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#See: PCQO Resource Guide. Also note: Murtaugh, J. (2012). Patient Care Quality Program Final Evaluation Report. Prepared for BC Ministry of Health. Online: [“Murtaugh”] (Last accesssed January 9, 2016). Notes that staff find the PCQ timelines challenging and unreasonable.
#See Murtaugh, pg. 17, Figure 1. For 2014/15 data see Office of the Seniors Advocate,Monitoring Seniors Services, 2015. pages 19-20. Online: ( Last accessed May 10, 2016).
#Murtaugh, pg. 24.
#Ombuds, Best of Care, Recommendation 160: The Fraser, Interior, Northern and Vancouver Island health authorities inspect all residential care facilities governed under the Hospital Act in the same manner and with the same frequency as they inspect residential facilities licensed under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act commencing immediately.
#Office of the BC Ombudsperson. June 2013. Update on Status of Recommendations- The Best Of Care: Getting It Right For Seniors In British Columbia (Part 2) Public Report No. 47 Pg. 8.
##March 2013 - FH FHA confirmed that it conducts and will continue to conduct annual inspections of residential care facilities governed under the Hospital Act in the same manner as CCALA facilities are inspected.
##October 2012- FHA has begun annual Hospital Act facility inspections. -January 2012
##FHA will collaborate with the Ministry of Health and other health authorities to develop and implement a standardized and consistent approach to the inspection of residential facilities governed under the Hospital Act.