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About the Tenant Survival Guide

2 bytes added, 05:53, 4 February 2014
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{{Tenant Survival Guide TOC}}
The ''[[Tenant Survival Guide]]'' is intended to give tenants a basic understanding of residential tenancy law in British Columbia and what it means to them.  [[image:TRAClogo.jpg|120px|left|Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre|link=Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre]]The Guide is produced by the [[Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre]], an educational organization promoting tenants' rights and affordable housing in British Columbia.
==Top five survival tips for problem-free renting==
:Eleventh edition: 2012
[[image:TRAClogo.jpg|120px|left|Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre|link=Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre]]This Guide is published by TRAC Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre with financial assistance from Legal Services Society, the People’s Law School and the Law Foundation of BC.
It is distributed by the People’s Law School ([]).