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Fundamentals of Canadian Law

1 byte added, 05:30, 4 March 2014
Levels of government
In Canada there are three levels of government: ''federal'', ''provincial'', and ''municipal''. The Canadian constitution describes what the federal government is responsible for, and what the provincial governments are responsible for. The provincial governments can give some of their responsibilities to the municipalities.
We have a federal government for the whole country. It is called the Government of Canada. The elected representatives of the federal government are Members of Parliament, often called MPs. They meet in Ottawa.The leader of the federal government is called the Prime Minister.
The Parliament in Ottawa has two sections: the House of Commons and the Senate. The House of Commons is where Members of Parliament debate and vote in <span class="noglossary">order</span> to make laws. The purpose of the Senate is to review proposed laws to make sure they are the best they can be.