must have at least one general partner who has the usual unlimited personal liability described earlier. Usually, the general partner is a company incorporated just for that purpose, so that its shareholders aren’t personally liable for the obligations of the company (script 267 has more information about companies). The general partner is the only partner who can manage the business, so the shareholders who have most of the voting shares of a general partner company also control the management of the partnership business.
=Limited liability partnerships=
==What is a limited liability partnership?==
A limited liability partnership (LLP) is an alternative to a general partnership. If you’re a partner in an LLP, you aren’t liable for the obligations of other partners or the partnership that you would be liable for in a general partnership—unless those obligations result from your own actions or inaction. If you haven’t personally incurred any debts, the most you would lose is your investment in the partnership. Your personal and other assets, like your home, wouldn’t be at risk. So with a limited liability partnership, you can help run the partnership business, but have some protection from being sued for the negligence or wrongdoing of your partners.
It’s possible to convert a general partnership or limited partnership to a limited liability partnership.
=Other aspects=
==Choose your partners carefully==
You should be partners only with people you trust and have confidence in.
==Make a written partnership agreement==
A carefully drafted contract called a partnership agreement can be a very useful planning tool and help your partnership run smoothly. It can cover certain things like the following:
A carefully drafted contract called a partnership agreement can be a very useful planning tool and help your partnership run smoothly. It can cover certain things like the following:
*Will you share the profits 50/50? What if one of you puts up more money at the beginning than the other?  
*Will you also share equally in the losses?
*Will you share the profits 50/50? What if one of you puts up more money at the start than the other?  
*Who will manage the business? (If you’re going to run the store and expect to get paid a salary, this should be included in your agreement or in a separate employment agreement.)
*Will you share equally in the losses?
*How much money will each partner contribute, and when will it have to be paid?
*Who will manage the business? (If you’re going to run the store and expect to get a salary, this should be included in your agreement or in a separate employment agreement.)
*How much money or property (for example, equipment) will each partner contribute, and when will it have to be paid?
*How will decisions be made? By majority vote, or unanimous decision? (You could agree to make some decisions one way, and other decisions another way.)
*How will decisions be made? By majority vote, or unanimous decision? (You could agree to make some decisions one way, and other decisions another way.)
*How will new partners be brought into the business, and how can you get rid of a partner or leave the partnership if you have to?
*How will new partners be brought into the business, and how can you get rid of a partner or leave the partnership if you must?
*How will you end the partnership when the time comes, and who’ll get what?
*How will you end the partnership when the time comes, and who’ll get what?
*What happens when a partner doesn’t live up to his or her obligations?
*What happens when a partner doesn’t live up to their obligations?
It’s true that verbal partnership agreements or “hand shake” agreements may be enforceable. But partnership agreement should be in writing, dated and signed by all parties, so you can prove what the terms of the agreement are.
==What is a limited partnership?==
Verbal partnership agreements or hand-shake agreements may be enforceable. But partnership agreements should be in writing, dated, and signed by all parties, so you can prove what its terms are and have more certainty in your business. The best time to create a partnership agreement is early, before disagreements arise and become unsolvable.  
Limited partnerships are mainly a tool for investors who want to invest in the partnership business, but who aren’t interested in getting involved in running the business. If you’re an investor only, you could be a limited partner and would only be responsible for the debts of the partnership up to the amount of money you invested or agreed to invest. This is true so long as you don’t get involved in the management of the partnership. But if you help manage the business, then you would have the same liability you’d have if you were a partner in a general partnership.
Note that a limited partnership must have at least one general partner who has the usual unlimited personal liability described earlier with respect to general partnership. Usually the general partner is a company incorporated just for that purpose, so that its shareholders aren’t generally personally liable for the obligations the company has as a company (refer to script [[Forming a Private Company  (Script 267)|267]] for more information about companies). The general partner is the only partner who can manage the business, so the shareholders who have most of the voting shares of a general partner company also control the management of the partnership business.
==Registering a partnership==
Limited partnerships and LLPs must be registered with the Registrar of Companies. The ''Partnership Act'' has a list of the documents that must be filed to create these partnerships. General partnerships should be registered, but they still exist even if you don’t register them.  
==What is a limited liability partnership?==
You should let the Registrar know if any information on your registration changes (for example, if a partner joins or leaves, or if your address changes).
A limited liability partnership (or LLP) is an alternative to a general partnership. The idea is that if you’re a partner in an LLP, you aren’t liable for the obligations of other partners or the partnership to the same extent you would be if the partnership was a general partnership – unless those obligations result from your own actions or inaction. Assuming you haven’t personally incurred any debts, the most you would lose is your investment in the partnership. Your personal and other assets, like your home, wouldn’t be at risk. So with a limited liability partnership, you can be involved in running the partnership business, but enjoy some protection from being sued for the negligence or wrongdoing of your partners.
