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4 bytes added, 06:18, 6 February 2014
Court bailiffs carrying out an eviction can seize and sell your personal property to pay their fees, but keep in mind that many items are exempt from seizure and sale, including:
*necessary clothing,
*household furnishings and appliances worth up to $40004,000,*one motor vehicle worth up to $50005,000,
*tools and other property worth up to $10,000 if they are used to earn income, and
*medical and dental aids.
If your belongings are removed from your rental unit by court bailiffs, contact the court bailiff company right away about getting them back. Normally court bailiffs put removed property into storage, and you have 2 two days to claim these exemptions. For more information, see [ RTB Fact Sheet 103: Enforcing and Order of Possession]
===Role of police===