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Directing Residential Care Concerns to External Bodies

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Police services can function as a sword and a shield in residential care facilities, in the sense they can be used for the benefit of the resident, or as a mechanism of control over residents and families.
In some cases, health authorities have used adult guardianship law to obtain a Justice of the Peace Warrant to prevent family from removing a resident from the care facility. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|971]])Issues related to the use of police by operators to control access to the resident are described in the Chapter 4 “Legal Issues When Living in Residential Care”.
'''Police investigations:''' Police sometimes seek information from staff at the care facility about a resident or family member. Staff may erroneously believe they can simply share resident information with police inquiries.
* there is a lawful investigation,
* a court order, search warrant, notice to produce or other lawful instrument has been presented, or
* it is an urgent request (e.g. life and death). ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|982]])
The term “lawful investigation” in this context means where there is an active investigation and file number. The police or other designated/delegated authority must also provide sufficient reasons why normal procedures are not reasonable in the circumstances (e.g. such as warrants, court orders). Operators must keep track of these police requests for information and how the request has been handled.
Where the care issue deals with privacy of information or access to health information, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner may be contacted for assistance. Common examples of privacy breaches include: where the care facility staff member has given personal information to a third party without consent, or the care facility has refused to allow the resident or their substitute decision-maker access to the resident’s records.
It should be noted that the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|993]]) sets out the access and privacy rights of individuals, but only as they relate to the public sector. The Personal Information Protection Act ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|1004]]) covers information privacy disputes and related matters between private citizens (e.g. where the resident is in a private pay bed) and is outside of the Commissioner's jurisdiction.
===Human Rights Tribunal===
* religion
If a resident in a care facility experiences discrimination or harassment based on a protected ground, the resident can apply to the Human Rights Tribunal. The provincial Code, in contrast to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, covers both public and private actors. It also does not matter whether or not there was any intention to discriminate.([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|1015]])
The BC Human Rights Code places an important responsibility on all private and public bodies providing services to accommodate those who would otherwise be discriminated against. The duty to accommodate includes making suitable policy, practice and resource adaptations. For example, that might include modifying or adapting a private operator’s residential care practice or a Ministry of Health policy in order to alleviate or eliminate the harsher impact that the requirement had on a particular resident, or on a group of residents. This duty to accommodate is always in relation to the prohibited ground of discrimination. Human rights protections and the duty to accommodate are important.
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It is possible, although challenging, to launch a “representative” case (“class action”) complaint with the Tribunal, where a number of similarly situated persons are experiencing the same discrimination. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|1026]]) The Tribunal has the capacity to hear adverse effect discrimination and systemic discrimination cases, both of which are important and relevant in residential care.
Within the Code there is the opportunity to argue that residents have experienced “adverse effect discrimination”. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|1037]])This refers to a policy or practice that appears neutral (e.g., it applies to everyone), but imposes penalties, obligations or restrictive conditions that have a disproportionately negative effect on an individual or group because of some special characteristic of that individual or group that is protected by the Code. For example, this might occur if the services are only provided by English speaking care providers, but many of the residents in that facility speak Mandarin. These residents will likely be socially isolated, will not be able to understand any care instructions, and may be at greater risk of harm than other residents.
Adverse effect discrimination in services might occur where there is little if any effort to accommodate cultural and gender restrictions about receiving personal care. It may occur when the care facility foods are cooked off premise, or if the facility rules prohibited gifts of outside foods that met their cultural needs, and there was no accommodation for the cultural or religious preferences or dietary restrictions of a resident (e.g. kosher, halal, vegetarian). Culturally familiar foods, social and recreational activities are increasingly being recognized as important to strengthen cultural connectedness and maintain ethnic identity in residential care. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|1048]]) However, to amount to discrimination under the Code, it must be possible to draw a reasonable inference from the facts that there is a connection between the adverse discriminatory conduct and a prohibited ground of discrimination.
