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* ✅ You decided whether the society wishes to [[What the New Societies Act Means for Existing Societies#You need to decide whether to become a member-funded society|designate itself as a member-funded society.]] (And if the answer is yes, your members have approved this by special resolution.)
* ✅ You brought the society [[Preparing for Transition under the New Societies Act#Step 2: Update Corporate Registry filings|up-to-date in its Corporate Registry filings]]: its latest annual report is filed and you checked that the registered office and director information is up-to-date.
* ✅ You have in hand the society’s constitution, [[Preparing for Transition under the New Societies Act#Step 3: Prepare the society's constitution|rearranged as required]], in an electronic format that can be copied and pasted, such as a word processing document.
* ✅ You have in hand the society’s bylaws, consolidated as required or duly adopted by the members, in an electronic format that can be uploaded, such as a word processing document or a PDF.