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Scams to Avoid Quiz

56 bytes added, 19:12, 24 February 2014
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This quiz on Scams Talking to Avoid the Police is part of the [[Scams Talking to Avoid the Police Lesson Module]] in [[Law-Related ESL Lessons]]. The quiz is an opportunity for a learner to <span class="noglossary">assess</span> their understanding.
<quiz display=simple>
{If you have Criminal laws make it legal for a person to pay to receive your “prize”, you have not won anythingkill someone else.
+ - TRUE.- + FALSE.
{You are paying for any calls made In Canada, the police also have to a 900 numberobey the law.
{"Relative scams" involve someone pretending You do not have to be let the police into your friendhouse if they have a warrant.
{You can report suspected scammers There are resources available to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centrehelp victims of crime.
{Some scammers use the doorIn Canada, a person accused of committing a crime is presumed to be guilty until proven innocent.|type="()"}-TRUE.+ FALSE. {A witness to-door approacha crime may have to give evidence in court.
{Buying a service increases your chances of winning a contest.
{Choose one of the following words to complete the sentence. Use each word only once.
Scammers will often ask for your If you see a crime happening, call the { credit police } card numberright away.Some People have the right to know what they are being { legitimate arrested } businesses also sell door-to-doorfor. Some scammers send you what look like government People making a first court appearance should have a { cheques lawyer }with them. The Better Business Bureau can provide information about Young people charged for a crime go to { company youth }court.