This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on August 11, 2023.
A. Legislation
Adult Guardianship Act, RSBC 1996, c 6 [AGA].
Adult Guardianship and Planning Statutes Amendment Act, S.B.C 2007, c 34 [AGPSAA].
Bill 23, Mental Health Amendment Act, 2022 (assented to 2 June 2022), SBC 2022, c 17.
Criminal Code, R.S 1985, c. C-46 (Part XX.1, Mental Disorder provisions) [CC].
Forensic Psychiatry Act, RSBC 1996 c 156 [FPA].
Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act, RSBC 1996, c 181 [HCCFA].
Mental Health Act, RSBC 1996, c 288 [MHA].
Mental Health Amendment Act, S.B.C 1968, c 27 [MHAA].
Mental Health Regulations, B.C Reg. 233/99; O.C. 869/99; B.C. Reg. 96/2018, May 15, 2018
Patients Property Act, RSBC 1996, c 349 [PPA].
Power of Attorney Act, RSBC 1996, c 370 [PAA].
Public Guardian and Trustee Act, RSBC 1996, c 38 [PGTA].
Representation Agreement Act, RSBC 1996 c 405 [RAA]
B. Resources
1. Crisis Resources
Crisis Centre of Greater Vancouver
24 hour hotline that provides emotional support for clients in distress and refers them to other resources for food, shelter, counselling and legal advice. Please note this is not a counselling hotline.
Online |
Phone |
(604) 872-3311 Toll-free: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
Vancouver Coastal Regional Distress Line
This service is delivered by professionally trained volunteers. The crisis line serves all communities within the Vancouver Coastal Health Region.
Online |
Phone |
604-872-3311 Toll-free: 1 (866) 661-3311 TTY: 1 (866) 872-0113
Kids Help Phone
- Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.
- If young people need help right now, they can text a trained, volunteer crisis responder at Kids Help Phone about anything they’re going through. No issue is too big or too small.
- Young people can work with a professional counsellor at Kids Help Phone over the phone or through online chat to better understand what they’re going through.
Online |
Phone |
1(800)-668-6868 Text: 686868
2. Counselling Services
Counselling is an invaluable resource for those experiencing distress resulting from legal issues. Some counsellors may also provide integrated case management for those suffering from more severe disorders requiring greater support.
Broadway Youth Resource Centre (BYRC)
Offers counselling and support services in areas of youth and family, anger management, addiction, housing, employment, sexual orientation and/or gender identity issues. These services are offered without charge.
Online |
Website E-mail:
Address |
2455 Fraser Street Vancouver, BC V5T 0E6
Phone |
Telephone: (604)-709-5720 Fax: (604) 709-5721
Foundry BC
- Foundry is a province-wide network of integrated health and wellness services for young people ages 12-24.
- Foundry’s integrated services make it possible for young people to access five core services in one convenient location: mental health care, substance use services, physical and sexual health care, youth and family peer supports, and social services.
- Young people can access integrated services by walking into one of our 16 local Foundry centres, exploring online tools and resources at, or connecting virtually through the free Foundry BC app.
Online |
Website Central Office email:
Other Counselling Options
This PDF provides an excellent list of options for reduced cost counselling services, compiled by Megan Sutherland of Willow Tree Counselling
3. Advocacy Resources
Access Pro Bono (Greater Vancouver and Victoria)
Provides advice on rights pertaining to mental health law upon appointment. May also be available for habeas corpus applications, s 33 applications under the MHA, as well as applications for judicial review of Mental Health Review Board hearing decisions.
Online |
Address |
300 - 845 Cambie St Vancouver, BC V6B 4Z9
Phone |
Toll-free: 1-877-762-6664
Peer Navigator Program (Canadian Mental Health Association)
Provides peer-based support on a wide breadth of issues surrounding mental health, housing, income assistance, legal aid and community connections.
Online |
Website Email:
Address |
110 - 2425 Quebec St. Vancouver, BC 5TB 4L6
Phone |
(604) 872-3148
Disability Alliance BC
- A self-help umbrella group that raises public awareness about issues affecting people with disabilities.
