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Getting Divorced

1 byte added, 18:09, 21 June 2019
The grounds for divorce
Most divorces are based on separation. The only advantage of seeking a divorce based on cruelty or adultery is that the divorce is available relatively quickly; you needn't wait for a year's worth of separation to pass before you are eligible for the order. However, while you are eligible to begin divorce proceedings as soon as you learn of the adultery or experience the cruelty, you must be able to prove that the other spouse committed the wrongful behaviour you allege.
As you can imagine, few people are prepared to admit that they committed adultery or battered their spouse, and as a result , divorces based on these grounds rarely proceed smoothly. In fact, where a court action has dragged on long enough so that more than a year has passed since the parties separated before the matter finally comes to court, some judges will refuse to hear any evidence of the wrongful behaviour and will grant the divorce instead on the basis of the parties' separation.