It’s possible to convert a general partnership or limited partnership to a limited liability partnership.
You must pay a fee to register your partnership with the Registrar of Companies and to have the Registrar search the corporate records to make sure someone else isn’t using your partnership name. Depending on the type of partnership, there are procedures for using the partnership name and address. If your partnership is for trading, manufacturing, or mining purposes, or is a limited partnership or a limited liability partnership, you must also file other information and documents with the provincial government.
==Does a partnership have to be registered?==
==What income tax does a partnership have to pay?==
Limited partnerships and LLP’s must be registered with the Registrar of Companies to exist. The ''Partnership Act'' contains a list of the documents that must be filed or submitted to create these partnerships. A general partnership should be registered, but it will still exist even if you don’t register it.
A partnership doesn’t have to pay any income tax on its profits. But each partner must pay income tax on their share of partnership profits. And if a partnership business loses money, the losses are divided among the partners in the same way as profits would be. For income tax purposes, it’s as though each partner had lost that money running their own business.  
You should make sure that you let the Registrar know if any information on your registration changes (for example, if a partner joins or leaves, or if your address changes).
Before setting up a partnership, you should get income tax advice from a qualified professional and see a lawyer.
You have to pay a fee to register your partnership with the Registrar of Companies and to have the Registrar search the corporate records to make sure someone else isn’t already using your partnership name. Depending on the type of partnership, procedures must be followed regarding the use of the partnership name and address. If your partnership is for trading, manufacturing or mining purposes, or is a limited partnership or a limited liability partnership, you also have to file other information and documents with the provincial government.
==Getting rid of a partner==
Under the ''Partnership Act'', a partner cannot be expelled from a partnership, even by a majority vote, unless the power to do so is in a partnership agreement. So the only option would be to dissolve the partnership.  
==How do I get rid of a partner?==
==Ending a partnership==
Pursuant to the ''Partnership Act'', a partner cannot be expelled from a partnership, even by a majority vote, unless the power to do so has been expressly given in a partnership agreement.  
Any partner can end a partnership any time by giving notice to all the other partners—unless the partnership agreement says otherwise. Alternatively, a partnership agreement can set a fixed term for the partnership, meaning that it automatically ends after a certain time, or after a task or project ends. When the partnership is over, you file a Dissolution of Partnership (Form 3) with the BC Registrar of Companies. At that point, your ongoing liabilities end.
==How do I end a partnership?==
==More information==
Unless otherwise agreed to in a partnership agreement, any partner may end the partnership at any time by giving notice to all of the other partners. Alternatively, a partnership agreement can be used to set a fixed term for the partnership, meaning that it can be designed to automatically end after a predetermined amount of time, or after the completion of a predetermined undertaking or venture.
==Consider seeing a lawyer==
*[https://smallbusinessbc.ca/ Small Business BC] is a government resource centre with information and free guides. Call 604.775.5525 in Vancouver or 1.800.667.2272 elsewhere in BC.  
Before making a partnership agreement, it’s best to hire a lawyer to help you. Also, limited liability partnerships and limited partnerships are usually quite complicated, so you typically need the assistance of a lawyer to set them up.
==What income tax does a partnership have to pay?==
The good news is that a partnership doesn’t have to pay any income tax on its profits. Unfortunately, there is the usual bad news – each partner has to pay income tax on his or her share of partnership profits. Likewise, if a partnership business loses money, the losses are divided among the partners in the same way as profits would have been, and for income tax purposes, are treated as though each partner had lost that amount of money running his or her own business.
Before setting up a partnership, in addition to consulting a lawyer, you should obtain some income tax advice from a qualified professional.
*See the Ministry of Finance [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/business/small-business small business website].
==How do you end a partnership?==
*Also see the provincial government’s [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/business/small-business/resources Resource Centre for Small Business].  
When the partnership is over, a Dissolution of Partnership (Form 3) should be filed with the BC Registrar of Companies. At that point, you stop any of your ongoing liabilities.
==Where can you get more information?==
*You can obtain a copy of BC’s ''Partnership Act'' from any bookstore that sells government publications or download a copy from [http://www.bclaws.ca www.bclaws.ca].
*Small Business BC is a government resource centre with excellent information and free guides. Call 604.775.5525 in Vancouver or 1.800.667.2272 elsewhere in the province, or visit [http://www.smallbusinessbc.ca www.smallbusinessbc.ca].
*See the information for businesses on the provincial Ministry of Finance website at [http://www.sbr.gov.bc.ca/business.html www.sbr.gov.bc.ca/business.html].
*Also see the provincial government’s Resource Centre for Small Business at [http://www.resourcecentre.gov.bc.ca www.resourcecentre.gov.bc.ca].
[updated March 2015]
[updated March 2018]
'''The above was last reviewed for accuracy by Jack Montpellier.'''
'''The above was last reviewed for accuracy by Oliver Hamilton and edited by John Blois.'''

