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Entering a Tenancy

2 bytes added, 06:04, 5 February 2014
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Legally the landlord must give you a copy of the tenancy agreement no later than 21 days after you sign it. Insist on receiving a copy as soon as possible after it is signed.
'''Verbal agreements''' : While the landlord is required to provide a written tenancy agreement with you when you move in, the law still protects you even if you only have a verbal agreement. Furthermore, if you didn’t have a written agreement to begin with you do not have to sign one later on if the landlord tries to change terms that you agreed to verbally.
'''New landlord''' : If you get a new landlord, the rules in your old agreement will stay the same. A new landlord can’t make you sign a new agreement. For example, if your place is sold the new owner would have to follow the same rules about rent increases as if your landlord had never changed.
== Terms in the agreement ==