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Driving in BC Lesson Module

2 bytes removed, 19:44, 5 December 2013
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==Reading material==
*The learner should read the [ Driving in BC] booklet from People’s Law School.
==Instructional packages==
Getting *Instructional package for getting a DriverBC driver's Licence Instructional Package for licence (CLB 5-6 level):*Download the instructional package *[[media:Getting a Driver's Licence Instructional Package CLB 5-6.docx| Download in Word format]] (.docx)*Download the instructional package *[[media:Getting a Driver's Licence Instructional Package CLB 5-6.pdf| Download in PDF format]] (PDF)
* Invite the learner to try the a short [[Getting a Driver's Licence Quiz|quiz on getting a BC driver's lience]] . (optional)
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