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JP Boyd on Family Law Editorial Manifesto

1 byte removed, 21:58, 1 May 2013
By John-Paul Boyd, April 2013
Finally, I was recently reading the 2012 report of the Family Justice Working Group of the Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters, and gained further insight into the purposes behind my website. In discussion about court-provided information programs, the working group commented that:
<brlockquoteblockquote>“Beyond the obvious value of orienting and helping to organize the parties, these programs are premised on two ideas. The first is that information is essential to a fair resolution. The second is that information is a dispute resolution tool, or put in the negative, misinformation can generate and prolong disputes. … Early information has been demonstrated to be sufficiently effective in reducing conflict and expediting resolution that many provinces have elected to make it mandatory.”</blockquote>
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