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Legal Issues in Residential Care: An Advocate's Manual

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Chapter Three - Legal Issues in Admission and Transfer
*'''[[B. Admission to the Residential Care Facility|B. Admission to the Residential Care Facility]]
**[[B. Admission to the Residential Care Facility#1. Agreeing to the Admission|1. Agreeing to the Admission]]{{·}}[[B. Admission to the Residential Care Facility#2. Demonstrating Consent|2. Demonstrating Consent]]{{·}}[[B. Admission to the Residential Care Facility#3. Assessing Capability to Consent?|3. Assessing Capability to Consent?]]{{·}}[[B. Admission to the Residential Care Facility#4. What Kind of Decision is Admission to a Residential Care Facility and Who Makes It?|4. What Kind of Decision is Admission to a Residential Care Facility and Who Makes It?]]
*'''[[C. Terms in Admission Agreements and Contracts in Residential Care|C. Terms in Admission Agreements and Contracts]]
*'''[[D. Common Legal Matters in Contracts in Residential Care Admission and Transfer|D. Common Legal Matters in Contracts]]
**[[D. Common Legal Matters in Contracts in Residential Care Admission and Transfer#1. Payment Default and Guarantees|1. Payment Default and Guarantees]]{{·}}[[D. Common Legal Matters in Contracts in Residential Care Admission and Transfer#2. Signing as a Substitute Decision-Maker (SDM)|2. Signing as a Substitute Decision-Maker (SDM)]]{{·}}[[D. Common Legal Matters in Contracts in Residential Care Admission and Transfer#3. Other Areas|3. Other Areas]]
*'''[[E. Contractual Protections in Legal Issues in Admission and Transfer|E. Contractual Protections]]