“Systemic discrimination” is discrimination that results from the simple operation of established procedures, none of which is necessarily designed to promote discrimination. For example, LGBT seniors point out that many aspects of care- from the way admission forms are worded to the day to day operations - effectively overlook even the possible existence of LGBT seniors in care, and treat them as “invisible”. The discrimination is then reinforced by the exclusion of the disadvantaged group (“obviously we don’t have any LGBT seniors in our resident population”). The exclusion fosters the belief, both within and outside the group, that the exclusion is the result of “natural” forces. To combat systemic discrimination, it is essential to create a climate in which both negative practices and negative attitudes can be challenged and discouraged.
One of the major challenges for residents whose human rights have been violated, is that these rights are treated as “personal rights”. The Human Rights Tribunal will not deal with the matter if the person dies after the matter has been referred to a Tribunal and before it has been heard by that Tribunal. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|1059]]) Unfortunately this means systemic forms of discrimination can continue by simply delaying and waiting for resident (human rights complainant) to die.
====The Process====
British Columbia’s human rights system has had a “direct access” process since 2003 where cases can be brought to the BC Human Rights Tribunal. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|10610]])About three to five percent of all complaints received go before the Tribunal. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|10711]])
Complaints are received by the Tribunal Registrar who screens the complaints according to whether they are within the Tribunal’s jurisdiction and whether there is an apparent human rights claim. In recent years, in efforts to become “more efficient”, the Tribunal has “screened out” substantially more cases at first instance, an interesting development given that the Tribunal is purported to be “direct access."([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|10812]])
The Tribunal has a settlement process to resolve received discrimination complaints at an early stage (within three to four months of application). The Tribunal itself is a highly legalistic and technically cumbersome process for most individuals, especially for those who are vulnerable. Complainants using the direct access process have a lower rate of success with the Tribunal than through the old Commission process. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|10913]])Unrepresented complainants have a low chance at success in a hearing.([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11014]])
====Help with the Process====
The BC Human Rights Coalition in partnership with the Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) runs a human rights clinic program that offers client services and public legal education. It may be able to provide legal advice and representation before this Tribunal. The Coalition has a number of qualifying criteria to determine initial client eligibility focusing on alternative redress processes, assistance from other legal or professional sources, financial status, the nature of the issue and whether there are systemic issues, the merits of the case and likelihood of success, and whether the case raises novel issues of law. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11115]])
Because other processes such as the Patient Care Quality Office and Patient Care Quality Review Tribunal exist in theory as an alternative redress, residents in care facilities may face a significant barrier to accessing this human rights resource. However this is only one of many barriers to drawing on this remedy. Other barriers include the timeliness, ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11216]])access to legal representation, the resident’s mental capacity (to retain services, instruct counsel), their physical frailty, and cost implications. Legal advocates in other jurisdictions have typically found older clients, especially those in long term care facilities unwilling to consider using this remedy.
In British Columbia, very few legal resources have had the opportunity to develop experience in arguing or hearing discrimination cases affecting older adults on any protected ground, with the notable exception of age related workplace discrimination. It is only very recently that the Human Rights Tribunal has begun hearing cases involving discrimination in accommodation or services affecting older adults. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11317]])
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====International Human Rights====
There are a number of international human rights conventions that can also be relied to support human rights (non discrimination) based arguments for people living in residential care, such as equitable access to wheelchairs. These include for example, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which Canada signed in 2007 and ratified it in 2010. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11418]])It places a responsibility on Canada to address the many barriers faced by persons of any age with a disability. The provincial and territorial governments are responsible for implementing rights in the Convention within their jurisdictions. From a human rights perspective, for example, a wheelchair is more than an assistive device for many people with disabilities; it is the means by which they can exercise their human rights and achieve inclusion and equal participation. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11519]])
===Ombudsperson Office===
([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11620]])The Ombudsperson is an independent officer of the Legislature appointed under the Ombudsperson Act. The focus of the Office is to ensure that every person in British Columbia is treated fairly in the provision of public services. The Ombudsperson has the responsibility to advise government on systemic causes of unfairness and to recommend changes to practices, policies and legislation that contribute to recurring unfairness.
