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Impaired Driving (No. 190)

338 bytes added, 21:53, 13 May 2016
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<li>$200 penalty</li>
<li>$250 license reinstatement fee</li>
<li>Responsible Driver Program (depending on driving record)</li>
<li>Ignition Interlock Program (depending on driving record)</li>
<li>$300 penalty</li>
<li>$250 license reinstatement fee</li>
<li>Responsible Driver Program (depending on driving record)</li>
<li>Ignition Interlock Program (depending on driving record)</li>
<li>$400 penalty</li>
<li>$250 license reinstatement fee</li>
<li>Responsible Driver Program (about $880 plus taxdepending on driving record)</li> <li>Ignition interlock program Interlock Program (about $1730depending on driving record)</li>
<li>$500 penalty</li>
<li>$250 license reinstatement fee</li>
<li>Responsible Driver Program (about $880 plus taxdepending on driving record)</li> <li>Ignition Interlock Program (about $1730depending on driving record)</li>
<p><strong>Process the police must follow to issue an IRP</strong>&mdash;the police must require you to provide a breath sample by blowing into an ASD. If you refuse to blow or do not provide a sample that is suitable for the ASD, the officer must issue a 90-day IRP, the same as if you blew and showed a Fail. If the ASD shows a Warn, the officer must review your driving record and issue the appropriate IRP, as the table above shows. If the ASD shows a Fail, the officer must issue a 90-day IRP. When you blow, the officer must tell you that you have a right to blow again into a different ASD. You get the benefit of the lower of the 2 readings and the police have to tell you this.</p>
<p>The officer must make a properly sworn report (a report that they swear is true) to the Superintendent for every IRP they issue. They also have to submit a Certificate of Qualified ASD Calibrator showing when the ASD was last calibrated (checked for accuracy), when the calibration expires, and when the ASD is next due for annual service.</p>
<p><strong>Review process to contest an IRP</strong>&mdash;if the police give you an IRP, you can apply for a review by going to ICBC Driver Services and paying the required fee within 7 days of when the police give you the Notice of Prohibition. The review hearing is held before an adjudicator in the Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles. This office is also called the OSMV and RoadSafetyBC.</p>