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Talk:How Do I Get Divorced?

701 bytes added, 20:29, 28 October 2013
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1. Not sure how ==Same Sex Marriages and the Civil Marriage Act==Should the preamble in this article refer to put the question mark at the end more rare circumstance where out-of this heading.-country spouses, who have no connection with Canada other than being married here under our same sex marriage laws, want a divorce?--[[User:Nate Russell|Nate Russell]] ([[User talk:Nate Russell|talk]]) 13:29, 28 October 2013 (PDT)
2. Weirdo spacing here. ==Registration of Divorce Proceedings==As of today, it now appears that the registries in at least New Westminster and Vancouver are directing filers to file their own [[Userhttp:Gayla Reid|Gayla Reid]// Registration of Divorce Proceeding] which previously were filed by registry counter staff. Members of the public now print them off and hand them in to the registry. Clients must use the computer to fill out the PDF form ([[User talk:Gayla Reid|talk]]no printing or handwriting) 19:48, 30 April 2013 (PDT)and then print it out to take to the registry.