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Chapter Six - Consent and Capacity
*'''[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care|Health Care Consent]]
**[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#The Conditions of Health Care Consent|The Conditions of Health Care Consent]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#Who Must Seek Consent for Health Care?|Who Must Seek Consent for Health Care?]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#What Is is Meant by Health Care“Health Care”?|What is Meant by Health Care“Health Care”?]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#Consent Rights|Consent Rights]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#The Consent Process|The Consent Process]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#How Does a Person Give Consent?|How Does a Person Give Consent?]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#Exceptions to Requiring Consent|Exceptions to Requiring Consent]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#Health Care at the Margins|Health Care at the Margins]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#Areas of Confusion Around Health Care Consent in Residential Care|Areas of Confusion Around Health Care Consent in Residential Care]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#Information Rights|Information Rights]]{{·}}[[Health Care Consent in Residential Care#Exploiting Consent Loopholes?|Exploiting Consent Loopholes?]]
*'''[[Care Planning in Residential Care|Care Planning]]