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Quickly downloading a whole Clicklaw Wikibook
Here is a complete list of [[:Category:Books|all Clicklaw Wikibooks]].
===Quickly downloading a whole Clicklaw Wikibook===
{||Some titles offer a quick PDF and EPUB file for download on their main page. <br />These are up-to-date only as of the date they were assembled and placed online. <br />These PDF or EPUB files will not include updates to information made by editors after the date indicated. ||  [[File:Quickdownloadscreencap.jpg|Look for these options from the main page of a Clicklaw Wikibook title.]]|}
To download a PDF or EPUB format from the most up-to-date content, click on the cover image of a title from [[:Category:Books|this page]] then look for the ''Download'' box of options. Select the preferred format from the drop-down list and then click "Download" as shown here: