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Legal Issues in Residential Care: An Advocate's Manual

596 bytes added, 23:46, 19 June 2014
*'''[[C. Part 3 Care Planning in Consent and Capacity in Residential Care|C. Part 3 Care Planning]]
**[[Residential Care and Consent and Care Plans|Consent and Care Plans]]{{·}}[[Residential Care and Rights Associated with Care Plan Consent|Rights Associated with Care Plan Consent]]{{·}}[[Advance Care Planning - Advance Care Plan and Advance Care Directives|Advance Care Planning - Advance Care Plan and Advance Care Directives]]{{·}}[[Residential Care and Consent and Advance Care Directives|Consent and Advance Care Directives]]{{·}}[[Residential Care and Common Areas of Misunderstanding for Advance Health Care Consent|Common Areas of Misunderstanding for Advance Health Care Consent]]
*'''[[D. Part 4 Personal Care and Consent in Consent and Capacity in Residential Care|D. Part 4 Personal Care and Consent]]
*'''[[E. Part 5 Other Consent Issues in Consent and Capacity in Residential Care|E. Part 5 Other Consent Issues]]