====Role, mandate, function====
The Ombudsperson can also consult with authorities to improve administrative practices by identifying issues, providing reasons, and making recommendations. The Ombudsperson provides reports to the Legislative Assembly about administrative fairness issues, the causes of recurring unfairness and how these can be remedied.
According to the Ombudsperson Office, the focus of administrative fairness to assure procedural fairness and effective public administration. This involves having appropriate legal authority; useful policies and procedures; clear public information; accessible programs; consistent standards of practice; adequate monitoring and enforcement; and timely and responsive complaint resolutions. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11721]])
The Ombudsperson has authority over a wide range of government departments and Ministries; perhaps one of the most relevant ones here is the Ministry of Health. From 2008 to 2009 the Ombudsperson carried out an extensive review of care for seniors in British Columbia, identifying a wide variety of situations where seniors and families were not being treated in a fair manner in home support and residential care services. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11822]]) In 2012 the Ombudsperson also reviewed the circumstances under which certificates of incapability were being issued in British Columbia to declare persons (typically seniors) incapable of managing their financial affairs. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|11923]]) The Ombudsperson’s review focused on whether the incapability certificate process was fair, and whether there were sufficient procedural safeguards to protect the person’s rights.
Complaints to Ombudsperson may be made by a person or group of persons.([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12024]]) A complaint must be in writing. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12125]])The Ombudsperson is a resource of last resort; that is, the person must have gone through the other avenues first.
====Available remedies====
The Ombudsperson can make recommendations which may or may not be acted upon by the public body. These recommendations are typically couched in language of “administrative fairness” and “natural justice” not whether the actions are legal. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12226]]) The Ombudsperson’s work is guided by the democratic principles of openness, transparency and accountability.
===The Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT)===
The Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT) has numerous roles. In the context of residential care, the PGT’s responsibilities can include investigating
* the personal care and health care decisions made by a representative or guardian, ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12327]])* the affairs of a representative, guardian or person holding a power of attorney, if the Public Guardian and Trustee has reason to believe that the interest in the trust, or the assets of the adult, may be at risk. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12428]])* adult who is apparently abused or neglected, as defined in the Adult Guardianship Act. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12529]])
These investigations can also occur if the Public Guardian and Trustee has reason to believe the representative or guardian has failed to comply with his or her duties. The PGT responsibilities includes the power to investigate and audit the affairs, dealings and accounts of certain trusts. The PGT can handle disputes about substitute decision making.
The Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT) has jurisdiction over health care decisions, when no one is available or qualified from the list of substitute decision makers. The PGT office can authorize another person such as a friend of the adult to make substitute decisions. If there is no person to authorize, the PGT can take the role as Temporary Substitute Decision-Maker.
The PGT also has jurisdiction when there is a dispute between potential substitute decision-makers of equal rank about who is to be chosen to make decisions on the person’s behalf and the issue cannot be resolved by the health care provider. In those circumstances, the health care provider is required to contact a Health Care Decisions Consultant at the Public Guardian and Trustee. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12630]])
The PGT also has the authority to act as Committee of the Estate when a person is declared mentally incapable under the Patient Property Act. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12731]]) This area of law on the role of the PGT and “incapability certificates” is undergoing major change at present, and a new approach is expected to be in place by the end of 2014.([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12832]])
==Directing Concerns to Review Boards==
As noted in Chapter 3 (Legal Issues in Admission & Transfer), older adults are sometimes admitted to a hospital where they become involuntarily detained under the Mental Health Act and then involuntarily transferred to a residential care facility on “extended leave. “ They can also be transferred from a care facility to a hospital and become involuntarily detained under the Mental Health Act. In both cases, they lose basic rights and can be treated without consent.
