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Changing Family Law Agreements

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Child support
Section 150 is the section that says how child support is to be calculated, namely that it is to be calculated according to the Guidelines. As a result, the court will set aside the parts of an agreement dealing with child support if:
#*the payor's income has increased since the agreement was signed,#*the payor's income has decreased since the agreement was signed,#*one or more children are no longer living mostly with the parent receiving support,#*one or more children are now spending their time almost equally with the payor and the recipient,#*one or more children are no longer entitled to receive support, or#*the agreement provides for an inadequate amount of child support for some other reason.
If you are asking the court to set aside the parts of an agreement about child support, you'll need to be able to show why the amount of child support paid under the agreement is no longer the amount of support required by the Guidelines.
====Spousal support====