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Family Law Agreements

1 byte added, 03:45, 25 March 2013
The Signatures
====The Signatures====
This is the final section of a family law agreement where the parties will each sign their names in the presence of a witness. The parties can sign the agreement at the same time or separately, at different times and in different locations; either . Either way, each party's signature must be witnessed, and the witness, after seeing the party sign the agreement, must sign his or her name to the agreement. The witness usually provides some other information, typically his or her full name, address and occupation.
<blockquote><tt>IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Jane has hereto set her hand and seal at the City of Anytown in the Province of British Columbia, this the 20th day of March, 2013.</tt></blockquote>
...which would be repeated for John's signature and that of John's witness.
The witnesses to the parties' signatures do not become parties to the agreement and the agreement cannot be enforced against them. The signature of the witness simply says that he or she saw the particular party sign the agreement , in case someone ever denies signing the agreement.
==Negotiating Considerations==