There is a formal process for medically certifying adults under the Mental Health Act. However, the adult does not have to be personally examined by a psychiatrist or even a physician in order to be involuntarily detained under the Mental Health Act. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|12933]]) The physician may operate on collateral information when “medically certifying “the person. This can sometimes lead to unnecessary loss of liberty. However, the Mental Health Review Board can review the continued involuntary detention of people “medically certified” under the Mental Health Act. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13034]])
The Mental Health Review Board is an independent tribunal established to conduct review panel hearings under the Mental Health Act. The review panel makes a decision on only one issue - whether the person continues to meet the criteria to remain as an involuntary patient under the Mental Health Act. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13135]]) It does not make decisions about treatment. However, if the person is no longer involuntarily detained, the treatment issues usually become moot.
The Board's mandate is based on involuntary patients' periodic rights to fair and timely reviews of their loss of liberty. Its function is to ensure that people admitted by physicians and detained involuntarily in the designated facilities have access to an objective review process.
The system is subject to the constitutional rights of section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13236]]) which states that "[e]veryone has a right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
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| width="100%" | The Mental Health Review Board and review panels do not deal with treatment issues. The Mental Health Act permits a request for a second medical opinion on appropriateness of the treatment, within one month, three month and six month time frames under the Act. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13337]])
Also if a patient, relative or other person has a complaint about the treatment provided to an involuntary patient, the complaints may be brought to the attention of several different parties. This includes the patient's physician, the director of a designated facility, the hospital administration, the patient care quality officer (a service available at all hospitals in BC to deal with patient complaints), the health authority, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C., the College of Registered Nurses of B.C., the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of B.C., the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of B.C., or the provincial Ombudsperson. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13438]])
One of the major issues with relying on these regulatory bodies for residential care concerns is how long the complaint and investigation process takes. The College of Physicians and Surgeons notes for example, that the College tries to resolve complaints within six to eight months, but matters can take much longer. Decisions of the various professional colleges can be reviewed by the Health Professions Review Board. However, these reviews will be limited to the adequacy of the investigation and reasonableness of the decision (“disposition”) by the college. Even if a matter is found in favour of the person who made the complaint, the review board can only redirect the matter back to the professional college.
Legal advocates working in institutional environments also note that regulatory colleges and review boards may not promote compliance or enforce the existing law (such as health care consent law) with their members, especially if the person’s actions are simply considered a “standard practice“. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13539]])
For example in one British Columbia case the Health Professions Review Board appeared to implicitly condone a physician’s use of a consent to treatment given at admission when he prescribed a psychoactive medication to a cognitively impaired resident without consulting the family (a common occurrence in residential care). The Review Board accepted that the physician felt he had implied consent for “what was termed ‘minor‘ forms of treatment such as painkillers and anti-diarrheal medications”. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13640]]) As noted throughout this manual, legally operators cannot request blanket consent to treatment at admission or any other time. The substitute decisionmaker cannot legally give it either because it violates the underlying premise of giving “informed consent” based on the condition and information at hand The Health Review Board referred to the physician’s actions simply as a “failure to communicate”, not as a breach of the resident’s legal rights around consent.
===Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board===
Licensed residential care facilities can seek an exemption from certain sections of the Community Care and Assisted Living Act. Among other things this administrative tribunal (Board) is responsible for appeals dealing with the certification for care facilities and exemptions from the Act of certain standards or requirements. An operator is expected to show how the current regulations or standards cannot be met and how exemption will not increase the risk to the residents’ health and safety. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13741]])
People other than the operator or licensee can appeal these exemptions. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13842]]) The appeal can be brought within 30 days by a resident or the resident’s agent or personal representative of a person in care, or resident’s spouse, relative or friend. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|13943]]) It has been used by residents’ families to appeal an operator’s efforts to close the facility without adequate notice. The Appeal Board is authorized by Community Care and Assisted Living Act.