Revision as of 19:09, 14 March 2018

If you’re involved in a business or plan to start a small business with someone else, you might consider forming a partnership, which this script explains. But you should also consider other ways to run a business—script 265 on “Starting a Small Business” has more on the options to consider before deciding on a partnership.

Partnerships may be good for real estate businesses and professions, and for starting a new business. And it may cost less to form a partnership than to incorporate a company. On the other hand, incorporated companies may be better for tax and liability reasons. The form of business that will work best will depend on your specific situation.

What is a partnership?

A partnership is a legal entity formed when two or more people—or companies—carry on a business together, intending to make a profit. It doesn’t matter if they make a profit. The law can find that a partnership exists even if it doesn’t make a profit.

Partners can get personal tax exemptions and use partnership expenses as personal tax deductions during the startup phase of a new business. Shareholders in a company can’t do these things. Later, when the business grows and has greater risks, it may be good to convert the partnership to a company.

Being in a partnership can have serious legal consequences. Most important is the potential joint liability—each partner could be personally liable for the acts or omissions of the other partners. Creditors of the partnership, or other people harmed by it, can sue one, some, or all of the partners for their losses. So one partner could be responsible for all the losses of a partnership, even though they didn’t directly cause the losses.

But partners can take steps to reduce the risks. For example, they can use a limited liability partnership (LLP) explained below. And they can get insurance.

BC’s Partnership Act sets out the rules for partnerships

The rules in the Partnership Act apply automatically to all partnerships. If you form a partnership, you may want to change some of these rules by making a written partnership agreement. Partnership agreements are explained later in this script.

Three different types of partnerships under the Act

The Partnership Act deals with three types of partnerships:

  • general partnerships
  • limited partnerships
  • limited liability partnerships

General partnerships

Most small business partners are in a general partnership

To understand how a general partnership operates, say you and your friend Bill want to open a store and be business partners. You would both be equal (50/50) partners. The law presumes that, as partners, you and Bill would share equally in the profits and losses of the partnership, unless your partnership agreement sets out a different split. And you would both have the right to manage the partnership.

Is a partner responsible for the general partnership’s debts?

Yes. General partners are each personally responsible for the partnership’s debts. This is true for both active and inactive partners in the business.

To show how a general partnership works, suppose that you and Bill borrow $10,000 to set up your shop, but your business doesn’t do well, and the partnership cannot repay the loan. The bank can ask you and Bill to pay back $5,000 each. But if Bill can’t or won’t pay his share, the bank can sue you alone for the whole $10,000. It would then be up to you to try to get Bill’s share from him. And if you don’t have enough to repay the debt, the bank could take your personal assets—such as your house or car—even though they are not used in the business. In contrast, company shareholders are liable for company debts only if they have personally guaranteed the company’s debts.

In a general partnership, each partner is personally liable for all the obligations of the partnership, including those resulting from any negligent conduct of a partner in the partnership business.

Can any partner make decisions for the partnership?

Yes. Each general partner is an agent for both the partnership and the other partners. You and Bill can both make contracts for the partnership that legally bind all the partners. If Bill signs a contract with Jane Jones for supplies for the partnership business, you, Smith, and the partnership must each fulfill the contract, whether you agree with it or not.

And any partnership agreement between you and Smith cannot limit your responsibility to people who innocently sign a deal with Smith, believing he is authorized to act for the partnership.

General partners must act in good faith

General partners owe a duty to each other to act with good faith and fairness. You must give each other full information on matters affecting the partnership. You can’t take advantage of something that belongs to the partnership without your partners’ permission, such as using the partnership’s business connections to set up a competing business on the side. And you can’t take a personal benefit from any transaction involving the partnership—like kickbacks from suppliers.

