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Other Key Laws and Regulations in Residential Care

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Rights, Remedies and Oversight
* '''Coroners Act''' ([[{{PAGENAME}}#References|36]]) - Among other things, this Act places a responsibility on everyone in British Columbia to report the death of anyone who they believe has died as a result of violence, accident, negligence, misconduct or malpractice, ([[{{PAGENAME}}#References|37]])or suicide to a coroner or peace officer.([[{{PAGENAME}}#References|38]])That includes the death of a person living in a residential care facility or who is transferred to a hospital or other setting from a residential care facility. Accidental, negligent or violent deaths in residential care may involve a wide variety of circumstances, including a missing person who is cognitively impaired, a mechanical equipment malfunction, scalding during bathing, or assaults between residents.
* In recent years, the BC Coroner has investigated incidents of residents' death caused by another resident. ([[{{PAGENAME}}#References|41]]) In theory, a Coroner's investigation may result in a coroner's inquest, a death review panel, or a coroner's report to the institutions that were responsible for the care of the residents involved. The Coroner can also investigate any sudden and unexpected death when the person was apparently in good health and not under the care of a medical practitioner,([[{{PAGENAME}}#References|39]]) as well as deaths from disease, sickness or unknown cause, for which the person was not treated by a medical practitioner.([[{{PAGENAME}}#References|40]]) In recent years, the BC Coroner has investigated incidents of residents' death caused by another resident. ([[{{PAGENAME}}#References|41]]) In theory, a Coroner's investigation may result in a coroner's inquest, a death review panel, or a coroner's report to the institutions that were responsible for the care of the residents involved.
==Legislation Related to Funding==