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Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (No. 235)

85 bytes removed, 23:37, 18 February 2016
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==What if you’re upset with how your personal information is being handled?==
If you disagree with how your personal information is being managed, you should first complain directly to the public body or organization about how it collects, uses, or discloses your personal information. If that doesn’t help, you can file a complaint with the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Their website ([ Information and Privacy Commissioner]) explains how to do that.
==Where can you find more information?==
See Check the website of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner at [ Information and Privacy Commissioner website]. You can also phone the Office at 250.387.5629 in Victoria. For toll-free access, call Enquiry BC (604.660.2421 in Vancouver and 1.800.663.7867 elsewhere in BC) and ask them to connect you.
For information records, send your written request directly to the public body or private organization that has the information you want.