Introduction to Immigration Law (18:I)

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Revision as of 23:30, 5 August 2020 by LSLAP (talk | contribs)

This chapter is designed to assist with the following questions pertaining to immigration law in Canada:

  • What is my status?
  • How do I obtain a Work / Study Permit?
  • How do I obtain Permanent Residence?
  • How do I appeal an immigration matter?

It is advised that you reference outside sources in addition to this manual if your question is beyond the scope of the questions listed above. It is also important to refer to the main sources of immigration law (listed below) when researching a legal issue as the law may have changed since the printing of this manual. Notes advising users of potential changes to immigration law have been placed throughout the chapter as a warning that further research may be needed.

It is recommended that you contact an immigration lawyer if you require further assistance. Legal advocacy is recommended for appellate proceedings due to the complex nature of this area of law. Furthermore, several programs in British Columbia offer assistance with Temporary and Permanent Residence applications. If you cannot obtain the services of an immigration lawyer, the Law Students' Legal Advice Program and the services listed in Section XII may be able to provide assistance if you meet their qualifications.

NOTE: The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting immigration, refugees, citizenship and passport services. Further, there is currently travel restrictions to Canada for non-essential travels from the US until at least July 21, 2020 and from outside of the US until at least July 31, 2020. Accordingly, it is recommended that you refer to the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website for updated information on how your client’s legal matter may be affected by the service restrictions imposed by IRCC prior to provide legal advice to your clients. For more information, please see the below website:

NOTE: This chapter does not cover Quebec immigration matters.

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on July 10, 2020.
© Copyright 2023, The Greater Vancouver Law Students' Legal Advice Society.