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Fundamentals of Canadian Law

52 bytes removed, 18:26, 7 March 2014
Your responsibilities
You must respect the rights of other people even if you don’t like or don’t approve of those rights.
<blockquote> '''For example''': Irena doesn’t approve of gay couples. Her culture and religion doesn’t accept them. However, in Canada, she cannot discriminate against them.</blockquote>
You also have responsibilities to the community as a whole. Because you can make use of ''social services'' in Canada, you must pay your share of the taxes that finance those services.
Canadian laws aim to balance rights and responsibilities.
<blockquote>'''For example''': When you rent a place to live, you have the right to the quiet enjoyment of your home. Your neighbours also have this right. This means you have a responsibility not to make noise that disturbs your neighbors. And your neighbors have a responsibility not to make noise that disturbs you.</blockquote>
==The rule of law==