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How Do I Make a Priority Parenting Matter Application in the Provincial Court?

Revision as of 21:50, 31 October 2023 by Nate Russell (talk | contribs) (2023 HGCQ updates)


Priority parenting matterEdit

Not all family law matters are priority parenting matters. Priority parenting matters refers to a limited list of situations:

  • When time-sensitive decisions need to be made about a child's health (including giving or withdrawing consent for treatment) and other guardians won't agree.
  • When a passport, licence, benefit, or other thing is needed for a child, but other guardians can't agree and delay will result in risk to the child's wellbeing.
  • When consent to travel or participate in an activity is being wrongfully denied.
  • When a guardian is planning to move with the child, no order or agreement exists, and the move will harm the child's relationship with another guardian.
  • In response to certain interventions by a director under the Child, Family and Community Service Act to have the child removed from the care of someone.

When to make an applicationEdit

You can make an application any time after an Application to Obtain an Order has been filed.

If the registry the action is filed in is a Family Justice Registry (currently Kelowna, Nanaimo, Surrey, or Vancouver (Robson Square) registry), you may have to meet with a family justice counsellor before you can make your application. Note that the Victoria registry also has a unique court process as of 2019. Read the Victoria Early Resolution and Case Management Model section in the chapter Resolving Family Law Problems in Court.

Where there is a genuine emergency, however, you can make your application without having to first see the family justice counsellor, and without having to give notice or very much notice to the other side.

How to make an applicationEdit

The only court form you will need is a Notice of Motion (Form 16). The form is available online. See the Provincial Court Forms section. Your Notice of Motion tells the court the orders that you want the court to make.

You must file your Notice of Motion in the court registry where the Application to Obtain an Order was filed. The staff may book a date for the hearing of your application right there. If the court registry for your matter is a family justice registry (currently Kelowna, Nanaimo, Surrey or Vancouver (Robson Square) registry), staff may need you to go to a first meeting with a family justice counsellor and the other side before booking the date. The hearing date will be written on your Notice of Motion.

You must serve the filed Notice of Motion on the other side at least seven days before the date set for the hearing, along with a copy of any documents you intend to use at the hearing.

The rulesEdit

  • Rule 12: How to make an interim application
  • Rule 13: The rule about affidavits
  • Rule 5: The Family Justice Registry rule

For more informationEdit

The BC Government has introduced an online tool for applying for family law orders and completing the necessary forms. Visit the online guide: Complete your Provincial Court Family Law Act (FLA) Forms.

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by Samantha Simpson, June 11, 2019.

  JP Boyd on Family Law © John-Paul Boyd and Courthouse Libraries BC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada Licence.