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:<li>I am the Claimant in this matter, and as such have personal knowledge of the facts hereinafter deposed to.
:<li>I make this my affidavit to correct certain evidence given in my second affidavit, sworn in this matter on 1 April 2012 (the "Second Affidavit").
:<#oneli>At paragraph 12 of the Second Affidavit, I discuss how the Respondent and I bought the green filing cabinet. I have had the chance to give further thought to this purchase, and I now recall that it was a black filing cabinet and that it had four drawers not three. I was mistaken with respect to these two facts in the Second Affidavit.
:<li>At paragraph 15 of the Second Affidavit, I state that the Respondent was late in picking the children up from school on 1 April 2005. Since I made the Second Affidavit, I have had the chance to review my calendar and refresh my memory, and I realize that the Defendant was not late in picking the children up that day.
:<li>At paragraph 18 of the Second Affidavit, I state that the Respondent has two cars. I have read the Respondent's third affidavit, sworn in this matter on 12 April 2012, and I admit that the Respondent is correct when he says that he has but one car. The evidence I gave in the Second Affidavit on this point was incorrect. I had forgotten that the Defendant sold the Chevy Pinto in 2002.