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Clicklaw Website Contributor Guide

Revision as of 20:58, 19 December 2013 by Brenda Rose (talk | contribs)

This Clicklaw Website Contributor Guide provides step-by-step instructions, support information, and training videos for organizations that contribute content to Clicklaw. If you are a contributor to Clicklaw Wikibooks, see the Clicklaw Wikibooks Guide.



Getting started as a contributor

Managing your organization's resources

For content in the Solve Problems, Learn & Teach, and Reform & Research sections.

Managing your organization's services

For content in the HelpMap section.

Managing your contributor account

Creating thumbnail images for Clicklaw

Additional resources

Training videos

Clicklaw widgets

  • Clicklaw uses widgets to allow contributor organizations (as well as others) to display portions of Clicklaw content on their own sites.

Resources for Creating and Evaluating Public Legal Education and Information

PLEI Connect

PLEI Connectis an online community of practice for Canadian PLEI practitioners. It's a place where people can learn and share their experiencing with using technology to develop, deliver and measure PLEI.

Guidelines for Creating Online Legal Information - Draft from Australia

The Victoria Legal Assistance Forum in Australia has produced draft guidelines for creating online legal information. These guidelines are a work in progress and can be easily adapted for online BC PLEI resources.

Common Metrics for Measuring Online Resources

What's the difference between a visit, a unique visitor and a page view? The Public Legal Education Working Group has developed a list of common metrics and provided definitions, and reasons for why you would choose to use that metric (or not). Common Web Metrics

About this Guide