- Their Disability Law Clinic (DLC) Legal Services program provides free and confidential summary advice and referral services on issues pertaining to accessibility laws, discrimination/human rights, access to services, and accommodation in the workplace.
- A great resource for people with any type of disability (mental or physical) that can provide assistance with a wide range of legal and non-legal issues.
- Clients should contact the Advocacy Access number, below.
Online |
Address |
1450-605 Robson St. Vancouver, BC V6B 5J3
Phone |
(604) 875-0188 TTY: (604) 875-8835 Toll-free: 1-800-663-1278
B.C. Human Rights Clinic (CLAS)
Provides informational services and an advocacy programme to protect human rights and prevent discrimination.
Online |
Address |
1140 West Pender St. Vancouver, BC V6E 4G1
Phone |
(604) 622-1100 Toll-free: 1-855-685-6222 Fax: (604) 685-7611
Provides representation for involuntarily detained patients who have tribunal hearings either under the MHA or the mental disorder provisions of the Criminal Code. Other CLAS programs provide free legal services in specific areas such as housing, worker's rights, E.I., sexual harassment in the workplace, and human rights.
Online |
Address |
1140 West Pender St. Vancouver, BC V63 4G1
Phone |
(604) 685-3425 Fax: (604) 685-7611
COAST Foundation Society
Provides a variety of mental health services, including a mental health resource centre and community or shared housing options.
Online |
Website Email:
Address |
293 East 11th Ave. Vancouver, BC V5T 2C4
Phone |
(604) 872-3502 Toll-Free: 1-877-602-6278 Fax: 604-879-2363
Kettle Friendship Society
A non-profit agency providing support and services to those suffering from mental illness. Services include providing housing assistance, employment advocacy and an on-site health clinic.
Online |
Address |
1725 Venables St. Vancouver, BC V5L 2H3
Phone |
(604) 251-2801 Fax: 604-251-6354
Legal Aid BC
- Legal Aid BC is a provincial Crown Corporation. LABC was created by the Legal Services Society (LSS) Act in 1979 to provide legal information, advice, and representation services. Their priority is to serve the interests of people experiencing barriers accessing the legal system. Some of the services are available to all British Columbians.
- Clients can get legal representation if they face prison issues for which the Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides the right to a lawyer.
Online |
Address |
400-510 Burrard St. Vancouver, BC V6C 3A8
Phone |
(604) 408-2172 Toll-free: 1-866-577-2525
Motivation, Power, and Achievement Society (MPA)
Offers information, counselling and representation for Review panels. The Court Services Program assists clients who have a mental health disability during the criminal court process. Clients may also be assisted following court appearances (e.g., with bail or probation orders).
Online |
Address |
122 Powell St. Vancouver, BC V6A 1G1
Phone |
(604) 482-3700 Fax: (604) 738-4132 Court Services: (604) 688-3417
Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry
- A non-profit organization that provides information about personal planning, specializing in Representation Agreements and operates a centralized Registry for personal planning documents.
- Website includes self-help guides and templates.
4. Government Resources
British Columbia Review Board
- Makes review dispositions where individuals charged with criminal offences have been given verdicts of "Not Criminally Responsible" (NCR) on account of mental disorder or "Unfit to Stand Trial" (UST) on account of mental disorder, by a court.
Online |
Phone |
(604) 660-8789 Toll-free: 1-877-305-2277 Fax: (604) 660-8809
Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division
- Provides recovery-focused programs and services to promote good mental health, and includes resources for youth and adults.
Online |
Website Email:
Address |
905-1130 West Pender St. Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4
Phone |
(604) 688-3234 Toll-free: 1-800-555-8222 Fax: (604) 688-3236
Department of Justice
- The Department of Justice website contains all federal statutes, information about the Canadian justice system, and links to related websites.
Guide to the Mental Health Act
- Provides plain-language explanations regarding the MHA and its implications for those who are impacted by it.
Representing Clients Impacted by Coercive Mental Health and Substance Use Health Laws: Legal Research and Resource Guide
- A guide by Health Justice that provides an overview of legal research and resources for lawyers and advocates to represent affected clients.
- Downloadable PDF is available at the above link.
