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Adopting Children

32 bytes added, 22:44, 5 May 2013
Adoption through the Ministry
People who seek to adopt through the Ministry for Children and Family Development usually do so because they wish to adopt a child but don't have any particular child in mind, as is the case in direct placements or relative adoptions.
The first step in this process is to <span class="noglossary">contact </span> the Adoptive Families Association of British Columbia and speak with an adoption worker. The worker will arrange a meeting with the adopting parents, who will have to fill out an adoption application and an adoption questionnaire. The questionnaire asks the adopting parents about the sorts of children they are prepared to adopt, including racial characteristics, illnesses, mental and physical disabilities, and so forth. The application asks for the following information:
*the name, address, education and present employment of each applicant,