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Charter Rights: Legal Rights (No. 200)

4 bytes added, 19:32, 17 February 2015
Other rights
==Other rights==
Other sections of the Charter also have rights that apply to a person charged with an offence and to a person affected by a government action. Check script [[Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Equality Rights (Script 232)|232]], called “Charter “''Charter of Rights and Freedoms'': Equality Rights”, and script [[Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Overview (Script 230)|230]], called “''Charter of Rights and Freedoms'': Overview”. The Charter’s equality rights apply to criminal law and may affect what questions a lawyer can ask a witness in court, for example. In addition to the Charter legal rights, other laws give rights to anyone charged with an offence. Some of these rights existed before the Charter and they continue to apply, although the Charter does not mention them.
==Remedies if Charter rights violated==