Limited partnerships

What is a limited partnership?

Limited partnerships are mainly for investors who want to invest in a partnership business, but who don’t want to run the business. If you’re an investor only, you could be a limited partner and you would be responsible only for the debts of the partnership up to the amount of money you invested or agreed to invest. This is true if you don’t help manage the partnership. But if you help manage the business, then you would have the same liability as if you were a partner in a general partnership.

A limited partnership must have at least one general partner who has the usual unlimited personal liability described earlier. Usually, the general partner is a company incorporated just for that purpose, so that its shareholders aren’t personally liable for the obligations of the company (script 267 has more information about companies). The general partner is the only partner who can manage the business, so the shareholders who have most of the voting shares of a general partner company also control the management of the partnership business.

Limited liability partnerships

What is a limited liability partnership?

A limited liability partnership (LLP) is an alternative to a general partnership. If you’re a partner in an LLP, you aren’t liable for the obligations of other partners or the partnership that you would be liable for in a general partnership—unless those obligations result from your own actions or inaction. If you haven’t personally incurred any debts, the most you would lose is your investment in the partnership. Your personal and other assets, like your home, wouldn’t be at risk. So with a limited liability partnership, you can help run the partnership business, but have some protection from being sued for the negligence or wrongdoing of your partners.

It’s possible to convert a general partnership or limited partnership to a limited liability partnership.

Other aspects

Choose your partners carefully

You should be partners only with people you trust and have confidence in.

Make a written partnership agreement

A carefully drafted contract called a partnership agreement can be a very useful planning tool and help your partnership run smoothly. It can cover certain things like the following:

  • Will you share the profits 50/50? What if one of you puts up more money at the start than the other?
  • Will you share equally in the losses?
  • Who will manage the business? (If you’re going to run the store and expect to get a salary, this should be included in your agreement or in a separate employment agreement.)
  • How much money or property (for example, equipment) will each partner contribute, and when will it have to be paid?
  • How will decisions be made? By majority vote, or unanimous decision? (You could agree to make some decisions one way, and other decisions another way.)
  • How will new partners be brought into the business, and how can you get rid of a partner or leave the partnership if you must?
  • How will you end the partnership when the time comes, and who’ll get what?
  • What happens when a partner doesn’t live up to their obligations?

Verbal partnership agreements or hand-shake agreements may be enforceable. But partnership agreements should be in writing, dated, and signed by all parties, so you can prove what its terms are and have more certainty in your business. The best time to create a partnership agreement is early, before disagreements arise and become unsolvable.

Registering a partnership

Limited partnerships and LLPs must be registered with the Registrar of Companies. The Partnership Act has a list of the documents that must be filed to create these partnerships. General partnerships should be registered, but they still exist even if you don’t register them.

You should let the Registrar know if any information on your registration changes (for example, if a partner joins or leaves, or if your address changes).

You must pay a fee to register your partnership with the Registrar of Companies and to have the Registrar search the corporate records to make sure someone else isn’t using your partnership name. Depending on the type of partnership, there are procedures for using the partnership name and address. If your partnership is for trading, manufacturing, or mining purposes, or is a limited partnership or a limited liability partnership, you must also file other information and documents with the provincial government.

What income tax does a partnership have to pay?

A partnership doesn’t have to pay any income tax on its profits. But each partner must pay income tax on their share of partnership profits. And if a partnership business loses money, the losses are divided among the partners in the same way as profits would be. For income tax purposes, it’s as though each partner had lost that money running their own business.

Before setting up a partnership, you should get income tax advice from a qualified professional and see a lawyer.

Getting rid of a partner

Under the Partnership Act, a partner cannot be expelled from a partnership, even by a majority vote, unless the power to do so is in a partnership agreement. So the only option would be to dissolve the partnership.

Ending a partnership

Any partner can end a partnership any time by giving notice to all the other partners—unless the partnership agreement says otherwise. Alternatively, a partnership agreement can set a fixed term for the partnership, meaning that it automatically ends after a certain time, or after a task or project ends. When the partnership is over, you file a Dissolution of Partnership (Form 3) with the BC Registrar of Companies. At that point, your ongoing liabilities end.

More information

  • Small Business BC is a government resource centre with information and free guides. Call 604.775.5525 in Vancouver or 1.800.667.2272 elsewhere in BC.

[updated March 2018]

The above was last reviewed for accuracy by Oliver Hamilton and edited by John Blois.

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