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Civil Claims and Family Violence

Revision as of 22:47, 10 August 2023 by Nate Russell (talk | contribs) (Awards)


Civil claims for family violence

In British Columbia, family law typically means claims for divorce, spousal support, parenting arrangements, child support, and property division. These family law claims are brought using the Divorce Act or the Family Law Act using the Supreme Court Family Rules or the Provincial Court Family Rules.

There are some legal claims involving former spouses that are not considered family law claims, and these are civil claims. Tort claims fall under the category of civil claims and include claims against a spouse for an injury they caused you. Civil claims aren't covered by the Divorce Act or the Family Law Act. The terms civil claims and tort claims are used interchangeably in this chapter.

Tort claims for abuse and violence can overlap with family law issues, but they arise independently from the Family Law Act and its treatment of family violence. The Family Law Act has its own specific definition of family violence that:

  • includes non-physical forms forms of abuse, such as emotional or financial abuse
  • emphasizes its impact when it comes to making decisions about children
  • offers specific mechanisms like protection orders (discussed in the section on Family Violence in the Family Law Act and the Divorce Act in this chapter)

This said, the Family Law Act doesn't usually give direct financial compensation for family violence. By contrast, a tort claim aims to compensate a victim with direct financial compensation for the wrongful acts of another person.

Introduction to tort law claims

The word tort comes from the Latin word for wrong. Tort law covers things like personal injuries, motor vehicle accidents, negligence, assault and battery, trespass, and more. A tort is a breach of a duty someone owes to another, such as a duty not to hit someone, a duty to drive carefully, or a duty not to dig a hole someone might fall into. Not all harmful actions are torts. It's crucial to talk with a lawyer to see if harm done to you is a tort.

Tort claims aren't outlined in written laws like the rules against robbery or assault in the Criminal Code. Most tort claims are part of the common law', which basically means laws that judges (rather than legislatures) have developed over many years.

Tort claims are more commonly brought in civil proceedings rather than family law proceedings, but they can be part of a family law case. If a claim for assault and battery is made in a family law claim, a judge will treat it as a tort law claim and apply common law principles and rules to the family case.


Tort claims differ from criminal charges. A court can't punish someone with jail or a criminal record just because they committed a tort. A successful tort claim results in an order that financial compensation, or damages, be paid to the victim. The precise dollar value of these damages is based on the concept that every injury or harm, and every consequence suffered by the victim, has a dollar value that the court can calculate. Some damages are easier to calculate based on the evidence of direct financial loss to the victim, for example, lost wages or medical expenses. These direct financial losses are called pecuniary damages. Other damages, such as pain and suffering, are more subjective and the courts look to past cases with similar facts in order to determine what those damages are worth. These are called general damages, or non-pecuniary damages.

General damages can be calculated for:

  • pain and suffering from the violence
  • loss of life enjoyment due to the lasting impacts of the violence

Pecuniary damages can be calculated for:

  • past wages lost due to the violence
  • future wages lost from an inability, illness, or other impairment from the violence (sometimes referred to as lost earning capacity)
  • rehabilitation and job retraining costs
  • past and future medical care expenses tied to injuries caused by the violence

General and pecuniary damages, are types of compensatory damages because they are meant to compensate the victim.

Aggravated damages are awarded by a judge in especially terrible, humiliating, or undignified circumstances. The court may separately identify the aggravated damages, however aggravated damages and general damages are usually assessed together and stated as a single dollar amount. The purpose of aggravated damages is to compensate the victim for humiliating, oppressive, and malicious aspects of the case. In a spousal relationship context, damages often qualify as aggravated damages. The unique power dynamics in many intimate relationships, the fact that there is often a vast difference in size and strength between spouses, and the wide-ranging consequences that arise when violence is a constant threat in one's daily life increase the likelihood that aggravated damages are awarded in family law proceedings that include tort claims related to family violence.

Punitive damages are not about compensating the victim. Courts award them when the wrongful act needs more punishment and a strong message needs to be sent that will help deter others from similar acts.

Specific tort claims

Canadian law students learn about tort law in their first year of study. Tort law is a big part of the Canadian legal system, and it's easiest to think about tort law as a collection of legal tools created by judges to provide compensation to individuals who have been hurt, or whose property has been negatively affected, by a wrongdoer. Tort claims are divided into distinct torts, each with its definition and requirements. The most frequent tort claim in family violence cases is the tort of assault and battery. In tort law, assault means wrongfully threatening someone (assault in criminal law has a different definition). Battery is means wrongfully attacking and harming someone. Assault and battery can include sexual assault. A spouse can make a tort claim against their former spouse or partner for sexual assault.

