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My Partner Is Abusing Me and My Kids

199 bytes added, 23:31, 28 March 2017
Family Court
===Family Court===
If you have completed an [ [PCFR Form 1 Application to Obtain an Order|Application to Obtain an Order] ] and a [[PCFR Form 16 Notice of Motion|Notice of Motion]] in Provincial Court, and asked the judge for a "without notice" order (an immediate a court appearance without the abuser in attendancebeing there), you <span class="noglossary">will</span> be given a time and date to be in court. At court, the judge <span class="noglossary">will</span> ask you why you want no <span class="noglossary">contact</span> from the abuser. If the judge agrees with you, he or she <span class="noglossary">will</span> make the order until a court date in the future(called a [[PCFR Form 25 Protection Order|Protection Order]]) valid for up to a year (but not longer). Be aware that after After the without notice order Protection Order is pronouncedmade, the Family Court <span class="noglossary">will</span> send a copy to your exthe abuser. Service of the judge's Protection Order will be handled for you, without cost to you.
== Where to get help ==