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I Have Been Dismissed (Fired) without Just Cause

1 byte added, 20:30, 27 September 2011
Where to get help
See the [[Resource Guide]] in Part 2 of this guide for a list of helpful resources. Your best bets are:
* [[Human Resources and Skills Development Canada]], for employees of a federally-regulated employer.
* [[Access JusticePro Bono]], [[Lawyer Referral Service]], [[Salvation Army Pro Bono Lawyer Consultation Program]], [[Private Bar Lawyers]].
* [[Law Students’ Legal Advice Program]] (see Chapter 6 of their Manual, “Employment Law”, for useful information on unjust dismissal).
Before meeting with a lawyer or advocate, complete the form [[Preparing for Your Interview]] in Part 3 of this guide. Make sure you bring copies of all documents relating to your case.
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