Mental Health Review Board
- Responsible for conducting reviews of involuntarily admitted patients under the MHA. Their website provides frequently asked questions, rules, and other helpful links.
Online |
Phone |
(604) 660-2325
Ministry of Health Services
- Downloadable MHA forms are available on their website.
Public Guardian and Trustee of BC (PGT)
- An independent, impartial public official and Officer of the Court who serves to balance protection with autonomy and to ensure that people may live as they choose with the support of family and friends.
- Offers Child and Youth Services; namely upholds and protects the rights of those under the age of 19 by reviewing all personal injury settlements, legal contracts, trusts and estates involving minors and by ensuring that children are properly represented in all legal matters that affect their lives.
- Acts as guardian of estate for children who are in provincial government care and for those undergoing adoption.
- Services to Adults are primarily to uphold the rights of adults who are unable to manage their own affairs. This role includes helping them with financial and legal matters and supporting their lifestyle and health care decisions.
- Estate Administration settles the estates of deceased persons when there is no named executor or when there is no one willing or able to act as executor. This includes securing assets, settling debts and claims against the estate and identifying and locating heirs and beneficiaries.
Online |
Address |
700-808 West Hastings St. Vancouver, BC V6C 3L3
Phone |
(604) 660-4444 Fax: (604) 660-0374
Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN)
- Provides advocacy services and up-to-date legal information on wills and estates, trustees and financial planning. PLAN also works with families in developing personal support networks for relatives with disabilities and provides advocacy and monitoring services for families whose parents have passed away.
Online |
Address |
205-175 East Broadway St. Vancouver, BC V5T 1W2
Phone |
(604) 439-9566 Fax: (604) 439-7001
Representative for Children and Youth (RCYBC)
- Supports children, youth and some young adults receiving services or programs provided or funded by government, including addiction services, mental health services, and children and youth with special needs.
Online |
Phone |
Vancouver Access & Assessment Centre (AAC)
- Located at Vancouver General Hospital, the AAC offers short term treatment on-site, by telephone, and by mobile response. Clinical staff, including registered nurses, social workers, and psychiatrists, provide 24/7 support, stabilization, and crisis management to clients.
- To be eligible for this service, clients need to be: 17 years of age and older and residents of Vancouver.
Online |
Phone |
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Chapters 1-7 Criminal Law · Youth Justice · Family Law · Victims · Public Complaints · Human Rights · Workers Compensation |
Chapter One: Criminal Law | |
| Chapter Two: Youth Justice | |
| Chapter Three: Family Law | |
| Chapter Four: Victims | |
| Chapter Five: Public Complaints | |
| Chapter Six: Human Rights | |
| Chapter Seven: Workers' Compensation | |
| |
Chapters 8-14 Employment Insurance · Employment Law · Creditors and Debtors · Consumer Protection · Auto Insurance (ICBC) · Motor Vehicle Law · Mental Health Law |
Chapter Eight: Employment Insurance | |
| Chapter Nine: Employment Law | |
| Chapter Ten: Creditors' Remedies and Debtors' Assistance | |
| Chapter Eleven: Consumer Protection | |
| Chapter Twelve: Auto Insurance (ICBC) | |
| Chapter Thirteen: Motor Vehicle Law | |
| Chapter Fourteen: Mental Health Law | |
| |
Chapters 15-23 Adult Guardianship and Substitute Decision-Making · Wills and Estates · Citizenship · Immigration · Landlord and Tenant Rights · Small Claims · Welfare Law · Strata Law · Referrals |
Chapter Fifteen: Adult Guardianship and Substitute Decision-Making | |
| Chapter Sixteen: Wills and Estate Administration | |
| Chapter Seventeen: Citizenship | |
| Chapter Eighteen: Immigration Law | |
| Chapter Nineteen: Landlord and Tenant Law | |
| Chapter Twenty: Small Claims and the CRT | |
| Chapter Twenty One: Welfare Law | |
| Chapter Twenty Two: Strata Law | |
| Chapter Twenty Three: Referrals | |
© Copyright 2023, The Greater Vancouver Law Students' Legal Advice Society.