Other possible torts in family violence cases include intentional infliction of mental suffering, public disclosure of private fact, or false imprisonment. Note that tort law uses specialized language, so your understanding of what "mental suffering" is might differ from how tort law defines it.

Torts are a developing area of law. It is important to be cautious and seek legal advice before using torts because of these changes. In the context of family violence, the Ontario Court of Appeal in Ahluwalia v. Ahluwalia, 2023 ONCA 476, clarified that existing torts like battery, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress were sufficient to address the alleged harms. While not a BC case, this appeal decision from an influential Canadian court is significant because it rejected the creation of a specific "family violence" tort. Nonetheless, the Ontario Court of Appeal case confirms that tort claims, in general, have their place in a family law proceeding. Combining established tort claims (such as assault and battery) and family law claims can make the legal process more efficient, since dealing with tort and family law claims together avoids the duplication of effort compared to starting separate family law and civil (i.e. tort law) cases. Making the different claims together in one family law proceeding also allows a detailed disclosure of assets and income to happen at once.

Starting a civil claim

A tort claim, such as for assault and battery, is a civil claim and must be made by the person who has suffered the harm of family violence. A tort claim about an incident that happened within a domestic relationship can either be made alongside a family law claim in a family law proceeding, or as a stand-alone tort claim in a general civil proceeding.

To make a tort claim part of a family law proceeding, you will use the BC Supreme Court and the Supreme Court Family Rules. That's because a tort claim cannot be heard in a Provincial Court family law proceeding. To bring the tort claim in a stand-alone civil proceeding, many survivors of family violence also choose to use the BC Supreme Court. That's because general civil claims (which includes tort claims) filed at BC Provincial Court are heard by the Small Claims Division of the BC Provincial Court. Small claims awards in BC are limited to $35,000 or less. The other option for a stand-alone claim is to file with the Civil Resolution Tribunal, which is limited to matters under $5,000.

Because different courts have different rules, where you choose to bring your tort claim can have a significant impact on how the case proceeds. It is important to speak to a lawyer, or fully understand which court is best for your case.

In family law proceedings, tort claims can be included as other relief in the forms used to start or respond to a claim under the Supreme Court Family Rules.

Another consideration when starting a tort claim is timing. It is crucial that you bring the claim within the proper limitation period. If you do not file your claim in time, you will miss your opportunity to bring your claim at all. Once a claim has been started, parties will sometimes wait before taking the next court steps. For example, if there is an ongoing criminal trial related to the tort, you may wait until the criminal trial is complete to move forward with the civil process. However, you must still start the civil claim before the limitation date passed.

The challenges of tort claims

This discussion is not meant to discourage individuals who have suffered family violence from making tort claims. It is meant to bring to the reader's attention the difficulties that can sometimes accompany tort claims relating to family violence. Despite these challenges, it can be empowering for a spouse to hold an abusive spouse accountable for family violence through the civil process. If you have been sexually and/or physically assaulted, you should talk to a lawyer experienced in handling such claims and seek advice to determine whether your case is likely to succeed.


The first drawback of a tort claim is that they are often expensive to bring. You will likely need to hire a lawyer if you want to make a tort claim against your spouse. The law governing tort claims is not set out in a statute like the Family Law Act. Instead, it is mostly based on common law (case law). To succeed in your claim, you will have to prove that the tort occurred, and that your injuries resulted from the wrongful act. Proving injuries, especially when they are mainly psychological or emotional, can be complex. A related issue is that you might need to hire experts to assign a financial value to your injuries. For instance, if you are claiming the costs of future medical care, you will likely need a medical expert to inform the court about the type of treatment you will require and for how long.


Even if you're successful, your spouse must have some assets from which they can pay your damages if you win. It's disadvantageous to spend tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees and win, only to discover that your spouse cannot pay your award. This is called a dry judgment.

One potential benefit of bringing your tort claim with your family law claim is that courts have generally factored damages for assault and battery into the calculation of asset division. This can make recoverability more straightforward. In Megeval v. Megeval, 1997 CanLII 3721 (BCSC), a tort claim was made in the same proceeding as a division of property claim. The court divided the family property equally between the parties but awarded the wife $139,150 in damages for injuries resulting from battery. This amount was paid from the husband's share of the family property.

