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Resolving Family Law Problems in Court

1 byte added, 01:50, 18 March 2013
Hold on for a minute, do you really have to go to court?
<blockquote>'''Your pocket book.''' The only time litigation isn't expensive is when you do it yourself. If you opt to hire a lawyer, be prepared to pay and to pay a lot. Sometimes a lawyer can help you get things done quickly and with a minimum of fuss and bother, but if emotions are running high, you stand to pay a whopping legal bill, especially if you go all the way through to trial.</blockquote>
There are other ways of solving your problem than litigation. Going to court is only one of the ways to bring your dispute to an end. Other, less confrontational and less adversarial approaches include: negotiation, mediation , and collaborative law. All of these other approaches generally cost a lot less, and, because they are cooperative in nature, they'll give you the best chance of maintaining a working relationship with your ex after the dust has settled. These options are discussed in more detail in the <span style="color: red;">Resolving Problems out of Court</span> chapter.
Now, in fairness, there are times when going to court may be your only choice. It may be critical to start an a court proceeding when:
#there is a threat or a risk of child abduction;
#negotiations have failed and, despite your best efforts, you and your ex can't agree on how to solve your differences.
Absent If none of these important factorsapply to you, your dispute, - no matter how ugly it might seem to you, - can always be resolved by negotiation or mediation rather than litigation. Even a proceeding for a divorce order, which is the only other time when a court proceeding is necessary, can be done in a cooperative, non-confrontational manner.
Think twice before deciding that court is your only option.