==Addressing Systemic Concerns: BC Seniors Advocate==
The BC Seniors Advocate was appointed in March 2014 and is the first position of its kind in Canada. The Advocate has a broad mandate to identify and examine systemic issues affecting the well-being of seniors, raise awareness about resources available to seniors, and make recommendations to government and others who deliver seniors’ services related to health care, personal care, housing, transportation and income support. The Seniors Advocate does not investigate individual complaints. The position is governed by the Seniors Advocate Act. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|14044]])
The Seniors Advocate will be responsible for:
:(a) monitoring the provision of seniors' services,
:(b) analyzing issues believed to be important to the welfare of seniors generally, and
:(c) advocating in the interests of seniors. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|14145]])
The Advocate has authority to:
:(b) collaborate with persons who deliver seniors' services for the purpose of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery;
:(c) promote awareness, by seniors, their caregivers and their families, of systemic challenges faced by seniors, and of the resources available to seniors;
:(d) make recommendations to government and to persons who deliver seniors' services respecting changes to improve the welfare of seniors. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|14246]])
Because it is a new office, the specifics of the role of the Advocate will gradually unfold. At this point, the Seniors Advocate’s power to gather information is largely in relation to developing an advisory council, conducting research and consulting with persons who deliver seniors' services and with the public. The Senior’s Advocate may request information from public and private sector service providers, other than personal information.
The Seniors Advocate Act provides a notable safeguard for residents in care facilities, their families and advocates; the law specifically offers a protection from retaliation for people who give information to the Seniors Advocate. ([[Chapter Five Legal Issues in Residential Care {{PAGENAME}}#References|14347]])However the Seniors Advocate Act does not identify penalties or repercussions if a person or organization contravened the protections from retaliation.
#See Bentley v. Maplewood.
#Interior Health. Policy AL1500. Police -designated/delegated authority access to clients and client information.
#Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [RSBC 1996] c.165.
#Personal Information Protection Act [SBC 2003] c. 63.
#BC Human Rights Code, [RSBC 1996] c. 210, s.2.
#See for example, Cole and Joseph obo others v. Northern Health Authority and others, 2014 BCHRT 26, where a group in the Prince Rupert area argued that the hospital services available to First Nations people were significantly lower or deficient compared to those in other communities.
#Ontario Human Rights Commission v. Simpsons-Sears Ltd.1985 CanLII 18 (SCC), [1985] 2 S.C.R. 536.
#Kolb. P.J. (ed.) (2007).Social work practice with ethnically and racially diverse nursing homes. Columbia University Press. p. 185.
#British Columbia v. Gregoire, 2005 BCCA 585. The Court of Appeal held that the Tribunal did not have jurisdiction to proceed further upon the death of the complainant. However, for a bit more promising approach (outside of human rights code) to actions surviving the death of the complainant, See Dudley v. Canada (Attorney General) [2013] B.C.J. No. 1191.
#McNaughton. , H. “Lessons learned: the BC direct access Human Rights Tribunal” Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014) [“MacNaughton”]
#In 2010-11, of 1063 complaints (828 filings) received by the BCHR Tribunal, only 38 made it to the Tribunal stage and 20 of these were dismissed. (Last accessed May 1, 2014). In 2012/ 13, 1028 complaints were received, of which 51 led to Tribunal hearings. Forty percent of complaints were rejected for filing at the first instance in 2012/13. (Pg. 2 of 2012/13 Annual Report). Online; (Last accessed May 1, 2014)
#There is currently no specific legal authority for the Tribunal Registrar to undertake the screening. In the 2012/ 13 BCHRT Annual Report, the Tribunal specifically asked the government to amend the Code to give the Tribunal Registrar authority to screen complaints.
#MacNaughton, p.5.
#The 2011-12 BCHRT annual report notes for example that Complainants with counsel succeeded in 56% of their cases. Without counsel, the complainants succeeded in only in 31% of the cases. Pg. 11. Online : (Last accessed May 1, 2014). In 2012-13, complainants with counsel succeeded in 71% of the cases, those without counsel succeeded only in 36% , pg 9. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014)
#BC Human Rights Coalition. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014)
#The 2011-12 BCHRT Annual Report noted it was taking 280 to 400 days from application to resolution .
