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Fundamentals of the Law Lesson Module

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==== Canada’s laws ====
Canada’s laws express the values and beliefs of Canadian society. They aim to protect individuals and provide stability for society as a whole. They also aim to make sure there is a peaceful way to settle disputes.
==== Canada‘s Constitution ====
The Canadian constitution is the set of rules that define the powers of the government and the rights of the people. It says how we want to govern ourselves and structure our society. The constitution includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (often called the “Charter”). The Charter lists Canadians’ most important rights and freedoms.
====All Canadians are equal====
'''Equality''' is one of the most important values in Canada.Everyone in Canada is equal under the law. Laws in Canada apply to all people, including the police, judges, and those who work for the government.
====Who makes the laws?====
Canadians vote for people to represent us in government. The people who get the most votes become our elected representatives. It is their job to make the laws.