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Google Analytics for Clicklaw Website Contributors

Revision as of 18:22, 30 June 2014 by Desy Wahyuni (talk | contribs)

This is a help page for contributors or users.

Clicklaw uses Google Analytics (GA) to collect, report, and analyze data about its website usage. One of the reports is tracking outbound traffic from Clicklaw to contributor websites. The report shows the number of clicks on links to contributor websites. Each time a Clicklaw visitor clicks the link, Google Analytics reports it as one click.

Viewing the report

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the user account and password
  3. From the list of profiles, click on Clicklaw – Site only [v1.0]. You may need to expand the profiles list under Clicklaw.

[screen capture]

  1. Go to Behavior à Events à Top Events. You will see a list of organization names on the screen.[screen capture]
  2. Click on your organization name to see the report for your organization.
  3. By default, the date range for the report is set for the past one month. You can change this using the date range menu.

[screen capture]

  1. You can change the view to Performance. Click on the icon as shown below.

[screen capture]

  1. Click on advance.

[screen capture]

  1. Enter the following filter and click on Apply.

[screen capture]

  1. Click on Export and select the format that you prefer.

[screen capture]

Filtering the report

Exporting the report