Personal impact

You will need to testify about the family violence and its effect on you openly, honestly, and personally. The opposing party or their lawyer will question you about the tort and its impact on you in open court. Before a trial, you will also need to disclose your medical and counseling records, if any, to the opposing party and their lawyer, and participate in a discovery process that requires sharing relevant information. You might also have to undergo medical and psychological evaluations. These are standard parts of the civil law process, but many individuals find them exceptionally invasive.

Limitation periods

A limitation period is a deadline by which a claim must be made and a court action started. If a limitation period applies to your claim, and it has expired, you cannot make that claim anymore. For assaults involving people whose relationship is not personal or one of dependency, and many torts, the limitation period is generally two years after the incident.

Under section 3(1) of the provincial Limitation Act, there is no limitation period for a number of claims, including:

  • claims relating to sexual assault (for anyone)
  • claims relating to assault, battery or misconduct of a sexual nature while the claimant was a minor
  • claims relating to assault or battery while the claimant was an adult living in an intimate and personal relationship (or had a relationship of financial, emotional, physical, or other dependency) with a person who performed, contributed to, consented to, or acquiesced in the assault or battery.

The tort of family violence (currently under appeal, Ahluwalia v. Ahluwalia, 2022 ONSC 1303) uses a different approach to limitation periods: if a single event, in a pattern of family violence, is within the limitation period, then the claim can be brought and the court can consider the entire chain of events.


The amount of damages a court may award for tort claims depends on the circumstances. If you can, get legal advice to help decide whether a claim is worthwhile in your particular circumstances. Outcomes vary widely, and many factors go into a judge's assessment of the appropriate award. Here are some examples of awards that the courts have made for assault and battery in a family context:

  • In Schuetze v. Pyper, 2021 BCSC 2209, the wife was awarded a total of $695,000 following an exceptionally violent battery. In this case the wife brought the claim as a separate civil action and had expert evidence. This case is under appeal.
  • In Olds College v. Huxley, 2019 BCSC 2111, the plaintiff received $5,000 in damages as a result of statements made in emails, Facebook or YouTube, by his former spouse through the tort of defamation.
  • In T.K.L. v. T.M.P., 2016 BCSC 789, the step-daughter was awarded a total of $93,850 following her step-father spying and recording her while and after she showered. This case was brought using the statutory tort of privacy through the Privacy Act.
  • In A.M. v. S.O., 2014 BCSC 4, physical assault in the form of an open-handed blow to the head resulted in $20,000 for general damages.
  • In Bird v. Kohl, 2012 BCSC 1424, the serious shoulder fracture, concussion, lacerations, and scarring that resulted from repeated strikes with a shovel handle amounted to $75,000 for general damages, $15,000 for aggravated damages, $40,000 for lost wages, and $25,000 for lost earning capacity.
  • In Constantini v. Constantini, 2013 ONSC 1626, verbal abuse during the relationship and pre-meditated break-in and aggressive assault post-separation did not produce permanent disability, but it did result in post-traumatic stress disorder. $15,000 was awarded for general and aggravated damages.
  • In D.G. v. R.M., 2012 SKQB 296, the facts involved a single instance of “horrific” sexual assault including striking, kicking, and biting. $35,000 was awarded for general damages.
  • In Gould v. Sandau 2005 BCCA 190, the trial judge awarded $2,500 for an assault that broke a hand.
  • In Megeval v. Megeval, 1997 CanLII 3721 (BCSC), assault causing permanent disability resulted in $45,000 for general damages, $20,150 for past wage loss, $66,500 for future wage loss, $2,500 for future care, and $5,000 for punitive damages.
  • In N.C. v. W.R.B. [1999] O.J. No. 3633 (Ont. S.C.J.), multiple instances of sexual, physical, verbal, and emotional abuse that caused post-traumatic stress disorder resulted in an award of $65,000 for general damages and $25,000 for aggravated damages.
  • In Shaw v. Brunelle, 2012 ONSC 590, a serious wrist fracture resulting from physical ejection from the home resulted in $65,000 for general and aggravated damages, $25,000 for lost earning capacity, and a figure for costs of future care (to be assessed by an actuary).

These cases have been included only to give you a general idea of how the courts have treated tort claims based on family violence in the past. Damage awards in family violence cases involving assault and battery have changed and appear to be increasing at a rate higher than inflation. You should not rely on these cases to fix a dollar amount to your claim — seek legal advice from a lawyer with experience in this area.

Resources and links


This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by RISE Women's Legal Clinic, June 16, 2023.

  JP Boyd on Family Law © John-Paul Boyd and Courthouse Libraries BC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada Licence.