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Taking Action as a Tenant

1 byte removed, 05:30, 7 February 2014
You think the staff at the Residential Tenancy Branch gave you wrong information, made serious mistakes in processing your application, or otherwise unfairly prevented you from accessing their services
Ask to speak to a Residential Tenancy Branch manager or supervisor. Explain the details of the problem you had with the office and the name of the staff member you were dealing with. The manager can only deal with problems you had with office staff or procedures, not with dispute resolution officers or their decisions. Dispute resolution officers are independent decision makers.
If you are not satisfied with the response you get from Residential Tenancy Branch management you can make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman can conduct impartial and confidential investigations to determine if a public agency is being fair to the people it serves. For more information about the Ombudsman call 250-387- 5855 or 1-800-567-3247, or go to the [ BC Ombudsman website].
===You believe that a dispute resolution officer conducted a hearing in an unfair manner===