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My Employer Isn't Paying My Wages

576 bytes removed, 19:43, 10 November 2015
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=== First steps ===
#Contact your employer and see if you can resolve the problem directly.
#If your employer has not responded within 10 days, obtain a "[ Payment Claim Kit]" from [[Employment Standards (Canada)]] of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC). The kit contains a labour standards pamphlet and a Payment Claim letter to your employer. Read the pamphlet and complete and send or if the Payment Claim letter to your employer.#Your employer problem has 10 days to respond to your Payment Claim. If he or she does not, or the matter is not been resolved, you can file obtain a "[ Complaint Registration Form], following the <span class="noglossary">instructions</span> in from [[Employment Standards (Canada)]] the Payment Claim KitService Canada website.
=== What happens next ===
HRSDC <span class="noglossary">Your complaint will</span> investigate your complaint and attempt to resolve it with be reviewed by a Labour Program inspector, who will determine whether a violation has occurred. If you and or your employerdisagree with the findings, there will be an opportunity to provide more information before a final determination is made.
If the complaint can't be resolved, it <span class="noglossary">will</span> be sent to an independent adjudicator appointed by HRSDC, who <span class="noglossary">will</span> hear from both sides and then make a decision called a determination. If you or your employer are not satisfied with the determination, you can appeal it request a review to the Minister of Labour within 15 days of receiving after the determinationnotice was served. The Minister <span class="noglossary">will</span> then appoint If, after the review, you or your employer remain unsatisfied, you can appeal to a referee to make a formal decision.
== Where to get help==