#See: Perry v. Strata #49 Council, 2014 BCHRT 7. However, the complaint’s case was dismissed not on the merits, but because the complainant did not specifically base her case on age discrimination.
#Chantal, C. Canada and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities , Social Affairs Division. 5 December 2012, HillNote Number 2012-89-E. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014). Also see: World Health Organization. Guidelines on the provision of manual wheelchairs in less resourced settings. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014) [ “WHO Wheelchair Guidelines”]
#WHO Wheelchair Guidelines, pg. 22.
#Ombudsperson Act [RSBC 1996] c. 340. [“Ombudsperson Act”]
#Office of the Ombudsperson. “Administrative fairness”. Online : ( last accessed May 1, 2014).
#Document Review - staff reviewed documents obtained from the health authorities and provided to office by the public and other interested organizations. Information reviewed included: legislation, regulation and policies; government letters of expectations, international, national and provincial documents that establish basic principles and standards for the care of seniors, guidelines, directives and bulletins, statistics related to the population of seniors in B.C., organizational charts and job descriptions; program descriptions, policies, guidelines and public information; handbooks, brochures, booklets and online information about home and community care; information about programs and services offered in other jurisdictions; service agreements between health authorities and contracted service agencies; reports about seniors’ care in B.C. and other jurisdictions
#BC Ombudsperson (February 2013). No longer your decision: British Columbia’s process for appointing the public guardian and trustee to manage the financial affairs of incapable adults. Public Report No. 49. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014) [ “No longer your decision”]
#Ombudsperson Act, s. 10(1).
#Ombudsperson Act, s. 10 (2)
#An administrative fairness checklist can be found in the Ombudsman’s 1990 Annual Report to the Legislative Assembly.
#Public Guardian and Trustee Act [RSBC 1996] c. 383, s. 17(2) (“PGTA”)
#PGTA, s. 17(1) (c), (d), and (e).
#PGTA, s. 17(1) (b).
#See section 16(3) Health Care (Consent) And Care Facility (Admission) Act [RSBC 1996] c.181 . Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014)
#Patients Property Act [RSBC 1996] c. 349.
#These changes are the direct result of the recommendations made in the BC Ombudsperson 2013 report “No longer your decision.”
#BC Ministry of Health (2005) Guide to the Mental Health Act, pg. 11. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014)
#Mental Health Act, sections 25(2), 25(4.1) [ “MHA”]
#Mental Health Review Board. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014).
#Constitution Act, 1982 (80). Part I Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
#MHA, s. 31.
#Mental Health Review Board. “Commonly asked questions. What are the limits of what the review panel can decide? “ Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014)
#Romano, L., Wahl, J.A. & Meadus, J. (2008). Submission to the Law Commission of Ontario concerning the law as it affects older adults. Advocacy Centre for the Elderly, pg. 7.Online : (Last accessed May 1, 2014).
#See for example. Complainant vs. College of Physicians and Surgeons and 5 Registrants. 2011-HPA-219(a); 2011-HPA-220(a);2011-HPA-221(a);2011-HPA-222(a) Re: The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (Grouped file No. 2012-HPA-G03). Online :;2011-HPA-220(a);2011-HPA-221(a);2011-HPA-222(a).pdf (Last accessed May 1, 2014).
#VIHA . What is an exemption? Community Care Facilities Licensing Program. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014). See for example, Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board.
#CCALA, s. 16.
#CCALA, S. 30 (a) and (b)
#Bill 10, the Seniors Advocate Act, 2013. Online:
#Seniors Advocate Act, s. 3 (1) [« SAS »]
#SAA, s.3 (2).
#SAA, s.9. “A person must not discharge, suspend, expel, intimidate, coerce, evict or impose a financial or other penalty on or otherwise discriminate against another person because the other person gives information to the Seniors Advocate or otherwise assists the Seniors Advocate in the fulfillment of the responsibilities of the Seniors Advocate under this Act.”
{{REVIEWED | reviewer = BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support, June 2014}}
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